- by SenhorLucas 11K Installs
Syntax highlight and cool tools for Abaqus Keywords
- by abstractmarkup 13K Installs
Abstract Markup Language syntax highlighting, code snippets, and build system for Sublime Text.
- by jamieshepherd 3K Installs
Sublime Text 3 package for the Adapt Framework
- by adashko 2K Installs
No description provided
- by stuartherbert 75K Installs
A collection of miscellaneous snippets for coding in PHP using Sublime Text 2
- by madhs 3K Installs
Sublime text 3 snippets for ADOdb library in PHP
- by ctf0 2K Installs
AdonisJs snippets for SublimeText
- by memoryleak 640 Installs
A repository with Ansible Snippets for Sublime Text
- by dpreussner 3K Installs
A collection of sublime text editor snipptes for the Aria Templates Framework.
- by TheEggi ST3 24K Installs
Advanced Sublime Text package for editing and building Oracle SQL and PL/SQL
- by Alive Vietnam WinMac 481 Installs
Snippets for Alive Vietnam
- by r3nya 938 Installs
React ES6/ES7 snippets for SublimeText
- by pierceray 2K Installs
Sublime Text AMD Snippets
- by ribot 8K Installs
Snippets to help out with Android
- by pjlamb12 61K Installs
Sublime Text 3 Angular 2 Snippets and Code Completions
- by angular-ui Top 100 437K Installs
AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.
- by maxhoffmann 96K Installs
:page_with_curl: Sublime Text Snippets and Completions for Angular.js
- by devotis 31K Installs
Angular Material Design snippets plugin for Sublime Text 2/3
- by IlanFrumer Missing 22K Installs
Sublime text zen-snippets for Angular.js
- by adeniszczyc 12K Installs
Animate.css snippets for Sublime Text.
- by seregatte 9K Installs
Provide some Ansible Snippets to SublimeText
- by nchursin ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to speed up your Salesforce development
- by dirajkumar ST3 6K Installs
Apex code snippets for development on Salesforce platform
- by apicloudcom Missing 17K Installs
- by idleberg 6K Installs
AppleScript command completions, build system and useful snippets. Supports editing binary scripts
- by Deisss 618 Installs
AppStorm.JS sublime text plugin
- by ariatemplates 1K Installs
A collection of useful Aria Templates snippets for Sublime Text editor.
- by arnoldclark 1K Installs
Arnold Clark snippets for Sublime Text.
- by drkameleon ST3 340 Installs
SublimeText syntax highlighting package for Arturo
- by dgrebb 5K Installs
A collection of Sublime Text snippets that expand into large, highly visible code comments.
- by idleberg 2K Installs
ASCII cow snippets for Sublime Text. Moo.
- by Jakub Jirutka ST3 14K Installs
AsciiDoc Package for SublimeText 3
- by punkave 807 Installs
nodejs async module snippets designed to improve your coding style
- by jleonard 2K Installs
Sublime Text 2 package of snippets for node/async
- by dziaineka ST3 275 Installs
snipets, highlighting and everything for atlantis vip source reading and editing with sublime text
- by NSUSpray ST3 427 Installs
More powerful AutoIt language and Plys dialect package for Sublime Text including context help and “goto” feature.
- by asparc Win 1K Installs
Sublime Text plugin with autocompletion, documentation generation and a command panel for Matlab.
- by avajs ST3 631 Installs
Snippets for AVA
- by sotojuan ST3 97 Installs
Snippets for AVA using standard
- by cvhau 740 Installs
A collections of [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) API snippets for [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com)
- by GillesZunino 2K Installs
Azure Resource Manager templates package for Sublime Text
- by mccann ST4 41 Installs
B2 Jam language support for Sublime Text
- by masal 2K Installs
Baan syntax highlighting, indentation and snippets for Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by babel 195K Installs
Next generation JavaScript and React snippets for Sublime
- by idleberg 648 Installs
Snippets to quickly insert Shield.io badges into HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText or Textile documents
- by luccitan 8K Installs
ES6 based Sublime Text snippets for React along with Baobab
- by base-repos 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2 & 3 snippets for Base.
- by SublimeText 3K Installs
A Bash Automated Testing System package for Sublime Text.
- by niosus ST3 2K Installs
Definitions of syntax for Bazel for Sublime Text 3
- by Builder's Brewery (buildersbrewery) ST4 3K Installs
LSL for Sublime Text 4073+ with linting, tooltips & completions with your indent style of choice.
- by ikwattro 5K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Snippets for Behat and Mink - write really really fast BDD
- by mixxorz ST3 2K Installs
BehaveToolkit provides integration between Sublime Text 3 and Behave.
- by 1vank1n 1K Installs
BEMJSON snippets for Sublime Text (2 || 3)
- by tadatuta 60K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for bemmet
- by fnando ST3 6K Installs
Better RSpec syntax highlighting, with matchers for v3. Also includes implementation/spec toggling command.
- by math2001 2K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to manage your snippets
- by lavrton ST3 9K Installs
Typescript syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more for Sublime Text.https://github.com/lavrton/sublime-better-typescript
- by dev4dev 155K Installs
Snippets for blade template engine
- by mario33881 174 Installs
BLIF (SIS' Berkeley Logic Interchange Format) syntax highlighter and autocompleter package for Sublime Text
- by Fabrice Piedanna 70K Installs
Twitter Bootstrap 3 Jade Snippets
- by JasonMortonNZ Top 100 424K Installs
Twitter Bootstrap 3 Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3
- by alexanderankin 224K Installs
🔴 Bootstrap 4 Snippets for Sublime Text 2&3
- by Proficient Designers ST3 62K Installs
Bootstrap v4.4.1 Snippets
- by eric-wieser ST3 403 Installs
A package for working with the bottle framework
- by WebAndCow 550 Installs
This is an extension of the plugin SublimeCakePHP for SublimeText that contains snippets for the BsHelper and the Bs3FormHelper
- by rusiv ST3 96 Installs
No description provided
- by b-foundation 622 Installs
Sublime Text syntax highlighting for B language
- by PhilMarcuson 4K Installs
Adobe Business Catalyst Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3
- by Joe Doss (jdoss) ST4 59 Installs
Butane syntax and snippets files for the Sublime Text editor
- by CacherApp 1K Installs
Cacher plugin for Sublime Text 3.
