ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • LSP-ruff

    by LDAP ST3 2K Installs
    LSP helper for ruff - an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
  • Monokai Extended

    by jonschlinkert 155K Installs
    Extends Monokai from Soda with additional syntax highlighting for Markdown, LESS, HTML, Handlebars and more.
  • Monokai++

    by dcasella 80K Installs
    A modern Monokai theme for Sublime Text 3 and Visual Studio Code
  • SublimeGit

    by SublimeGit 187K Installs
    Git integration for Sublime Text 2 and 3
  • Bootstrap 4 Autocomplete

    by Webchun Top 100 289K Installs
    Bootstrap 4 Autocomplete for Sublime Text 3
  • Formatter

    by bitst0rm ST3 123K Installs
    🧜‍♀️ A Sublime Text plugin to beautify and minify source code: CSS, SCSS, Sass, HTML, XML, SVG, JavaScript, JSON, GraphQL, Markdown, TypeScript, Vue, Lua, YAML, Go, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Haskell, Dart, Swift, Crystal, Bash, Shell, SQL, CSV, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, D, Java, Pawn, VALA, Proto, LaTeX, D2, Graphviz, Mermaid, PlantUML, etc.
  • GitHub Theme

    by mauroreisvieira ST3 45K Installs
    GitHub's Sublime Text themes
  • npm-install

    by fcannizzaro ST3 62K Installs
    sublime package to auto install/uninstall npm modules, show current status, open npmjs documentation.
  • Json Colors And Navigation

    by Monox18 2K Installs
    Add symbol navigation and colorful syntax to JSON files. All Sublime Text built-in color schemes are supported.
  • XssEncode

    by Medicean 5K Installs
    Converts characters from one encoding to another using a transformation.
  • Theme - Soda

    by buymeasoda Top 100 914K Installs
    Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text
  • Theme - Adaptify

    by lodev09 ST3 7K Installs
    Sublime Text theme. Adaptive but better, IMO
  • Prettierd Format

    by Simone Mastromattei ST3 5K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin to format files faster using prettierd
  • Theme - Monokai+

    by Weilong Wang 35K Installs
    A Monokai+ theme for Sublime Text 3. Already adapt to Build 3143.
  • CSV

    by ericmartel 42K Installs
    Basic operations on CSV files to sort and format their data
  • ANSIescape

    by aziz ST3 25K Installs
    ANSI escape codes color highlighting for SublimeText 3
  • LSP-pyright

    by sublimelsp ST3 18K Installs
    Python support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through microsoft/pyright.
  • Kotlin

    by vkostyukov 52K Installs
    Sublime Text 2 Package for Kotlin Programming Language
  • SQLTools

    by mtxr ST3 64K Installs
    SQLTools for Sublime Text 3
  • Catppuccin color schemes

    by Catppuccin ST3 6K Installs
    🍋 Soothing pastel color schemes for Sublime Text
  • Solarized Color Scheme

    by braver ST3 135K Installs
    Solarized color scheme for Sublime Text
  • RawLineEdit

    by facelessuser ST3 45K Installs
    View and edit line endings for Sublime Text
  • LSP-bash

    by sublimelsp ST3 7K Installs
    Bash support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through bash-language-server.
  • Minify

    by tssajo 128K Installs
    Minify for Sublime Text allows you to quickly minify and/or beautify CSS, JavaScript, JSON, HTML and SVG files -- compatible with ST2 and ST3
  • SublimeLinter-pylint

    by SublimeLinter ST3 95K Installs
    SublimeLinter plugin for python, using pylint.