- by Elliot Marsden ST3 207 Installs
Format Haskell with Brittany in SublimeText
- by akof1314 Missing 36K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin for Source Code Formatter
- by yields ST3 Missing Trending 31K Installs
An opinionated plugin for Go
- by jonlabelle Missing 191K Installs
JsPrettier is a Sublime Text Plug-in for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter.
- by mjrinker Missing 54 Installs
No description provided
- by floydawong Missing 8K Installs
Lua Format Plugin For Sublime Text
- by Koihik ST3 Missing 3K Installs
No description provided
- by yisibl Missing 2K Installs
A powerful Sublime Text(2/3) plugin to beautify your CSS!
- by Simone Mastromattei ST3 Missing Trending 11K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to format files faster using prettierd
- by hanfezh ST4 Missing 2K Installs
Plugin to prettify Protobuf message debug string for Sublime Text 4
- by marekpiechut ST3 Missing 165 Installs
SublimeText 3/4 plugin for Rome formatter
- by Nelo Mitranim ST3 Missing 13K Installs
Sublime Text plugin that formats Rust code with rustfmt
- by fedragon ST3 Missing 3K Installs
Scala formatter for Sublime Text 3, powered by Scalafmt and Nailgun
- by nitrotm ST3 Missing 239 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to invoke scalafmt, a code formatter for Scala.
- by aerobounce ST3 MacLinux Missing 3K Installs
⚡️ Swift Formatter (Powered by swiftformat)
- by nkmathew Missing 499 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for correct s-expression indentation using yasi