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CMS Made Simple Snippets

by bbonora ALL

The is a package for Sublime Text 2 which contains a bunch of snippets commonly used for module development.

Labels snippets


  • 2012.
  • github.​com
  • github.​com
  • 12 years ago
  • 2 hours ago
  • 12 years ago


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Sublime Text 2 CMS Made Simple package is a collection of CMS Made Simple snippets and auto-completions for Sublime Text 2. It includes all of the methods found in the CMSModule class plus a few commonly used snippets for PHP and smarty programing.


Install the package via the package control (CMS Made Simple) or clone the contents of the repo in your Sublime Text 2 package directory.


  • PHP Files: Begin typing the name of the method you would like to use. The auto-completion menu will appear. Select the desired function from the list. Most all methods have placeholders. You can cycle through the placeholders using the tab key. A list of all the available CMSModule class methods can be viewed here: http://apidoc.cmsmadesimple.org/CMS/CMSModule.html

  • Smarty Files (*.tpl): Type the full name of the snippet followed by the tab key.

Available Snippets


  • cms_db - $db = cmsms()->GetDb();
  • cms_dict - $dict = NewDataDictionary($db);
  • cms_loop
while($results && $row = $results->FetchRow())
    $onerow = stdClass;
    $onerow->name = $row['name'];

    $entryarray[] = $onerow;
  • cms_getmod - $mod = cms_utils::get_module('module_name');
  • get_tabopt - $taboptarray = array('mysql' => 'TYPE=MyISAM');
  • cms_createtab
$sqlarray = $dict->CreateTableSQL(cms_db_prefix()."tablename", 
        $flds, $taboptarray);
  • cms_getconfig - $config = cmsms()->GetConfig();
  • cms_getsmarty - $smarty = cms_utils::get_smarty();
  • cms_createtabindex
$sqlarray = $dict->CreateIndexSQL(cms_db_prefix().'index_name',
  • cms_db_sql - $db->sql;
  • cms_db_error - $db->ErrorMsg();
  • cms_db_getone - $db->GetOne($query,array(value,value));
  • cms_db_execute - $db->Execute($query,array(value,value));
  • cms_db_fetchrow - $results->FetchRow();


  • smarty_form
<div class="pageoverflow">
    <p class="pagetext">{$prompt_name}</p>
    <p class="pageinput">{$input_name}</p>

<div class="pageoverflow">
    <p class="pagetext">&nbsp;</p>
    <p class="pageinput">{$submit} {$cancel} {$apply}</p>
  • smarty_table “ {$foreach from=$items key=key item=entry} {cycle values="row1,row2” assign='rowclass'} {/foreach}
    Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5        
    {$entry->one} {$entry->two} {$entry->three} {$entry->four} {$entry->five} {$entry->six} {$entry->seven} {$entry->eight} {$entry->nine}
+ **smarty_foreach**

{foreach from=$items key=key item=entry name=name} {$entry->item} {/foreach}

**Ben Bonora**
+ http://twitter.com/bbonora
+ http://github.com/bbonora
+ http://www.bennyvbonora.com