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Laravel 5 Artisan

by dydx ALL

Laravel 5 Artisan Commands for Sublime Text 3



  • Total 117K
  • Win 78K
  • Mac 19K
  • Linux 21K
Sep 15 Sep 14 Sep 13 Sep 12 Sep 11 Sep 10 Sep 9 Sep 8 Sep 7 Sep 6 Sep 5 Sep 4 Sep 3 Sep 2 Sep 1 Aug 31 Aug 30 Aug 29 Aug 28 Aug 27 Aug 26 Aug 25 Aug 24 Aug 23 Aug 22 Aug 21 Aug 20 Aug 19 Aug 18 Aug 17 Aug 16 Aug 15 Aug 14 Aug 13 Aug 12 Aug 11 Aug 10 Aug 9 Aug 8 Aug 7 Aug 6 Aug 5 Aug 4 Aug 3 Aug 2 Aug 1
Windows 0 2 3 4 1 0 6 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 5 0 1 2 4 7 0 1 1 3 2 3 4 0 1 4 3 0 0 4 2 1 2 0 2
Mac 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Linux 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Laravel 5 Artisan commands

Fork of Sublime Text plugin for Laravel 4 Artisan commands

This plugin allows you the run the normal Artisan CLI using the Sublime Text interface, without having to open and use the command line.

Several of the commands, such as Laravel Artisan: Make: Migration Schema require laracasts/generators to be installed, as the associated commands are not native to Laravel (yet).

Available commands:

  • Laravel Artisan 5: Clear Compiled
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Down
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Help
  • Laravel Artisan 5: List
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Migrate
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Optimize
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Serve
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Up
  • Laravel Artisan 5: App:Name
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Auth:Clear Resets
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Cache:Clear
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Cache:Table
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Config:Cache
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Config:Clear
  • Laravel Artisan 5: DB:Seed
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Event:Generate
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Key:Generate
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Auth
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Channel
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Command
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Controller
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Event
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Exception
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Factory
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Job
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Listener
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Mail
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Middleware
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Migration
  • Laravel Generate 5: Make:Migration: Schema
  • Laravel Generate 5: Make:Migration: Pivot
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Model
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Notification
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Observer
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Provider
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Request
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Resource
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Seeder
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Make:Test
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Migrate:Fresh
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Migrate:Install
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Migrate:Refresh
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Migrate:Reset
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Migrate:Rollback
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Migrate:Status
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:List Failed Jobs
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Failed Table
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Flush
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Forget
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Listen
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Restart
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Retry
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Subscribe
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Table
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Queue:Work
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Route:Cache
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Route:Clear
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Route:List
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Schedule:Run
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Session:Table
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Vendor:Publish
  • Laravel Artisan 5: View:Clear
  • Laravel Artisan 5: Custom Command

Custom Commands

You can add custom commands. Use Preferences/Package Settings/Laravel 5 Artisan/Commands – User menu item.

Simple command structure:

        "caption": "Laravel Artisan: Deploy Project",
        "command": "laravel5_artisan",
        "args": {
            "command": "deploy",
            "fill_in": true,
            "fill_in_lable": "Enter the branch name with options"

Change command caption and command in args. Use fill_in: true if you need some input for your command and fill_in_lable: "Text" for message.


Use Package Controller or create a the directory Laravel 5 Artisan in your Sublime Text Packages directory with source code, and you're ready to go.


Press Cmd + Shift + P for the dropdown command list, search for Laravel, and pick your command. Also you can use Tools/Laravel... menu item


  • Artisan file needs to been in the root folder of your structure in the sidebar.
  • You need insert in Sublime Text user settings "show_panel_on_build": true or use Tools/Build Results/Show Build Results menu item for view results.
  • Several commands do require laracasts/generators