Custom command builder for Sublime Text 3.
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- Source
What is Commando?
Commando is a command builder plugin for Sublime Text 3.
How do I use it?
(Coming soon: Bundles!)
A Commando command looks like this:
"command": "commando",
"args": {
"commands": [
["commando_exec", {"cmd": ["git", "diff", "$file"]}],
["commando_new_file", {"syntax": "Diff", "scratch": true, "readonly": true, "name": "Git Diff"}]
This opens a thread that calls git diff
on the file you currently have open and sends the output of that to a new tab called “Git Diff” with “Diff” syntax. Pretty neat.
Now you can put this anywhere commands can be configured in Sublime. Let's add this command everywhere.
In your Packages/User/
directory create these files:
"caption": "Tools",
"id": "tools",
"children": [
"caption": "My Commands",
"id": "my-commands",
"children": [
"caption": "Diff File",
"command": "commando",
"args": {
"commands": [
["commando_exec", {"cmd": ["git", "diff", "$file"]}],
["commando_new_file", {"syntax": "Diff", "scratch": true, "readonly": true, "name": "Git Diff"}]
"caption": "My Commands",
"id": "my-commands",
"children": [
"caption": "Diff File",
"command": "commando",
"args": {
"commands": [
["commando_exec", {"cmd": ["git", "diff", "$file"]}],
["commando_new_file", {"syntax": "Diff", "scratch": true, "readonly": true, "name": "Git Diff"}]
And now you have your own Tools > My Commands menu, as well as a context menu called My Commands (right click on any file).
Command Palette
Create another file in Packages/User/
named My Commands.sublime-commands
and put this in it:
"caption": "Diff File",
"command": "commando",
"args": {
"commands": [
["commando_exec", {"cmd": ["git", "diff", "$file"]}],
["commando_new_file", {"syntax": "Diff", "scratch": true, "readonly": true, "name": "Git Diff"}]
Now open up the command pallet and type “Diff File”.
Finally, open up your Packages/User/Default (<Your OS>).sublime-keymap
file and add this to your other keymaps:
"keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"],
"command": "commando",
"args": {
"commands": [
["commando_exec", {"cmd": ["git", "diff", "$file"]}],
["commando_new_file", {"syntax": "Diff", "scratch": true, "readonly": true, "name": "Git Diff"}]
Now hit ctrl
to do the diff as well.
And that's it, now you can do a diff on the current file from anywhere!
However, if you're like me, copy-pasting the same command in several places can get annoying. If you want to take this a step further you can create your own named commands through a plugin. Select Tools
> New Plugin...
, make the file look like this:
from Commando.plugin import CommandoRun
class GitDiffFileCommand(CommandoRun):
def commands(self):
return [
["commando_exec", {"cmd": ["git", "diff", "$file"]}],
["commando_new_file", {"syntax": "Diff", "scratch": True, "readonly": True, "name": "Git Diff"}]
and save it as My Now you have a new Sublime command called git_diff_file
that you can use everywhere in place of commando
. So this:
"keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"],
"command": "commando",
"args": {
"commands": [
["commando_exec", {"cmd": ["git", "diff", "$file"]}],
["commando_new_file", {"syntax": "Diff", "scratch": true, "readonly": true, "name": "Git Diff"}]
becomes this:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"], "command": "git_diff_file" },
But wait, there's more! There are already several useful commando commands you can use to build your own command, but if you need to you can also create your own if you want to. Documentation coming soon! For now, check out
Package Control
The package is registered in Package Control under the name Commando
Clone this repository as a subdirectory of your Sublime Text 3 Packages directory with the name Commando
. So, for instance:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages
git clone Commando
Get Into It
Check out the wiki for full documentation.