- by Adi 14K Installs
Canvas Snippets makes coding with HTML5 Canvas APIs easier.
- by kirillbuga ST3 339 Installs
Keep all your subscribes together
- by asux 3K Installs
Capybara snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by Victor Rachieru 3K Installs
Quick reference for those pesky little details that just won't stay in your head.
- by sjg 98 Installs
Making writing CLAAT (Google's CodeLab As A Thing) markdown files fun and easy on Sublime Text since 2020.
- by sevas 7K Installs
CMake code snippets and completion for variables and commands in Sublime Text 2/3
- by bbonora 2K Installs
The is a package for Sublime Text 2 which contains a bunch of snippets commonly used for module development.
- by deathaxe ST3 252 Installs
CNC BoschRexroth MTX language support for SublimeText
- by deathaxe ST3 11K Installs
CNC SINUMERIK 840D/ONE language support for SublimeText
- by 06wj ST2 5K Installs
cocos2d-x lua snippets for sublime text
- by lyzz0612 2K Installs
cocos creator snippet for sublime
- by subeeshb ST3 173 Installs
Share, review and discuss code snippets directly from Sublime Text to CodeDrafts, a code review tool.
- by todorowww 44K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Snippet enabling fast creation of CodeIgniter 2 Controllers and Models
- by agoenks29D ST3 0 Installs
Codeigniter Snippets for Sublime Text
- by mpmont 9K Installs
Codeigniter 4 snippets for Sublime Text 3
- by mpmont 149K Installs
A list of codeigniter 3 snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by SublimeText Top 100 312K Installs
Syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more.
- by ddry 1K Installs
CoffeeScript snippets for ddry data-driven DRY Node JS testing wrapper
- by ajayexpert 34K Installs
No description provided
- by hachesilva Missing 124K Installs
Sublime Text snippets to create fancy PHP, CSS and HTML comments.
- by Compadre Ipsum Team 2K Installs
Compadre Ipsum Sublime Snippet
- by mandeep ST3 50K Installs
Work with conda environments in Sublime Text 3
- by Michael Kühnel 25K Installs
JavaScript Console API Snippets for Sublime Text
- by marcobiedermann 326 Installs
A Sublime Text snippet library for Contao Front-End Classes. Compatible with Contao 4.2.X and 3.5.X.
- by bwiredagency 203 Installs
No description provided
- by Jatana ST3 46K Installs
Tools for competitive programming for Sublime Text 3 & 4
- by Rapptz 76K Installs
C++11 Sublime Text Snippets
- by idleberg 43K Installs
CSS color completions for Sublime Text, supporting a variety of color systems
- by brenopolanski 25K Installs
CSS comments snippets for Sublime Text
- by subhaze 105K Installs
CSS Completions, LESS Completions, SCSS Completions
- by antenando 6K Installs
🏁CSS Grid Snippets port for Sublime Text 🏁
- by id-sakurata 195 Installs
Sublime plugin autocomplete css.
- by davezatch 29K Installs
No description provided
- by joshnh Top 100 264K Installs
A set of custom CSS snippets for Sublime Text
- by fabriciotav 6K Installs
D3.js snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by alexmacy 3K Installs
Sublime Text package for D3.js v4
- by adoxography ST3 363 Installs
Sublime enhancements for grammar engineering with DELPH-IN tools
- by Thiago Andrade 343 Installs
Lorem Ipsum da Presidente Dilma
- by Bernardoow 6K Installs
Sublime Snippets for Django Rest Framework
- by 20Tauri 22K Installs
Create, Update, Translate comments for 50+ languages and 15+ documenting tools (including Doxygen, JsDoc3, PhpDoc). This edition of DoxyDoxygen includes some DocBlockr shortcuts that are not in the regular edition.
- by thep0y ST4 52K Installs
Sublime Text DocBlockr for python. Simplifies writing docstring comments in Python.
- by RicherMans ST3 1K Installs
Sublime 3 Pydoc plugin
- by npostulart 4K Installs
Doctrine Snippet Package for Sublime Text 2
- by thoughtsunificator 192 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for domodel
- by hex6 3K Installs
Dota Lua & VScript
- by XavierCHN 3K Installs
KV, Lua, Panorama syntax, completions and highlight for DOTA 2 reborn custom gamemode development with sublinme text 2/3
- by dbaines 943 Installs
DNN-related Snippets for SublimeText2
- by Rapptz 16K Installs
A sublime text plugin for C++ document autocompletion
- by 20Tauri 39K Installs
Make commenting easier. Supports Doxygen, JsDoc3, PhpDocumentor...
- by 20Tauri 1K Installs
DoxyDoxygen plugin for HeaderDoc
- by 20Tauri 4K Installs
Get the lastest DoxyDoxygen evolutions before everybody and help to create future.
- by nkoporec 570 Installs
Sublime Text extension to add hook snippet support for the Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 API.
