Sublime Text 3 plugin - inline python evaluation
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Sublime Text 3 plugin - inline python evaluation.
As a calculator
For example you can write 3.14*0.6
and get the result 1.884
in your text.
It also supports multiple selection.
Incremnt counter at cursor positions
Another feature is the use of $ as accumolation variable, e.g. having the following multipe selection:
will result with
arr[0 ] arr[0]
arr[$+2] -> arr[3]
arr[$*3] arr[6]
General Python evalueator
Besides that, you have the following imports avaiable:
from math import *
from random import *
from collections import Counter
import datetime
import re # though you should probably use the build in regex features of ST instead.
So you can do:
Counter(('Ann', 'Bob', 'Bob', 'Michael')) -> Counter({'Bob': 2, 'Ann': 1, 'Michael': 1})
Counter(('Ann', 'Bob', 'Bob', 'Michael', 'michael')) -> Counter({'Bob': 2, 'Ann': 1, 'michael': 1, 'Michael': 1})
Counter(name.title() for name in ('Ann', 'Bob', 'Bob', 'Michael', 'michael')) -> Counter({'Bob': 2, 'Michael': 2, 'Ann': 1})
Computing checksums
And the functions md5
and sha1
returns the correspondingly hex-digest of the stringified version of the inputs, e.g. md5(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) = dbb432a3f0ac1a2687911715dfbf7502
. Notice that it's possible to hash the list because it's the string-representation of the list which are being hashed!
The python hashlib.md5
and hashlib.sha1
functions are avaiable under the names _md5
and _sha1
Inserting datatimes
The functions dnow
, tnow
and dtnow
return respectively the current string-formatted date, time and datetime:
dnow() -> 03/05/2017
tnow() -> 09:36:03
dtnow() -> 03/05/2017 09:36:03
Notice that you need to have parenthesis after the function name to invoke the function call.
Computing with sets
While you can just use the regular python to do set computations, there's a few functions included for convinience: set_intersect
, set_difference
and set_symdiff
The functions takes two iterable arguments, which are turned into sets, and the computations are performed:
set_intersect('foo bar', 'foo baz') -> {'b', ' ', 'a', 'f', 'o'}
set_intersect('foo baz', 'foo bar') -> {'b', 'a', ' ', 'o', 'f'}
set_difference('foo baz', 'foo bar') -> {'z'}
set_difference('foo bar', 'foo baz') -> {'r'}
set_symdiff('foo baz', 'foo bar') -> {'z', 'r'}
set_symdiff('foo bar', 'foo baz') -> {'z', 'r'}
Computing cumulative sums and products
Compute the cumulative sum of an iterable:
cumsum([1,2,3,4,5]) -> [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
cumsum([0.02809, 0.05619, 0.08646, 0.11919, 0.15192, 0.18465, 1.31694]) -> [0.02809, 0.08428, 0.17074, 0.28993, 0.44185, 0.6265000000000001, 1.94344]
And a cumulative product
cumprod([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) -> [1, 2, 6, 24, 120]
cumprod([0.02809, 0.05619, 0.08646, 0.11919, 0.15192, 0.18465, 1.31694]) -> [0.02809, 0.0015783771, 0.000136466484066, 1.626544023582654e-05, 2.471045680626768e-06, 4.5627858492773275e-07, 6.008915196347284e-07]
But doing products of a lot of small numbers are prone to errors, so we can use a math trick:
, where A is the iterable. This will increase the numerical stability, as seen in this example:
cumprod([1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11, 1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14]) -> [1e-08, 1e-17, 1e-27, 1e-38, 9.999999999999999e-51, 9.999999999999999e-64, 1e-77]
cumprod([1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11, 1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14], use_logsum=True) -> [9.999999999999982e-09, 9.99999999999999e-18, 1.0000000000000022e-27, 9.999999999999936e-39, 9.999999999999944e-51, 1.0000000000000049e-63, 9.999999999999967e-78]
cumprod([1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11, 1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14], use_logsum=True) -> # same result as above.
Formatting numbers
The function formatnum
formats numbers, and takes two mandatory and an optional argument:
num : The number bieng formatted.
digits : The number of desired digits in the formatted number.
scientificNotation : Wether of not to use scientific notation. : Can be True, False or int, where int is the threshold for how many characters the number may contain when formatted un-scientifically, before switching to scientific notation. : This is the default behaviour, and it's set to 8.
Example usage:
formatnum(0.123456789, 4) -> 0.1235
formatnum(0.123456789, 9) -> 1.234567890e-01
formatnum(123456789.0, 9) -> 1.234567890e+08
formatnum(123456789.0, 2) -> 1.23e+08
formatnum(123.456789, 12) -> 1.234567890000e+02
formatnum(123.456789, 12, False) -> 123.456789000000
formatnum(123.456789, 3) -> 123.457
formatnum(3.14159, 4) -> 3.1416
formatnum(3.14159, 3) -> 3.142
formatnum(3.14159, 2) -> 3.14
formatnum(3.14159, 2, True) -> 3.14e+00
formatnum(3.141592653589793238462643, 3) -> 3.142
Convert Timestamp to human readable time
The function ts
transform timestamp as unix time, which is seconds since epoch to string using supplied format
ts(1478002058.368) -> 2016-11-01T12:07:38.368000+0000
ts(1478002058.368, '%Y%m%d') -> 20161101
To evaluate term, highlight and:
Super + Shift + X for Mac OS X
Ctrl + Shift + X for Windows/Linux