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Unreal Snippets

by awforsythe ALL

A collection of Sublime Text 3 snippets for writing Unreal Engine 4 game code

Labels snippets, Unreal, UE4



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Unreal Snippets

A collection of Sublime Text 3 snippets for writing Unreal Engine 4 game code.

Some of these snippets assume that your project's source modules follow the convention of splitting source files into Public and Private subdirectories.

Available Snippets

Project (.uproject)

  • uuproj - Boilerplate .uproject file (e.g. Project.uproject)

Module (C#)

  • umt - Define a project-level target rules file (e.g. Source/Project.Target.cs)
  • umb - Define a module-level build rules files (e.g. Source/ProjectCore/ProjectCore.Build.cs)
  • umh - Declare a module in its public header file (e.g. Source/ProjectCore/Public/ProjectCore.h)
  • umc - Define a module in its private cpp file (e.g. Source/ProjectCore/Private/ProjectCore.cpp)
  • umcp - Define the primary game module implementation (one per project)

Logging (C++)

  • ulh - Declare a module-level log category in a module-private header (e.g. Source/ProjectCore/Private/Log.h)
  • ulc - Define a module-level log category in a cpp file (e.g. Source/ProjectCore/Private/Log.cpp)
  • ull - Write a single UE_LOG line using the module-level log category
  • ulf - Write a single UE_LOG line at Fatal severity

Classes (C++)

  • uco - Declare a UObject subclass
  • ucc - Declare a UActorComponent subclass
  • uca - Declare an AActor subclass
  • ucs - Declare a UBlueprintFunctionLibrary subclass (i.e. a “statics” class)
  • uci - Declare a UInterface subclass with associated native interface

Macros (C++)

  • ume - Insert an export macro in a type definition

Properties (C++)

  • upc - Declare a component UPROPERTY (Visible/ReadOnly in “Components” category)
  • upe - Declare an editable UPROPERTY (Editable/ReadWrite in “” category)
  • upv - Declare a visible UPROPERTY (Visible/ReadOnly in “” category)

Functions (C++)

  • uff - Declare a BlueprintCallable member function
  • ufs - Declare a BlueprintCallable static function with a WorldContextObject parameter
  • ufi - Declare a pure virtual function in a native interface class
  • ufc - Declare a constructor that accepts a const FObjectInitializer reference (in a class header)
  • ufr - Define the implementation of GetLifetimeReplicatedProps (in an actor source file)

Creating a Project

Example setup steps for creating a new Unreal C++ project from scratch:

  • Create a root Unreal project directory: replace Project with your project name
  • Add Project.uproj, run uuproj, populate with primary module name (e.g. ProjectCore)
  • Add a Source directory
  • Within that directory, add Project.Target.cs, run umt, enter primary module name
  • Add ProjectEditor.Target.cs the same way, set Type to TargetType.Editor
  • If desired, add ProjectServer.Target.cs, set Type to TargetType.Server
  • Add a subdirectory for the primary module, e.g. ProjectCore
  • Within that directory, add ProjectCore.Build.cs, run umb
  • Add two subdirectories, Public and Private
  • Within Public, add ProjectCore.h, run umh
  • Within Private, add ProjectCore.cpp, run umcp
  • Within Private, add Log.h, run ulh
  • Within Private, add Log.cpp, run ulc

At this point, you should be able to build your project and open it with the version of UE4Editor that you've built against.