- by juhasz 11K Installs
Drupal snippets for Sublime Editor, converted from Vim snipMate drupal-snippets
- by Victor Laerte 263 Installs
Bundle with TrumpIsum + DilmesIpsum
- by zanuka 6K Installs
:dash: SublimeText Package : Dust syntax + completions
- by julux 283 Installs
EasyCatalog syntax function and snippets to Sublime Text with .ecc (EasyCatalog Code extension files)
- by daguej 722 Installs
Inserts a `require()` statement snippet.
- by oguzkilcan 169 Installs
Syntax Highlighting and Validation for Siebel Expressions
- by sedyh ST4 39 Installs
Basic syntax and snippet support for the Ebitengine Kage shading language.
- by Tony Ennis 185 Installs
Send text to the editmode API & insert a snippet in its place.
- by sindresorhus 220K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors
- by Thomas-Boutin 1K Installs
Eiffel syntax and color highlighter for Sublime Text
- by SublimeText 112K Installs
EJS syntax for Sublime Text
- by snowffer 3K Installs
Code snippets of element-ui for sublime text
- by rudolfb 3K Installs
Elm snippets for Sublime Text 2 and 3
- by m2quared 4K Installs
No description provided
- by terminalvelocity 4K Installs
Ember CLI snippets for Sublime Text 3
- by fabriciotav 12K Installs
Ember.js snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by jackson-dean 1K Installs
Add ember cli commands to sublime command palette
- by emmetio ST3 Top 25 6.08M Installs
The essential toolkit for web-developers
- by P233 Top 100 1.07M Installs
Emmet CSS completions for Sublime Text
- by OdatNurd ST4 127 Installs
A Sublime Text 4 extension package for adding custom variables to Sublime snippets
- by jaymie-timperley 2K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for Custom JavaScript Library in Eon Studio
- by matthewrobertson 40K Installs
A collection of sublime text snippets useful for coding ERB templates
- by stephnr 40K Installs
A toolkit containing various commands and snippets for using ES6 today
- by esoftplay 144 Installs
esoftplay snippets on sublimeText
- by retgoat MacLinux 63 Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for ESpec BDD framework for Elixir.
- by Idered 263 Installs
Snippets for Esuna Framework
- by ecomfe 172 Installs
An ETPL syntax definition & snippets specifically for Sublime Text.
- by EvercodeLab 1K Installs
Collection of SublimeText 2/3 snippets for Symfony 2, Ruby on Rails and JavaScript
- by aronwoost ST3 13K Installs
Like “Expand Selection to Scope”. But better!
- by mokkabonna 715 Installs
Snippets for expect.js assertions
- by je-poy 1K Installs
Snippets for creating ExtJs Components, ViewController and Classes
- by ArtiomL 1K Installs
Sublime Text package for F5 iRules syntax highlighting and auto-completion
- by Celestino Gomes (tinogomes) 141 Installs
FactoryBot Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3 (imported from old FactoryGirl)
- by mgaitan 59 Installs
Snippets for factory-boy
- by traviskroberts 617 Installs
FactoryGirl Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by tinacious 14K Installs
Sublime Text 2 snippet for fakeimg.pl support
- by Dennis Peterson 453 Installs
Comment Your Css Like a Pro :sunglasses:, by integrating this plugin into your favorite code editor :ok_hand:.
- by uonick 2K Installs
:top: Fat-Free Framework snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by w3cmark 59 Installs
FEG Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3
- by gbaptista ST3 255 Installs
Fennel Language Support for Sublime Text 3 & 4
- by dhcar 5K Installs
Sublime text 2 snippets for firebase javascript API
- by Phidica 14K Installs
A robust Sublime Text syntax package for fish
- by geekpradd 18K Installs
Flask Autocompletions and Snippets for Sublime Text
- by tanrax 3K Installs
Flask modern snippet for Sublime Text 3
- by brenopolanski 17K Installs
CSS Flexbox snippets for Sublime
- by cameronhunter 356 Installs
Flight JS Snippets for Sublime Text
- by jansanchez 1K Installs
Flux Snippets for sublime text
- by zurb 17K Installs
ZURB Foundation 5 Sublime Text 2 Snippets
- by michaelryancaputo 7K Installs
A collection of Sublime Text snippets for Zurb Foundation
- by w3dotdev 3K Installs
html, css, js, schema.org, wai-aria, es6, regex, test-frameworks, jQuery, reactJS snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by jleonard 6K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for common .js, css and html tasks
- by emmanueljourdan 431 Installs
syntax highlight and snippet for Max's GenExpr
- by gengojs 71 Installs
The official snippets for gengo.js
- by idleberg 1K Installs
Sublime Text support for Gettext
- by SirKrlos ST3 51 Installs
No description provided
- by teddy_beer_maniac ST3 821 Installs
Jinja2 based templating and snippets for Sublime Text 3.
- by closureplease 5K Installs
Sublime 2 snippets for the Google Closure Library
- by picimako 2K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for the Google Closure Template commands
- by Cheikh Seck ST3 2K Installs
Gopher sauce sublime syntax completion
- by ccirello 4K Installs
Snippets of Go code for Sublime Text
- by mathifonseca 12K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for Groovy programming language
- by pluckee ST2 Missing 32 Installs
snippets package for Sublime Text 2
- by devatrox 9K Installs
A growing collection of Grunt snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by fixmysync 3K Installs
Quick + Easy Code Completion for the GreenSock Animation Platform
- by mathifonseca 1K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for Groovy Server Pages
- by dpskvn 571 Installs
Hammer for Mac snippets for Sublime Text
- by daaain 155K Installs
Fullest Handlebars.js templating support for Sublime Text 2 / 3. Also drives syntax colouring on Github and in Visual Studio Code. Install from: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Handlebars.
- by atecon ST3 138 Installs
Sublime support for hansl scripting language: syntax-highlighting, auto-complete, snippets
- by idleberg 2K Installs
Sublime Text completions for Haskell NSIS, a DSL for producing Windows installers
- by rishabh-ink 190 Installs
A short snippet for adding a Hologram documentation comment block in Sublime Text.
