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Libsass Build

by blitzrk ALL

Build system for Sass/scss files in Sublime Text 2/3 with no external dependencies

Labels sass, scss, css



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Libsass Build

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Build system for Sass/scss files in Sublime Text 2/3 with no external dependencies

It uses libsass (via the official sassc front-end) for faster compile times compared to the official Ruby implementation.



By default, sassc is given no arguments and css files are put in build/css relative to the assumed root of the project (the outermost parent directory containing a sass file from the file being compiled). The default output directory and sassc flags can be modified Preferences->Package Settings->Libsass Build ->Settings - User. There is a skeleton in Settings - Default or see below.

A project-specific configuration can written to .libsass.json file. Additionally, the location of this file will make explicit the root of the project as far as where sass imports and the output directory is based. You can edit this config or generate an example by selecting the menu item Tools->Libsass Build ->Edit Project Config.


You have the directory structure:

|-- lib/
|-- static/
|   |-- js/
|   |-- css/
|   |   +-- main.css
|   +-- images/
|-- .libsass.json
+-- styles/
    |-- partials/
    |   +-- _reset.scss
    +-- main.scss (has @import 'partials/reset';)

Then you could use:


    "output": {
        "dir": "static/css",
        "structure": "flat"
    "compile": {
        "line-comments": true,
        "line-numbers":  true,
        "style":         "nested", // Comments allowed in `.libsass.json`, but not `*.sublime-settings`
        "load-path":     "/path/to/projects/example/styles" // You DO NOT need this line

or alternatively in /path/to/projects/example/styles/.libsass.json:

    "output": {
        "dir": "../static/css", // This path gets normalized, so `..`s get handled
        "structure": "flat"
    "compile": {
        "line-comments": true,
        "line-numbers":  true,
        "style":         "nested",
        "load-path":     "/path/to/node_modules/bourbon" // Get your fill of bourbon or point to compass!


In config you can specify in output.structure whether you want your compiled assets to be side-by-side or nested in their original structure.

|-- .libsass.json (output dir is "css")
|-- css/
+-- scss/
    |-- main.scss
    +-- modules/
        +-- menu.scss
  • nested (default): compiles to css/scss/main.css and css/scss/modules/window.css
  • nested with root directory: if your .libsass.json is further away, remove prefix to nested path
    • ex. “structure”: [“nested”, “scss”]
    • compiles to css/main.css and css/modules/menu.css
  • flat: compiles side-by-side to css/main.css and css/menu.css


Configuration is entirely optional, so in the simplest case, simply build with Ctrl+Shift+B. If you have another Sass build system installed, you may need to select Sass (libsass) in Sublime's menu.


Libsass isn't automatically chosen as the build system

If you have another Sass build system installed, it may be conflicting. If no build system is selected, then you may not have a Sass syntax definition installed or it may be oddly defined (i.e. not using source.sass or source.scss). Try replacing it with another syntax highlighting package such as Sass.

My file compiled, but I don't know where it went!

Libsass looks up the directory structure until it finds (or doesn't find) a .libsass.json config file. If you're not using a config file, then check that there isn't a config in any parent directory. E.g. if you have your project in /home/ben/projects/app and an extraneous config file /home/ben/projects/.libsass.json, the css will output relative to /home/ben/projects instead of to /home/ben/projects/app/build/css.

My configuration doesn't seem to do anything

In version 0.9.0 the configuration format was changed. Sorry about that, but it was important! And hopefully now the names are less confusing, too. Anyway, check out the examples above. The top-level keys are now “output” and “compile” instead of “output_dir” and “options”.

Invalid UTF-8

At the moment there are some bugs in Libsass Sublime's unicode support, so if you see a UTF error, you likely have a non-ascii character in the path or name of one of your files in your project. For now, the best workaround is to just rename your file or directory. This is obviously annoying and it will be fixed as soon as possible.