- ST3 5K Installs
Color scheme Sublime Text Unit Testing.
- ST3 786 Installs
Monokai, Solarized, and three other popular color schemes for Sublime Text
- 72 Installs
Generate syntax assertions.
- 396 Installs
Gitk Sublime Text integration.
- ST3 241 Installs
git-open integration.
- 360 Installs
Split definition Sublime Text command.
- ST3 214 Installs
Open PHP manual for keyword under cursor.
- 38 Installs
Add, remove, and clears rulers.
- 218 Installs
Laravel testing Sublime Text completions.
- ST3 4K Installs
Molokai color scheme.
- 8K Installs
Monokai Sublime Text color scheme.
- ST3 168 Installs
NeoVintageous Colemak mappings.
- ST3 87 Installs
NeoVintageous Dvorak mappings.
- ST3 453 Installs
NeoVintageous file commands.
- ST4 296 Installs
NeoVintageous auto disable highlight line in Insert mode.
- ST3 373 Installs
NeoVintageous auto disable relative line numbers in Insert mode.
- 105K Installs
PHP completions for Sublime Text.
- ST3 57K Installs
PHP macros for Sublime Text.
- 130K Installs
PHP snippets for Sublime Text.
- ST3 7K Installs
PHPUnit Sublime Text integration.
- ST3 3K Installs
A Pine programming language syntax for Sublime Text.
- ST3 393 Installs
Tweaks and fixes for Sublime Text.
- ST3 763 Installs
Show ruler column.
- ST3 2K Installs
Open projects and folders commands.
- ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Text API completions.
- ST3 759 Installs
Unified Sublime text Test runner.
- ST3 109 Installs
Toggle Sublime Text loggers.