- by Kiko Beats 75 Installs
CoffeeScript snippets for Hope promises library
- by tinacious 131K Installs
CSS Reset snippet for Sublime Text 2
- by cabaret 10K Installs
Snippets to help create HTML emails quicker.
- by cjaoude 20K Installs
HTML Entity Snippets for Sublime Text
- by yesilfasulye 28K Installs
Sublime Text HTML Page Snippets
- by joshnh 227K Installs
A set of custom HTML snippets for Sublime Text
- by hullabaloo ST2 2K Installs
PHP Snippets for HTTP response headers
e.g. header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
- by idleberg 84K Installs
Completions for popular icon fonts such as Font Awesome, Glyphicons and many more!
- by idleberg 11K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for legacy icon fonts that were removed from the main package
- by chrisborrowdale 10K Installs
CSS and Sass style comments for Sublime Text
- by fhightower 75 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for using the Idyll markup language.
- by quinnj 11K Installs
An IJulia Frontend for Sublime Text 3
- by daguej 35K Installs
Inserts a node-style JavaScript callback function, and ensures that the call's trailing semicolon is inserted.
- by Bernardoow 12K Installs
Ionic 2 Package with Snippets for Sublime Text.
- by BeeJaySoft 25K Installs
A sublime plugin complete with ionic framework snippets
- by Ogamedia 466 Installs
Iron Router snippets for sublime text
- by P233 37K Installs
Jade Snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by dakshika 431 Installs
Snippet and syntax highlighting for jaggeryjs
- by nicosantangelo 22K Installs
Jasmine syntax, snippets and commands
- by JamieMason 2K Installs
ES6 Snippets for Jest & Jasmine Matchers.
- by JamieMason 2K Installs
Snippets for Jest & Jasmine Matchers.
- by Hyzual 1K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for jasmine-promise-matchers
- by 7barry Missing 163 Installs
Jasonette completions for Sublime Text
- by tushortz 43K Installs
Turn your Sublime text into a java completion text editor.
- by caiogondim 121K Installs
:computer: JavaScript and CoffeeScript Console snippets
- by Vall3y 5K Installs
Convenient Log snippets for Javascript for Sublime Text
- by AlexKvazos 25K Installs
The last Javascript 2017 & React Sublime snippets package you will ever need.
- by zenorocha Top 100 270K Installs
JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by caiogondim 47K Installs
:mortar_board: JavaScript Patterns snippets for Sublime Text
- by jprichardson 207K Installs
Snippets for JavaScript / JS Programming in Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by imweb 8K Installs
a plugin of sublime text with javascript snippets
- by JoshuaWise ST3 62K Installs
Perfect JavaScript syntax for Sublime Text 3
- by jampow 24K Installs
syntax highlight and snippets for velocity
- by zanuka 217 Installs
JunoCommander is a Sublime Text package tailor-made for max productivity in the Juno framework.
- by Michael Roy 499 Installs
Language definition for NXP’s JCShell scripts on Sublime Text 2/3.
- by markalfred 1K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for the Jeet grid system
- by 23maverick23 19K Installs
A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.
- by nicosantangelo 3K Installs
Sublime Text helpers for Jest
- by thesave 475 Installs
Jolie Bundle for Sublime Text
- by Sage-Archer Missing 22K Installs
Sublime jQuery Mobile Snippets
- by devtellect 48K Installs
jQuery Mobile code snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by castiron 20K Installs
Sublime Text 2 bundle with a few handy jQuery-related snippets
- by aaronpowell Top 100 239K Installs
Code snippets for developing with jQuery
- by RadLikeWhoa 104K Installs
JavaScript snippets for Sublime Text 2.
- by eparisio 4K Installs
JSTL / JSP snippet for costructor and autocomplete attribute
- by pewpewp3w 666 Installs
Junos Config Snippets for Sublime Text / TextMate
- by gguilbon 889 Installs
A collection of sublime text snippets useful for the php test framework Kahlan.
- by ratijas ST4 59 Installs
kdesrc-build for Sublime Text
- by Swoffa ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Package for C64 development with Kick Assembler.
- by mauricerenck 433 Installs
Kirby CMS v2 snippets for sublime text
- by kiteco ST3 28K Installs
Kite Autocomplete Plugin for Sublime Text: Featuring AI-powered autocompletions, advanced function signatures, and instant documentation
- by ivlevdenis 13K Installs
Kivy language definition for Sublime Text
- by vipex 229 Installs
KIXstart language definition for TextMate and Sublime Text
- by phil65 ST3 770 Installs
ST3 plugin to help with Kodi skinning / scripting (IDE-like)
- by golf3gtiii 277 Installs
Kohana v 2.3.4, Keyboard shortcut for sublime text 2
- by tushortz ST3 992 Installs
A sublime text plugin that displays methods and documentation for some language classes
- by samvasko 61K Installs
Laravel4 snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by patricksamson 166K Installs
Laravel 5 Snippets for Sublime Text
- by patricktalmadge 42K Installs
Sublime Text 2 snippets for Laravel Bootstrapper
- by limao 10K Installs
- by PHLAK 30K Installs
Sublime Text 3 snippets for LaravelCollective/html form elements.
- by redgluten 34K Installs
Handy Sublime Text snippets to create forms inputs for Laravel Collective Forms with Twitter Bootstrap 3.
- by james2doyle 41K Installs
A set of completions for Laravel 5 helper functions
- by mariovalney 3K Installs
A simple tool to help translate your Laravel project.
