Open the required javascript files with a mouseclick in SublimeText3
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- Source
ClickableRequires for Sublime Text 3
Open the required/imported javascript/typescript/coffeescript files with a mouseclick like in another IDEs.
- clone the repository into Sublime Packages folder
- or install through Package Control:
You can hover on any require('module-name')
or import module from 'module'
statements to open a pop-up with in-app link to the file.
For core node modules the online documentation will be opened in the browser.
If the file is from node_modules then also an npm link to the package will be displayed.
Click settings
You can setup the plugin to navigate on mouseclick:
* open the Pakages by Command Palette -> Browse Packages
* in /Packages/User/ folder create or edit the Default.sublime-mousemap
* add the following (here you can modify the button and the modifiers as you like but beware with binding collosions.):
{ "button": "button1", "modifiers": ["super"], "command": "open_require_under_cursor", "press_command": "drag_select" }
The default settings are the following:
"debug": false, // To turn on or off file searching debug logs
"reveal_in_side_bar": true, // Will reveal the file in the sidebar
"extensions": [ ".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".tsx", ".vue", ".coffee" ], // Allowed file extensions to search for import and require statements
"resolve_extensions": [ ".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".tsx", ".vue", ".node", ".json", ".coffee" ], // The module finder will try to resolve to these extensions when searching without concrete extension
"scope": "support.module", // See more at
"icon": "dot", // Possible values: dot, circle, bookmark and cross. Empty string for hidden icon.
"underline": true, // If the module names should be underlined
"show_popup_on_hover": true, // If a popup with module link and path should appear on hovering the require statement
"auto_fold_imports": false // Fold lines with import when opening file
However you can override them in Preferences -> Package Settings -> ClickableRequires -> Settings - User
Webpack or other module handlers
If you are using webpack resolve.modules
or resolve.aliases
then you should configure the routes to this modules in your .sublime-project
Use relative paths to the project file!
"path": "."
"webpack_resolve_modules": ["src", "other_module_directory"],
"webpack_resolve_extensions": [".js", ".jsx", ".json"]