Golang GDB integration with Sublime Text 2
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- Source
- raw.githubusercontent.com
GoGdb Sublime Text 3 Plugin.
Golang GDB plugin for Sublime Text 3,it modify base of https://github.com/quarnster/SublimeGDB.
if you have some question,send message to https://github.com/Centny/GoGdb/issues
For old version for ST2, see ST2-v1.0 tag
First,thanks quarnster's code of Gdb plugin.
- The easiest way to install GoGdb is via the excellent Package Control Plugin
- See http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation
- Once package control has been installed, bring up the command palette (cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P)
- Type Install and select “Package Control: Install Package”
- Select GoGdb from the list. Package Control will keep it automatically updated for you
If you don't want to use package control, you can manually install it
- Go to your packages directory and type:see below manual install.
OSX: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/ git clone https://github.com/Centny/GoGdb Linux: cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages git clone https://github.com/Centny/GoGdb
Back in the editor, open up the command palette by pressing cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P
Type GoGdb and open up the settings file you want to modify
Windows Configure
download the gdb.
most of the features is sampe of https://github.com/quarnster/SublimeGDB,you can see it and configure by yourself.
new features: * debug the golang project. * debug the golang unit test. * build log view. * run command
for new features detail,see this article:How to configure golang develop environment with debug and unit test debug