- by laravel 12K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Snippets For Laravel
- by jvcasillas 1K Installs
No description provided
- by narendrans 6K Installs
A sublime package that provides snippets for popular JS/CSS form CDN
- by sijk 4K Installs
Open source licence snippets for Sublime Text
- by eltimn 334 Installs
Lift snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by fitzagard 251 Installs
Lithium Snippet Package for Sublime 2
- by trevordevore ST3 18K Installs
LiveCode Language Package for SublimeText
- by oriSomething 1K Installs
Only use the modules you need from Lodash
- by maximbaz 2K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Lodash snippets
- by ssrihari 800 Installs
silly snippets to insert logging commands
- by sublimelsp ST3 164K Installs
Client implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Sublime Text
- by aleohq ST4 173 Installs
Leo syntax and language server
- by FourierTransformer ST3 5K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin for the lua-complete engine
- by viluon ST3 9K Installs
An improved ST3 Lua syntax definition.
- by MajorVictory ST3 112 Installs
Custom Lua 5.3 implementation for Venice Unleashed with additional support for EBX format text files.
- by MageFront 5K Installs
Magento Front End Snippets, plugin for Sublime Text
- by cjdoris 353 Installs
Collection of Magma Text 3 snippets for the Magma language
- by roperzh 699 Installs
SublimeText snippets for GNU Make automatic variables
- by carsonoid 2K Installs
Create/preview man pages, includes groff and troff sytax support
- by newsroomdev 720 Installs
A set of custom web mapping snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by code-reaper08 ST3 5K Installs
MarkdownAssistant is a simple and powerful snippet provider, which provides handy snippets for easy creation of Markdown (.md) files. With MarkdownAssistant ,editing .md files is easy and fast.
- by Aliaksandr Radzevich 1K Installs
👀 A collection of Sublime Text selectors snippets for Material Design Lite.
- by Arindam Pradhan 4K Installs
:boar: Sublime Text Snippet for material-design-lite.
- by olls 121 Installs
Package for Maze language Sublime Text integration.
- by Oleg Shcherbyna ST3 129 Installs
Sublime Text 3 Syntax Plugin
- by SublimeText ST4 55 Installs
MCNP syntax for Sublime Text
- by orgmir ST3 86 Installs
A Sublime Text package for the Mint language
- by Bondifrench 447 Installs
Sublime package for auto completions of usual Mithril methods
- by Max Hegler 647 Installs
A comprehensive syntax, autocompletion, and snippet package for Miva Script & MVT.
- by MobileCaddy 115 Installs
Package for Sublime Text to aid with MobileCaddy development
- by octoblu 1K Installs
Sublime snippets for mocha coffeescript
- by brianstarke 1K Installs
Sublime Text coffeescript snippets for the mocha testing framework
- by jfromaniello 8K Installs
sublime 2 snippets for the mocha testing framework
- by BorisChumichev 1K Installs
Syntax definitions for the Modelica language
- by harogaston 917 Installs
Este paquete ofrece realce de sintaxis para el lenguaje Modula-2 en Sublime Text 2. This package provides syntax highlighting capabilities for the Modula-2 programming language in Sublime Text 2.
- by mkay 3K Installs
MODX Placeholders Snippets for the Sublime Text Editor
- by silentworks Missing 1K Installs
MODx Revolution Sublime Text 2 snippets
- by eduzappa18 ST3 202 Installs
MOHAA Scripting Languages syntax highlighting, code snippets, completions and tooltips for Sublime Text
- by pablof7z 2K Installs
Snippets for MongoMapper
- by ianharper ST3 2K Installs
SublimeText Syntax for MultiValue BASIC
- by Leandro Cunha aka. Frango ST2 51 Installs
Sublime Text 2 completions to generatis some Mussum Ipsum paragraphis.
- by SublimeText ST3 7K Installs
Mustache syntax and snippets for Sublime Text
- by korniychuk 47K Installs
Many snippets for quick creation of sql commands
- by GeekyAnts 2K Installs
NativeBase snippets for Sublime Text Editor
- by tsvetan-ganev 3K Installs
{N}ativeScript snippets for Sublime Text.
- by AlexanderZaytsev 7K Installs
Sass snippets for Neat gem
- by R32 ST3 138 Installs
.NML Syntax Highlighting and Auto Completion for Core Lib
- by nemoDreamer 448 Installs
nemoDreaming theme and snippets for Sublime Text
- by Ilya Lavrenov 942 Installs
Snippets and Completions for Neon Intrinsics for Sublime
- by shagabutdinov 235 Installs
Nest snippets in your source code
- by shagabutdinov 196 Installs
Fix for wrong indentation when wrapping text with brackets or quotes
- by CromFr ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text completion, syntax highlighting and build system for NWScript (NSS) (NWN2 and possibly NWN1)
- by nf-core ST3 622 Installs
Nextflow workflow syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text 4
- by nim-lang ST3 12K Installs
The official Nim programming language plugin for Sublime Text
- by vanyle ST4 1K Installs
Nim plugin for Sublime Text 4 with IDE like features
- by jaymorrow 6K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for NodeJs assertions
- by james2doyle 67K Installs
A collection of completions/snippets for node.js v8.x
- by tanepiper, varp ST3 Top 100 370K Installs
nodejs snippets and bindings for Sublime Text 3
- by nova-framework ST3 4K Installs
Collection of Nova Framework Snippets for Sublime Text
- by idleberg 68 Installs
Syntax completions and snippets for creating Npackd XML files
- by idleberg 2K Installs
Sublime Text completions and snippets for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)
- by idleberg 2K Installs
nsL Assembler syntax definitions and build system for Sublime Text
- by rmorrissey23 128 Installs
No description provided
- by idleberg 1K Installs
Syntax completions and snippets for creating NuGet XML files
- by alsolovyev 13K Installs
A Sublime Text package for Nunjucks templating engine.
