AngularJS (CoffeeScript)
A Sublime Text Package for AngularJS when using CoffeeScript
- Total 27K
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- Linux 5K
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Windows | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Mac | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Linux | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Source
AngularJs Sublime Text 2 Bundle
This package provides snippets for all the available AngularJS api calls. The snippets are activated both in HTML and CoffeeScript.
Is this a major perversion of the snippet system? In a way, yes.
Think of it more as a poor mans Intellisense, rather than a series of snippets. The snippets intentionally overlap with one another, so that only a few simple mnemonics require memorization, rather than hundreds.
Using this approach, instead of providing a xyz
style snippet expansion,
will load a context-sensitive Sublime completion overlay where the
appropriate snippet can be picked with the arrow keys and an additional TAB. For
example, ng
in an HTML tag will show all the available ng-* attributes.
This is a little slower approach than the one typically taken with snippets, but
decreases the learning curve over the API surface. Note that Sublime appears to
have different conditions for showing the completion overlay. Simply typing
in a CoffeeScript document will show the completion menu, while the TAB
required in HTML. (This is potentially related to other installed packages)
Ensure that you have installed Sublime Package Control following these instructions
Open the Sublime command palette with Ctrl + Shift + P
, type / select Package Control: Install Package
then from the package control list, type / select AngularJS (CoffeeScript)
Note that packages are auto-updating, so as new modifications are made they will automatically be installed.
Manual tweaking of Package Control
This is not recommended, but Package control can be pointed directly at this
GitHub repository rather than using the registry.
Add to Packages\User\Package Control.sublime-settings
, under the appropriate
keys in the JSON config file.
This file can be opened via the Sublime menu:
Preferences -> Package Settings -> Package Control -> Settings -- User
"AngularJS (CoffeeScript)"
"Sublime-AngularJS-Coffee-Completions": "AngularJS (CoffeeScript)"
Snippet triggers in Sublime are effectively implicit key bindings, that are
always mapped to a series of characters + TAB. Alternatively, they can be found
on the Ctrl + Shift + P
menu by typing Ang
to filter the list.
It is further recommended that a keybinding similar to the following is added to provide single key combo access to all the currently available snippets.
{ "keys": ["shift+f3"], "command": "show_overlay",
"args": {"overlay": "command_palette", "text": "Angular"} }
To allow for the $
character to trigger the menu automatically, the following
must be added to the Preferences.sublime-settings
file. This file can be opened
by the Preferences
-> Settings -- User
menu item.
"characters": "$",
"selector": ", source.js, source.js.embedded.html"
If you want to disable duplicate $
s from showing up in the editor when completing,
then you must change the default word_separators
to the following, in the same user
"word_separators": "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#%^&*|+=[]{}`~?"
NOTE: auto_complete_triggers
and word_separators
are siblings in the same JSON
config object.
The bindings have been selected so that they don't interfere with the standard
CoffeeScript bindings, namely =
, -
, cla
, log
, elif
, el
, if
, ifel
, forof
, forx
, fori
, forin
, req
, swi
, ter
, try
or unl
Sublime Bugs
Unfortunately there are a couple of issues with Sublime at the moment preventing it from doing a couple of things that would help us out:
Filtering within the completions overlay doesn't work right when the
character is involved.There is no way to add names to a completion like you can for a snippet, so the
Ctrl + Space
overlay only shows identifiers.The tab trigger system in Sublime does not support regular expressions. So when dealing with a member function such as
, there is no way to reduce the noise in the list when pressing.$
. We see all completions starting with$
rather than only those starting with.$
, lengthening the list.There is no way that I can find to limit the scope of the
attributes to only the HTML tags that they are valid for (
only belong onhtml
) The best we can do here is to segregate snippets that are attributes vs tags.Sublime doesn't have a convention for optional parameters / blocks in snippets. This is faked by highlighting the block on the first
so that it may be deleted, and allowing subsequentTAB
s to change specific values in the block if the block is kept. However, Sublime still honors the tabs inside the block after it's been deleted. In practical terms, this means it may require extraTAB
presses to send the cursor to the next replacement point after anoptional
block has been deleted.
Please vote up issues 124225 and 124217 if you want to see these issues resolved!
Hopefully a future version of Sublime will address these issues, but for now there are some work-arounds.
The solution at the moment is to provide placeholder snippets for top-level
services such as $filter
A workflow for this would be the following:
`$`, `TAB`
-> select Angular filter from the menu with `TAB`
-> `$filter` is inserted into document
-> `TAB` brings up completions against `$filter`
-> select specific filter from the menu with `TAB` (such as currency)
-> `$filter('currency') currency, 'symbol-eg-USD$'` is inserted into document
and supports `TAB` completion (or chunk deletion)
Tab Triggers
The number of tab triggers is intentionally limited to increase discoverability.
As a convention, most parameters have been stubbed with a value that indicates
the value that should be replaced. Where functions take multiple possible
parameters, the |
has been used by convention - i.e. true|false
tl;dr Version
These are the only triggers used - $
, .$
, ng
, for
, is
, mod
, dir
, mock
, $cookieStore
, $filter.
, $http.
, $httpBackend.
, $interpolate.
, $location.
, $log.
, $provide.
, $q.
, $routeProvider.
