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Language - French - Français

by superbob ALL

French Spelling Language for Sublime Text - Dicionnaire Français pour Sublime Text



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Sublime Text Language French

Add French spelling languages to your Sublime Text editor.

Based on the latest Grammalecte Hunspell French dictionaries (as of 2022-09-20).


Languages variants included are the ones provided by the dicollecte Hunspell French dictionaries (fr_FR) :

  • Classical [default]
  • 1990 reform
  • All variants


Sublime Package Control

  1. Install the following package : “Language - French - Français”
  2. Choose the language (View > Dictionary > Language - French - Français > fr_FR)
  3. Be sure spelling is activated (F6 / View > Spell Check)
  4. You are done !

Manual installation

  1. Locate Sublime Text Package folder (Preferences > Browse Packages)
  2. Download me and unzip my contents in this folder (Packages)
  3. Rename the folder in a more suitable name, ex: “Language - French - Français (manual)” (warning: there must not be any sub-folder in this folder, depending on your unzipping utility you might need to move files to the parent folder)
  4. Choose the language (View > Dictionary > Language - French - Français (manual) > fr_FR)
  5. Be sure spelling is activated (F6 / View > Spell Check)
  6. You are done !


Tested with Sublime Text 4 (Build 4126) (Windows).

Even if I didn't test it, it should work older versions of Sublime Text (2/3) and any platform.


dicollecte Hunspell French dictionaries are licensed under the MPL 2.

Additional files provided here are licensed under the Simplified BSD “2-Clause” License.


Last updated with “Hunspell 7.0 (2020-12-07)” as of 2022-09-20.



Q: There is already a Dictionaries package for Sublime Text, why another ?

A: Dictionaries is a really cool package, but it is big (29 dictionaries, 23 different languages), and all variants are not included for each language. I want to provide a package that has only one main language (fr_FR) with its technical variants. For information, I also contribute to Dictionaries, to keep it up to date in concordance to this Package. Currently, the French dictionary version included in Dictionaries package is the same as the one provided here.

Q: Other languages ?

A: You are free to clone this repo, provide any language you wish and add your package to Sublime Package Control. If I'm not lazy enough, I might add one or two other languages, but not more.

Q: Can I contribute ?

A: If you want to add a newer version of the French dictionaries (fr_FR) you can submit a pull request. But I hope that I will be able to keep it up-to-date by myself.

Q: Why the fuck is all this not written in French ?!?

A: Even if I love the French language (my first language), I consider this page a little bit technical and I prefer to write technical stuff in English. Moreover I consider that people who want to add packages to Sublime Text are used to read English.



Sublime Text - Dictionaries package

wbond - Sublime Package Control