- by apjanke ST3 2K Installs
Octave package for Sublime Text, providing syntax highlighting, indentation, and code snippets
- by yangsu 492 Installs
Octopress Snippets for Sublime Text
- by Jarsa 4K Installs
Sublime Text Odoo Snippets
- by FrancoTampieri 1K Installs
Sublime Text OpenERP Snippets
- by idleberg ST3 847 Installs
Language support, snippets and build-system for OpenVPN configuration files
- by Robert Koeninger ST3 351 Installs
Oz language support for Sublime Text 3
- by frdmn 4K Installs
Sublime Text 3 text snippets to quickly create git/GitHub related Markdown files like READMEs or license ones.
- by fnkr ST2 Missing 7K Installs
Pascal/Delphi syntax highlighting and snippets.
- by fnkr ST3 Missing 10K Installs
Pascal/Delphi syntax highlighting and snippets.
- by patriq 1K Installs
A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for PEPE Assembly. Provides syntax highlighting.
- by jonasbn 865 Installs
SublimeText assistance for Perl's Test::Class
- by jonasbn 949 Installs
SublimeText assistance for Perl's Test::More
- by geneowak 171 Installs
Pest PHP V2 Snippets for Sublime Text
- by afk-mario 5K Installs
Phaser snippets for Sublime Text
- by sardaukar ST3 Missing 251 Installs
Phoenix LiveView snippets for Sublime Text
- by bteryek 17K Installs
PhpCodeGen is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 Plugin that generates Object Oriented Code from a simple shorthand syntax.
- by Jose Torres 25K Installs
Sublime plugin to auto generate PHP constructors based on the class attributes
- by james2doyle 5K Installs
Sublime Text completions for the fzaninotto/Faker package
- by Nuno Franco da Costa 57K Installs
generare getters and setters for php classes
- by gerardroche 130K Installs
PHP snippets for Sublime Text.
- by florianeckerstorfer 19K Installs
PHPUnit Package for Sublime Text 2
- by wh0am1-dev 4K Installs
PICO-8 plugin for the Sublime Text 3 editor.
- by Pieces for Developers ST4 1K Installs
A comprehensive AI solution for saving, sharing, and reusing code materials in your Sublime Text environment, with a powerful integration of AI assistance and Copilot and many LLM models including ChatGPT functionality, specifically designed to enhance your coding workflow.
- by robdodson 12K Installs
Sublime snippets for Polymer and Web Components
- by brenopolanski 345 Installs
PouchDB snippets for Sublime Text
- by prismicio 34 Installs
Prismic snippets for VS Code, Vim, Sublime, and IntelliJ
- by evanmcd 2K Installs
A collection of ProcessWire snippets for use with Sublime Text. This collection contains snippets only for the more advanced parts of the ProcessWire API.
- by evanmcd 862 Installs
A collection of ProcessWire snippets for use with Sublime Text.
- by janlelis 2K Installs
Productive Sublime Snippets for ERB
- by janlelis 4K Installs
Ruby Snippets for Sublime Text
- by bordaigorl 1K Installs
Project Completions plugin for Sublime Text
- by Dixens 4K Installs
A list of PyroCMS snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by sloria 3K Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for pytest
- by futureprogrammer360 765 Installs
📸 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for computer vision and image processing in Python (Imports, OpenCV, Pillow)
- by futureprogrammer360 3K Installs
📊 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for data science and machine learning in Python (Imports, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Keras, PyTorch, etc)
- by sloria 5K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for Python nose testing
- by futureprogrammer360 795 Installs
🌐 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for web scraping in Python
- by SublimeText ST4 12K Installs
QML support for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge
- by bunya017 819 Installs
Quasar Framework snipppets for sublime text 3.
- by mjeffrey18 8K Installs
Sublime Text 2 & 3, Plugin adding auto completions for Ruby on rails
- by tennantje 26K Installs
A core collection of ruby, rails, rspec and erb snippets
- by danhper 2K Installs
ST2/3 snippets for HTTP codes symbols in RoR
- by monstersintokyo 9K Installs
CoffeeScript. React. Sublime. Yummy.
- by jeantimex 35K Installs
Save time in writing React codes
- by mboperator 91K Installs
ES6 based Sublime Text snippets for React.
- by facebookarchive Top 100 252K Installs
Sublime Text helpers for React. Syntax highlighting DEPRECATED in favor of babel/babel-sublime
- by HelloXiuXiu 63K Installs
Sublime Text Snippets (JS, React and Redux)
- by txji ST3 12K Installs
react native css snippets for sublime text
- by shrugs 54K Installs
:pencil2: A collection of React Native snippets for Sublime Text and Atom
- by idleberg 6K Installs
Snippets to help you create Readme files
- by zewa666 2K Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for RedBeanPHP ORM
- by newaeonweb 7K Installs
A set of sublime text2 snippets for make your life easy when use Responsive Boilerplate framework
- by mgaitan 15K Installs
Restructured Text snippets and code completion hotkeys for Sublime Text 2 and 3
- by Livrädo Sandoval 298 Installs
Reliable converter that transforms HTML files into JWPUB
- by Livrädo Sandoval Missing 192 Installs
"ReviwTools" es un complemento para Sublime Text diseñado para validar la integración de un nuevo .jwpub a JWPUB Catalog.
- by trishume ST2 493 Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to insert snippets from rosetta code.
