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ACF Snippets

by baerkins ALL

Snippets for Advanced Custom Fields



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Advanced Custom Fields Snippets for Sublime Text

This is a collection of Sublime Text snippets for the Advanced Custom Fields Wordpress plugin.



Install this package with Package Control: 1. Install Package Control in Sublime. 2. Press Cmd + Shift + P (OSX) or Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) 3. Select Install Package 4. Search 'ACF Snippets'


Copy this folder to the Packages folder of your Sublime Text installation.

Mac users: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages


Snippets are described by tabTrigger - codeOutput.

To make things the easiest to remember, snippet triggers are typically named as abbreviations for their output. For example, tf outputs (T)he (F)ield.

Field names and variable outputs that are auto-highlighted for replacement by Sublime Text are shown in the code wrapped in asterisks.

Note: All snippets need to be triggered within an open <?php tag. Once triggered, the snippet will close out the tag with ?>.

Standard Field Snippets

Snippet Output
tf the_field('*field_name*'); ?>
iftf if_the_field('*field_name*'); ?>
gf get_field('*field_name*'); ?>
ifgf if_get_field('*field_name*'); ?>
df Outputs a block of code for a date field
imgf Outputs a block of code for an Image ID field
imgobj Outputs a block of code for an Image Object field
relf Outputs a basic loop for a Relationship field

Sub Field Snippets

Snippet Output
tsf the_sub_field('*field_name*'); ?>
gsf get_sub_field('*field_name*'); ?>
whsf while(has_sub_field('*field_name*')) : ?>
ifgsf if(get_sub_field('*field_name*')) : ?>
dsf Outputs a block of code for a date field
relsf Outputs a basic loop for a Relationship field

Options Page Field Snippets

These snippets are the same as the standard and repeater snippets, but with an 'o' appended to the end.

Snippet Output
tfo the_field('*field_name*', 'options'); ?>
iftfo if_the_field('*field_name*', 'options'); ?>
gfo get_field('*field_name*', 'options'); ?>
ifgfo if_get_field('*field_name*'); ?>
tsfo the_sub_field('*field_name*', 'options'); ?>
whsfo while(has_sub_field('*field_name*', 'options')) : ?>
ifgsfo if(get_sub_field('*field_name*', 'options')) : ?>
imgfo Outputs a block of code for an Image ID field from the options page
imgobjo Outputs a block of code for an Image Object field from the options page
gmfo Outputs Google Map Field code for a single location from the options page
relfo Outputs a basic loop for a Relationship field from the options page

Repeater Field Snippets

Snippet Output
rf Outputs a block of code that opens and closes a repeater field loop
rfo Outputs a block of code that opens and closes a repeater field loop from the options page.

Flexible Field Snippets

Snippet Output
ffall Outputs a complete block (think all of the code) of a flexible field statement with a single flex field row element
ffpart Outputs only a single flex field row element (think part of the code)

Gallery Field Snippets

| gallf | Outputs a block of code for an Image Gallery field | | gallsf | Outputs a block of code for an Image Gallery sub-field | | gallo | Outputs a block of code for an Image Gallery Field on an Options Page |

Google Map Field Snippets

Snippet Output
gmf Outputs Google Map Field code for a single location
gmsf Outputs Google Map Sub Field code for a single location

Utility Snippets

These snippets serve specific purposes, but are a few bits of code that I have found useful, so maybe you will too!

acfcreateoptions Used in functions.php, this snippet will output code that will create an mulitple options page in ACF 5. Code should be editted to reflect Option page names.

acffirstrepeater This will output a repeater snippet that will retrieve only the first row of a repeater field.