- Top 100 756K Installs
File creation plugin for Sublime Text
- ST4 618 Installs
AlpineJS syntax for Sublime Text
- ST4 445 Installs
Salesforce Apex syntax for Sublime Text
- 9K Installs
AsciiDoc Package for Sublime Text2
- ST3 3K Installs
Astro syntax for Sublime Text
- ST4 222 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to open folders as projects
- 44K Installs
Sticky Selection
- 3K Installs
A Bash Automated Testing System package for Sublime Text.
- 430 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for Ceedling C unit testing framework
- Top 100 312K Installs
Syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more.
- ST2 52K Installs
ColdFusion Sublime Text Package
- ST3 26K Installs
Color schemes that were part of Sublime Text 2 and older builds of Sublime Text 3
- ST3 49 Installs
Cottle syntax for Sublime Text
- Top 100 304K Installs
CTags support for Sublime Text
- 112K Installs
EJS syntax for Sublime Text
- 6K Installs
Tab characters automatically adjust to keep adjacent lines aligned.
- ST2 508 Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to execute a command and redirect its output into a view
- 10K Installs
Extract .sublime-package files to the Sublime Text Packages folder.
- ST3 5K Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text to change display name of top-level folders in the Side Bar.
- 787 Installs
Gaelyk Sublime Text Package
- 13K Installs
Generate UUID for Sublime Text
- 807 Installs
Plugin for SublimeText that provides extensions for doing TDD wtih GoogleTest and GoogleMock
- ST3 644 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to bind a key (for example the end key) to move/extend the cursor/selection(s) to the end of the line, or to before the specified scope (i.e. a comment) at the end of the line
- 3K Installs
Goto Tab plugin for Sublime Text 2 Editor
- ST3 12K Installs
Let Sublime Text talk with Jupyter.
- ST2 35K Installs
Draw vertical guides to easily visualize indent depth.
- 80 Installs
The official bug tracking for Sublime Text, powered by us.
- Top 25 1.18M Installs
Sublime Text package bundle for jQuery
- 934 Installs
Sublime Text Knowledge Base
- Top 100 459K Installs
Laravel Blade Template syntax for Sublime Text
- Top 100 358K Installs
LaTeX plugin for Sublime Text
- ST3 Top 100 705K Installs
Less syntax for Sublime Text
- ST3 Win 285 Installs
Syntax highlighting and build system for LINQPad scripts
- ST3 45K Installs
Shopify Liquid syntax for Sublime Text
- ST3 Top 25 1.35M Installs
Material Theme, a theme for Sublime Text 3, made by Mattia Astorino
- ST4 54 Installs
MCNP syntax for Sublime Text
- ST3 3K Installs
MDX syntax for Sublime Text
- ST3 7K Installs
:tropical_fish: The Sublime Text package for Mermaid diagrams
- ST2 861 Installs
Vim-like modelines for Sublime Text.
- 2K Installs
Mojolicious package for the Perl Web Dev Framework for Sublime Text 2
- ST2 4K Installs
SFTP Remote Editing for Sublime Text 2
- 3K Installs
Adds on_pre_click and on_post_click callbacks to Sublime Text's plugin API.
- 16K Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text to move tabs around
- ST3 7K Installs
Mustache syntax and snippets for Sublime Text
- ST2 735 Installs
NaturalDocs package for SublimeText 2
- 7K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
- 5K Installs
Allows opening of files in the same folder as the active view
- ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to open files in the system default application
- ST3 859 Installs
Open the TortoiseHg workbench from Sublime Text
- Trending 143K Installs
Split the window however you like! Create new panes, delete panes, move and clone views from pane to pane.
- ST2 551 Installs
Minimal testing framework for Sublime Text packages. (beta)
- ST2 43K Installs
Pear Php_beautifier plugin for Sublime Text 2
- 136K Installs
PhpDoc support package.
- 18K Installs
PostCSS syntax for Sublime Text
- 189K Installs
Support for the MS PowerShell programming language.
- ST2 5K Installs
Run powershell commands from within Sublime Text.
- ST2 3K Installs
Open python modules on sys.path and open folders in window
- ST3 Win 12K Installs
Pywin32 support for sublime (win32api etc)
- ST4 12K Installs
QML support for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge
- 6K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin for Ruby Rake
- 4K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to quickly revert to a preferred font size
- ST3 8K Installs
Syntax definition for RTF files in Sublime Text 3
- 43K Installs
Sublime Text 2 / 3 plugin for RSpec BDD Framework
- 70K Installs
Ruby Slim syntax for Sublime Text
- Trending Top 25 1.69M Installs
Sass and SCSS syntax for Sublime Text
- 2K Installs
No description provided
- ST3 291 Installs
Non-smart CSS formatting
- ST3 9K Installs
Show the file size in the Sublime Text status bar
- ST2 23K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to mimic a block cursor in Vintage command mode.
- ST2 3K Installs
Simple command processor for Sublime Text.
- 1K Installs
GitHub Organization for Open-Source Sublime Text Package Development
- ST4 318 Installs
A plugin to quickly switch between Sublime Text windows via Command Palette
- ST4 14K Installs
Tailswind CSS syntax for Sublime Text
- 71K Installs
Terraform (HCL) configuration file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- ST3 7K Installs
A theme for Sublime Text 3.2+ inspired by the popular DA UI
- ST3 9K Installs
Sublime Text 2's default theme with retina graphics
- Top 100 513K Installs
A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
- 1K Installs
Taskjuggler 3 syntax and code snippets for Sublime Text 2
- Top 100 448K Installs
Highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash.
- ST2 1K Installs
Commands to extend the functionality of Sublime Text's multiselection.
- 3K Installs
Testing Sublime Text Packages
- Missing 776 Installs
Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation
- 90K Installs
VBScript package for Sublime Text
- ST3 5K Installs
Vintage Extended Support for Sublime Text 3
- ST2 19K Installs
An implementation of Vim's command-line mode for Sublime Text 2
- Top 100 525K Installs
Vue syntax for Sublime Text
- ST4 43 Installs
WebAssembly Interface Type syntax for Sublime Text
- Win 8K Installs
Plugin that enables comparison of the last 2 activated buffers (even in different windows) using WinDiff (Windows only).
- 70K Installs
Highlight all copies of the currently selected word.
- ST3 11K Installs
XSL(T), XSD and XPath syntax for Sublime Text
- ST4 1K Installs
Sublime Syntax Definitions for YAML CI/CD pipelines like GitHub Actions, AzureDevops, Kong API Gateway, Gitlab CICD, Bitbucket, Drone CI etc.