- by ckrooss ST3 Missing 1K Installs
Adding the most commonly used nodes in roslaunch to Sublimetext 3
- by jomarcenter-mjm/MJM Creative Works and Ideas 386 Installs
A series of snippets for RPG Maker MV
- by MOM ST3 Win 62 Installs
This plugin adds RS-Balance 3 completions and some IDE-like functions to Sublime Text 3
- by jvcasillas 12K Installs
R snippets for Sublimetext
- by SublimeText 43K Installs
Sublime Text 2 / 3 plugin for RSpec BDD Framework
- by glaucocustodio ST3 1K Installs
A RSpec buddy for Sublime Text.
- by kazshu 7K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Rspec Snippets
- by rspec 7K Installs
Textmate bundle for RSpec.
- by tadast 51K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for the latest Ruby and Rails versions
- by mphstudios ST3 297 Installs
A Sublime Text package for Rune.js
- by Orhan Balcı ST3 950 Installs
Sublime snippets for Rust cookbook recipes
- by recurrying 919 Installs
SaltUI Component Snippets for Sublime
- by cheikhshift ST3 493 Installs
SAMB (server assembly framework) syntax and snippets
- by bobthecow, FichteFoll 3K Installs
Sublime Text snippets optimized for humans, not robots
- by kekee000 837 Installs
san 的 sublime 插件
- by rpardee, friedegg, seemack ST3 5K Installs
For using SAS Institute's Analytics & Data Management system.
- by SublimeText Trending Top 25 1.69M Installs
Sass and SCSS syntax for Sublime Text
- by sublimebrasil 128K Installs
Sass Snippets for Sublime
- by Qing ST3 18K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 package for SAS syntax highlighting and the corresponding SAS Theme
- by watzon 2K Installs
Scala snippets for Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by UCSCFormalMethods 32 Installs
Scenic syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code, based on MagicPython.
- by absop, jfcherng ST4 19K Installs
Scheme syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 4.
- by holgern 2K Installs
Scilab syntax highlighter for Sublime Text. Scilab is an open source software for numerical computation (http://scilab.org).
- by npostulart 95K Installs
Snippets for use with SCSS
- by onhernandes 25K Installs
Complete SASS/SCSS snippets for Sublime Text 3 :pushpin:
- by sloria 7K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 snippets for the Selenium WebDriver Python bindings
- by idleberg 10K Installs
Snippets for the Semantic UI framework
- by SpotonNet ST3 32 Installs
Sublime Text package for SEWL
- by Robert Koeninger ST3 103 Installs
Shen language support for Sublime Text 3
- by Frescha 457 Installs
Shinken, Alignak and Nagios syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3 and Sublime Text 2
- by jmnsf 683 Installs
ShouldJS snippets for Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by franciscosantamaria 1K Installs
Sublime Text package with useful snippets for Silex, the PHP micro-framework.
- by silk-web-toolkit 1K Installs
A set of Silk snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by lawrencebell ST3 Missing 497 Installs
security testing
- by dmnsgn 222 Installs
Completions and snippets for Sketch.js.
- by TheClams ST3 11K Installs
Syntax Highlighting, Snippets, code navigation and more for VHDL
- by shagabutdinov 7K Installs
Snippet system on top of default sublime snippets
- by omkarjc27 2K Installs
Sublime Text Plugin for Snippet Index
- by jugyo 35K Installs
Makes managing snippets easy in Sublime Text
- by shagabutdinov 9K Installs
Create snippet with hotkey
- by wghust 941 Installs
No description provided
- by ColinRyan ST3 2K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin for combining tabular data with snippets
- by CharbelAD 302 Installs
A collection of 90+ LaTeX snippets
- by garfieldnate 209 Installs
Package for Soar development in Sublime Text
- by code-reaper08 196 Installs
Useful and handy SpectreCSS autocomplete snippets for SublimeText
- by Eforen (Ariel Lothlorien) 3K Installs
SublimeText Syntax Definitions for Sprak the language used in the game Else Heart.break()
- by axemonk, michaelblyons ST3 1K Installs
Spreadsheet formula syntax highlighting for Sublime Text. Support for Excel, Google Sheets, LibreOffice Calc.
- by sproutcore 2K Installs
A SproutCore package for Sublime Text 2
- by andymeneely 117 Installs
SublimeText snippets for Squibbing.
- by Enduriel, micheg, Roland Piirsoo ST4 1K Installs
Squirrel Programming Language support for Sublime Text.
- by Ilya Lavrenov 158 Installs
Snippets and Completions for SSE & AVX Intrinsics for Sublime
- by michaelblyons, robballou 17K Installs
SSH Config language and completions
- by wyne 251 Installs
StackMob JavaScript Snippets for Sublime Text Editor
- by vkhitev 1K Installs
JavaScript Standard Style snippets for Sublime Text
- by sonokamome 300 Installs
A simple StrapdownJS Boilerplate!
- by futureprogrammer360 324 Installs
🚀 Sublime Text package for Python's data science package Streamlit with completion, build system, and documentation
- by hachesilva 8K Installs
Sublime Text snippets to create fancy PHP, CSS and HTML comments.
- by Kronuz Top 25 1.85M Installs
Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine
- by eddorre 56K Installs
TextMate Style ERB Block for Sublime Text
- by aaronpowell 9K Installs
Code snippets for KnockoutJS
- by csch0 3K Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin complete with Sublime Text 2 snippets
- by csch0 24K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin complete with Sublime Text 3 snippets
- by acarabott ST3 1K Installs
Sublime Text 3 Package for SuperCollider
- by kyleshevlin 780 Installs
Collection of Susy 2 Snippets made for Sublime Text
- by pyronaur 2K Installs
Susy Functions and Mixins for Sublime Text
- by s10wen 16K Installs
A collection of SVG icon snippets for Sublime Text
- by idleberg 3K Installs
Sublime Text completions for a variety of popular SVG icons
- by jorgeatgu 1K Installs
A set of custom SVG-SMIL snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by jorgeatgu 11K Installs
:beginner: A set of custom SVG snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by tushortz 6K Installs
Minimal swift completion for sublime text
- by hatunike 6K Installs
A SublimeText autocomplete snippet package for the Swift Foundation framework.
