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by thep0y ST4

Black formatter for Sublime Text

Labels formatter


  • 1.2.10
  • github.​com
  • github.​com
  • 11 months ago
  • 38 minutes ago
  • 3 years ago


  • Total 14K
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Black formatter for Sublime Text.

It is recommended to use it with LSP-pyright.


There is no need to install black. However, if you choose to install it, it will not affect this package..

You can install python-black with Package Control:

  1. Open your command pallete and type Package Control: Install Package.
  2. Find this project python-black and press Enter.

Local installation

This package has been uploaded to packagecontrol.io, so you do not need to choose local installation:

git clone https://github.com/thep0y/python-black.git

Copy or move the python-black folder to the Packages directory of Sublime Text 4.


1 Key Binding

You can create custom key binding based on samplePreferences - Package Settings - Python Black - Key Bindings, such as:

  "keys": ["ctrl+super+l"],
  "command": "black",
  "args": {
    "use_selection": true

The optional use_selection boolean (defaults to true) controls whether to format the selected region or the entire file.

:warning:Note: Do not duplicate the key binding of other packages.

2 Settings

There are some modifiable properties in settings:

   // Whether to automatically format the entire document when saving.
   // There are three modes:
   //    - "on"
   //    - "off"
   //    - "smart": Automatic formatting is only enabled if there is a `black` section in the project's `pyproject.toml`
   "format_on_save": "on",
   // Black [OPTIONS]
   // The priority of loading options for Black is:
   // Sublime project settings > Configuration file > Sublime package user settings > Sublime package default settings
   "options": {
      // Python versions that should be supported by Black's output.
      "target_version": [],
      // How many characters per line to allow.
      "line_length": 88,
      // Format all input files like typing stubs regardless of file extension (useful when piping source on standard input).
      "is_pyi": false,
      // Skip the first line of the source code.
      "skip_source_first_line": false,
      // Don't normalize string quotes or prefixes.
      "skip_string_normalization": false,
      // Don't use trailing commas as a reason to split lines.
      "skip_magic_trailing_comma": false

The format_on_save can also be toggled via Preferences > Package Settings > Python Black > Format On Save.

The Black options can also be configured in sublime-project:

  "settings": {
    // ...
    "python-black": {
      "options": {
        "line_length": 127,
        "skip_string_normalization": true

3 Create Black Configuration File

You can quickly generate a black configuration file for the current project.

Command Description
python-black: Create Black Configuration File Creates a pyproject.toml file in the root of the project with basic options. Opens the configuration file if it already exists.

:warning: If you don't want to generate a pyproject.toml for each project, you need to create a global configuration file for Black.

Refer to Black Documentation.

If you want to disable format_on_save in a project that does not use black code style #14, you need to add the configuration to *.sublime-project:

    "settings": {
        "python-black": {
            "format_on_save": "off"


If you want to fix bugs or add features, you can read the logs:

  • Colorful: in python-black.log in the [SublimeText]/Log directory.

  • Colorless: in the Sublime Text console.

You can also add logs where you think they should be logged as follows:

from .log import child_logger

logger = child_logger(__name__)

# ...
# ...

Discussion and creation of PRs are welcome.


  • [ ] format all python files in the current project