, .error
, .expect
, .other
, .success
All HTML based directives are keyed off the ng
Directive | Binding | Context |
form | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input [checkbox] | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input [email] | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input [number] | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input [radio] | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input [text] | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input [url] | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
input [email] | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
ngApp | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngBind | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngBindHtml | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngBindHtmlUnsafe | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngBindTemplate | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngChange | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngChecked | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngClass | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngClassEven | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngClassOdd | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngClick | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngCloak | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngController | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngCsp | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngDblClick | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngDisabled | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngForm | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
ngHide | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngHref | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngInclude | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngInclude | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
ngInit | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngList | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngModel | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngMousedown | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngMouseenter | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngMouseleave | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngMousemove | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngMouseover | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngMouseup | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngMultiple | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngNonBindable | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngPluralize | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngPluralize | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
ngReadonly | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngRepeat | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngSelected | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngShow | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngSrc | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngStyle | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngSubmit | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngSwitch | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngSwitch | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
ngSwitch-default | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngSwitch-when | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngTransclude | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngView | ng ,TAB |
HTML Attribute |
ngView | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
script | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
select | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
textarea | ng ,TAB |
HTML Element |
Module Method | Binding | Context |
config | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
constant | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
controller | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
directive (to chain) | dir ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
directive (complete) | dir ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
factory | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
filter | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
provider | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
run | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
service | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
value | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Scope Method | Binding | Context |
$rootScope | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$apply | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$broadcast | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$destroy | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$digest | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$emit | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$eval | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$evalAsync | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$id | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$new | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$on | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$watch | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Covers both FormController and NgModelController
Controller Method | Binding | Context |
$render | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$setValidity | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$setViewValue | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$viewValue | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$modelValue | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$parsers | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$formatters | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$error | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$pristine | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$dirty | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$valid | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$invalid | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Resource Methods | Binding | Context |
$resource | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$delete | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$get | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$query | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$remove | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$save | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Filter Method | Binding | Context |
$filter | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
currency | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
currency | fil ,TAB |
date | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
date | fil ,TAB |
filter | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
filter | fil ,TAB |
json | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
json | fil ,TAB |
limitTo | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
limitTo | fil ,TAB |
linky | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
linky | fil ,TAB |
lowercase | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
lowercase | fil ,TAB |
number | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
number | fil ,TAB |
orderBy | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
orderBy | fil ,TAB |
uppercase | $filter ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
uppercase | fil ,TAB |
Global API
Global API | Binding | Context |
angular.bind | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.bootstrap | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.copy | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.element | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.equals | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.extend | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.foreach | for ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.fromJson | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.identity | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.injector | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isArray | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isDate | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isDefined | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isElement | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isFunction | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isNumber | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isObject | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isString | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.isUndefined | is ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.lowercase | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.module | mod ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.noop | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.toJson | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.uppercase | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.version | ng ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Http Methods | Binding | Context |
$http | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$http (configured) | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
delete | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
get | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
head | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
jsonp | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
post | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
put | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
defaults | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
pendingRequests | $http. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
.error | .error ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
.success | .success ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Note that .expect
and .when
are designed to chain, so we don't bind to
HttpBackend Methods | Binding | Context |
$httpBackend | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expect | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expectDELETE | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expectGET | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expectHEAD | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expectJSONP | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expectPATCH | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expectPOST | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
expectPUT | .expect ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
flush | $httpBackend. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
resetExpectations | $httpBackend. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
verifyNoOutstandingExceptions | $httpBackend. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
verifyNoOutstandingRequests | $httpBackend. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
when | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
whenDELETE | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
whenGET | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
whenHEAD | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
whenJSONP | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
whenPATCH | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
whenPOST | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
whenPUT | .when ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Provider Method | Binding | Context |
$q | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
all | $q. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
defer | $q. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
reject | $q. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
when | $q. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Route Method | Binding | Context |
$route | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
current | $route. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
reload | $route. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
routes | $route. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$routeChangeError | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$routeChangeStart | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$routeChangeSuccess | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$routeUpdate | .$ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$routeParams | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$routeProvider | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
when | $routeprovider. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
otherwise | .other ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Cookie Method | Binding | Context |
$cookies | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$cookieStore | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
get | $cookiestore. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
put | $cookiestore. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
remove | $cookiestore. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Location Method | Binding | Context |
$injector | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
absUrl | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
hash (get & set) | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
host | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
path (get & set) | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
port | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
protocol | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
replace | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
search (get & set) | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
url (get & set) | $location. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Log Method | Binding | Context |
$log | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
error | $log. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
info | $log. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
log | $log. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
warn | $log. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Mock Method | Binding | Context |
angular.mock.debug | mock ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.mock.inject | mock ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.mock.module | mock ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
angular.mock.TzDate | mock ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$log.assertEmpty | $log. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$log.reset | $log. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$log.logs | $log. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$timeout.flush | $timeout. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Injector Method | Binding | Context |
$injector | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
annotate | $injector. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
get | $injector. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
instantiate | $injector. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
invoke | $injector. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Injector Method | Binding | Context |
$interpolate | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
endSymbol | $interpolate. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
startsymbol | $interpolate. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Provider Method | Binding | Context |
$provide | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
constant | $provide. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
decorator | $provide. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
factory | $provide. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
provider | $provide. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
service | $provide. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
value | $provide. ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Other Services
Service | Binding | Context |
$anchorScroll | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$cacheFactory | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$compile | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$controller | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$document | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$exceptionHandler | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$locale | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$parse | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$rootElement | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$templateCache | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$timeout | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
$window | $ ,TAB |
CoffeeScript |
Future Improvements
It would be nice to provide inline docs through SublimeCodeIntel in a vein similar to the ones provided for jQuery.
SublimeErl also provides some pretty fancy features which would be nice to integrate
Making Contributions
When editing
files, always use real tab characters for indentation on a newline following a crlf/lf. Sublime will automatically insert spaces if your user settings specify spacing for indentation.Write CoffeeScript that will pass coffeelint
Original inspiration was from the AngularJS tmbundle, which was targeted at JavaScript and a small set of mnemonics for common operations. This is designed to be more comprehensive.