- by thecodechef 1K Installs
Swig Snippets for Sublime
- by raulfraile 33K Installs
A Sublime Text bundle for Symfony2 development
- by Afzal7 ST3 486 Installs
Create and Sync Snippets.
- by TheClams 64K Installs
Syntax Highlighting, smart snippets, autocompletion, code navigation and more for Verilog and SystemVerilog
- by Tabnine 126K Installs
Tabnine Autocomplete AI: JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, C/C++, HTML/CSS, Go, Java, Ruby, C#, Rust, SQL, Bash, Kotlin, Julia, Lua, OCaml, Perl, Haskell, React
- by Novus Nota ST3 27 Installs
All-in-one package for Tact programming language
- by Znuny GmbH 4K Installs
TemplateToolkit syntax and snippets for Sublime Text.
- by Haydar Ciftci 6K Installs
Terraform snippets for Sublime Text 3
- by William Marquardt 571 Installs
Themosis Framework snippets for Sublime Text
- by fhightower-tc 644 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for writing scripts that use ThreatConnect's TCEX module.
- by fhightower 2K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for writing scripts in less than 60 seconds that use ThreatConnect's Python SDK.
- by fhightower-tc 589 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for writing share comments in ThreatConnect.
- by rkJun 400 Installs
Code snippets for developing with tipJS JavaScript MVC Framework
- by datalifeit 78 Installs
No description provided
- by bfred-it 755 Installs
A TextMate Bundle for Building Themes. Now available in Sublime Package Control:
- by devtellect 110K Installs
Twitter Bootstrap snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by microsoft ST2/ST3 Top 100 556K Installs
IO wrapper around TypeScript language services, allowing for easy consumption by editor plugins
- by jfcherng ST3 2K Installs
Replace placeholders into corresponding replacements in real-time while typing.
- by Philipp Rudloff 3K Installs
Typographical and mathematical snippets for Sublime Text
- by Daniel Siepmann, Philipp Kitzberger 3K Installs
No description provided
- by Umajin 156 Installs
A Umajin Bundle for Sublime Text
- by garrettn 335 Installs
JavaScript Universal Module Definition snippets for Sublime Text
- by @antouank 11K Installs
Sublime Text snippets plugin, for the Underscore.js API ( http://underscorejs.org/# )
- by czottmann 8K Installs
[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Underscore 1.4 snippets for Sublime Text 2. The snippets follow object-oriented style, i.e. `_(array).map(…)`.
- by unitjs 574 Installs
Sublime Text package which includes several handy snippets for writing unit tests with Unit.js.
- by dentedpixel 3K Installs
Helpful snippets for LeanTween animation engine
- by petereichinger ST3 23K Installs
Adds Syntax Highlighting for Unity3D .shader files to Sublime Text
- by UnicornForest 25K Installs
Helpful snippets and completes for working with Unity3D
- by michelmcbride 11K Installs
Over 150 Unity3D C# snippets
- by pajacobson ST3 159 Installs
Unity - Unit Testing for C Completions for Sublime Text
- by andref 174 Installs
Software AG Natural package for Sublime Text.
- by awforsythe 2K Installs
A collection of Sublime Text 3 snippets for writing Unreal Engine 4 game code
- by xecreators 94 Installs
Unyson Framework Snippets for Sublime Text
- by thoughtsunificator 305 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for userinterface.js
- by uargh 3K Installs
lodash functions as snippets for Sublime Text
- by marcelod 1K Installs
Creating many types IPSUM for Sublime Text 2
- by Remillard ST3 13K Installs
A package for Sublime Text that aids coding in the VHDL language.
- by David Bekoyan 1K Installs
Easy setup virtual host
- by wuelcas 67 Installs
Code snippets to speed up your Alexa skill development using the Voxa Framework
- by Shimmy 188 Installs
Sublime Vuln Plugin
- by indrekpaas Missing 1K Installs
WAI-ARIA Roles, States and Properties auto-completion for Sublime Text
- by cityzendata ST3 64 Installs
No description provided
- by k3v3n 1K Installs
AngularJS Snippets for Component, Service, Route, Test and more.
- by mailtoharshit 625 Installs
Snippets to Jumpstart Salesforce
- by hoch 1K Installs
Web Audio API autocomplete for Sublime Text 3
- by katsew 3K Installs
WebGL Completions for Sublime Text
- by ahmadawais 15K Installs
🚀 Sublime Text package of snippets for WordPress Customizer. Helps you write standard WordPress code for Customizer with different kinds of snippets — in seconds.
- by Dartui 33K Installs
Wordpress Snippets for Sublime Text 3
- by SublimeText ST3 11K Installs
XSL(T), XSD and XPath syntax for Sublime Text
- by noyobo 1K Installs
Syntax highlighting & snippets for the Xtemplate
- by nyx0 ST3 3K Installs
YARA package for Sublime Text
- by psy-man 13K Installs
Yii2 snippets for Sublime Text
- by hacking-robot 16K Installs
Code snippets for developing with Yii framework
- by Znuny GmbH 187 Installs
Znuny (Znuny-Sublime) is a Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that helps you to make Znuny development less painful.
- by Siew Yi Liang 1K Installs
ZBrush ZScript syntax highlighter for Sublime Text
- by James Dinsdale 9K Installs
Native ZSH autocompletion and snippets for sublime text
- by lxmx 634 Installs
A TextMate bundle for Zucchini
- by liamr 6K Installs
A Textmate/Sublime Text 2 bundle for Zurb's Foundation framework.