ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


by CacherApp ALL

Cacher plugin for Sublime Text 3.



  • Total 1K
  • Win 449
  • Mac 392
  • Linux 196
Feb 15 Feb 14 Feb 13 Feb 12 Feb 11 Feb 10 Feb 9 Feb 8 Feb 7 Feb 6 Feb 5 Feb 4 Feb 3 Feb 2 Feb 1 Jan 31 Jan 30 Jan 29 Jan 28 Jan 27 Jan 26 Jan 25 Jan 24 Jan 23 Jan 22 Jan 21 Jan 20 Jan 19 Jan 18 Jan 17 Jan 16 Jan 15 Jan 14 Jan 13 Jan 12 Jan 11 Jan 10 Jan 9 Jan 8 Jan 7 Jan 6 Jan 5 Jan 4 Jan 3 Jan 2
Windows 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mac 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Linux 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




About Cacher

Cacher is the code snippet organizer for pro developers. It is a cross-platform, cloud-based app used to curate a snippet library for you and your team.


  • Support for editing and viewing 100+ programming languages.
  • Flexible, nest-able, color-coded labels to categorize snippets.
  • Shareable snippet pages via Cacher's code-sharing community: snippets.cacher.io
  • Team and organization features like shared libraries, notifications, role management and code reviews.
  • Desktop clients for Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Editor plugins for IntelliJ Platform, Visual Studio Code, Atom and Sublime Text.
  • Full-featured web app: app.cacher.io

About Cacher package

This package for Sublime Text gives Cacher users the ability to perform popular actions on their personal and team snippet libraries.

Cacher Demo

Getting Started

  1. Open the Sublime Text Command Palette (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P) and enter the command Package Control: Install Package.
  2. Search for Cacher and install the package.
  3. From the Command Palette, execute Cacher: Setup.

    Setup Cacher

  4. You'll be presented with an option to view credentials. Click Open Cacher. You can also navigate to the page via: app.cacher.io/enter?action=view_api_creds

    View Credentials

  5. From the popped up webpage, sign up or sign in as a Cacher user.

  6. Once you are signed into Cacher, you should see a dialog open with your API KEY and API TOKEN values.

    API Credentials

  7. Back in Sublime, enter your API key from step 5 into the input prompt.

    Enter API Key

  8. Next, enter your API token.

  9. You're all set! Open the Command Palette and type in Cacher: Insert Snippet to try inserting a snippet into your active editor.

Pro tip: Your credentials are saved in .cacher/credentials.json under your OS's home folder. This file is also used to authenticate other apps, like Cacher CLI, Cacher for VSCode and Cacher for Atom


Insert Snippet

Shortcut: Alt+Shift+I

Search for and insert a snippet file from your personal and team libraries.

The Insert Snippet command can be be launched from:

Create Snippet

Shortcut: Alt+Shift+C

Create a snippet from either the text selection or the entire file (no selection). The command starts a wizard for you to choose:

  • Personal or team library (if using teams)
  • Title
  • Description - Optional
  • Filename
  • Public/private permission
  • Label - Optional

Pro tip: You can create a single snippet from multiple files selected in the sidebar..

The Create Snippet command can be launched from:

Open Snippet in App

Shortcut: Alt+Shift+O

Find a snippet from your libraries and open it in the Cacher web app.

The Open Snippet in App command can be be launched from:

Open Snippet Page

Shortcut: Alt+Shift+P

Find a snippet from your libraries and open its Snippets page (example).

The Open Snippet Page command can be be launched from:

Refresh Snippets

Shortcut: Alt+Shift+R

Reload your Cacher snippets. Do this once you've made a change to your snippets outside of Sublime.

The Refresh Snippets command can be be launched from:


Kick off the setup wizard to authenticate your Cacher account. Run this command if you need to switch users.

The Setup command can be be launched from:

Launch Commands

Command Palette

This is the standard way to access Sublime commands. Use keyboard shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P.

Command Palette

Keyboard Shortcut

The fastest way to access Cacher commands.

  • Alt+Shift+I - Insert Snippet
  • Alt+Shift+C - Create Snippet
  • Alt+Shift+O - Open Snippet in App
  • Alt+Shift+P - Open Snippet Page
  • Alt+Shift+R - Refresh Snippets

Context Menu

While in an active editor, you can right-click the background to either Insert Snippet or Create Snippet.

With a text selection

  • Insert Snippet will replace the selected text with the snippet file content.
  • Create Snippet will create a snippet with the selected text as its file content.

Without a text selection

  • Insert Snippet will insert the snippet file content at the caret.
  • Create Snippet will create a snippet from the entire file's content.

Context Menu

Tab Context Menu

You can right-click on any tab in the window to trigger the Create Snippet command.

Tab Context Menu

Sidebar Menu

Select one or more files in the sidebar to send to the Create Snippet command. The new snippet will contain contents of the selected files.

Sidebar Menu

Tools -> Cacher

Cacher adds a submenu to the Tools menu. You can find all the available commands here.



The Cacher Sublime plugin is available for registered users on a Pro/Team plan. For a 14-day free Team trial, sign up at app.cacher.io.

Getting Help

Find help articles and file support tickets: support.cacher.io