ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • XssEncode

    by Medicean 5K Installs
    Converts characters from one encoding to another using a transformation.
  • Monokai Extended

    by jonschlinkert 155K Installs
    Extends Monokai from Soda with additional syntax highlighting for Markdown, LESS, HTML, Handlebars and more.
  • Github Color Theme

    by AlexanderEkdahl 52K Installs
    Similar syntax highlighting to GitHub
  • LSP-bash

    by sublimelsp ST3 7K Installs
    Bash support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through bash-language-server.
  • GitHub Theme

    by mauroreisvieira ST3 45K Installs
    GitHub's Sublime Text themes
  • Monokai++

    by dcasella 80K Installs
    A modern Monokai theme for Sublime Text 3 and Visual Studio Code
  • LSP-typescript

    by sublimelsp ST3 31K Installs
    TypeScript, JavaScript support for Sublime LSP plugin
  • Catppuccin color schemes

    by Catppuccin ST3 6K Installs
    🍋 Soothing pastel color schemes for Sublime Text
  • Guna

    by poucotm ST3 53K Installs
    🍁 Most Innovative Theme for Sublime Text
  • Theme - Soda

    by buymeasoda Top 100 914K Installs
    Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text
  • LSP-ruff

    by LDAP ST3 2K Installs
    LSP helper for ruff - an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
  • Theme - Gravity

    by frankyonnetti 92K Installs
    A Sublime Text theme that feels right at home on macOS
  • gruvbox

    by Briles ST3 63K Installs
    🎨 Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors
  • LSP-file-watcher-chokidar

    by sublimelsp ST4 6K Installs
    Chokidar-based file watcher implementation for LSP
  • LSP-clangd

    by sublimelsp ST4 10K Installs
    C/C++ support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through clangd.
  • Dracula Color Scheme

    by dracula Top 100 233K Installs
    🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for Sublime Text
  • Theme - Darkmatter

    by patrickemuller 70K Installs
    This is a custom made Sublime Text 2 Theme inspired in Gray Space Theme and Tron Light Color Scheme
  • LSP-intelephense

    by sublimelsp ST3 15K Installs
    PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through intelephense.
  • EditorConfig

    by sindresorhus 217K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin for EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
  • DocBlockr

    by spadgos Top 25 1.20M Installs
    Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++
  • SyncedSideBar

    by TheSpyder 224K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin to sync project sidebar (folder view) with currently active file.
  • Formatter

    by bitst0rm ST3 123K Installs
    🧜‍♀️ A Sublime Text plugin to beautify and minify source code: CSS, SCSS, Sass, HTML, XML, SVG, JavaScript, JSON, GraphQL, Markdown, TypeScript, Vue, Lua, YAML, Go, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Haskell, Dart, Swift, Crystal, Bash, Shell, SQL, CSV, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, D, Java, Pawn, VALA, Proto, LaTeX, D2, Graphviz, Mermaid, PlantUML, etc.
  • DiffTabs

    by soandrew 55K Installs
    Sublime Text 4/3/2 plugin that adds the option to diff the current tab with another open tab.
  • Kotlin

    by vkostyukov 52K Installs
    Sublime Text 2 Package for Kotlin Programming Language
  • Agila Theme

    by arvi ST3 Top 100 294K Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 UI Theme