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by bteryek ALL

PhpCodeGen is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 Plugin that generates Object Oriented Code from a simple shorthand syntax.



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PhpCodeGen is a Sublime Text Plugin that generates Object Oriented Code from a simple shorthand syntax.

New: Supports Sublime Text 2 and 3




With PhpCodeGen for Sublime Text, you can generate Object Oriented code with docblocks that are fully customizable extremely fast with just a few lines of code. With PhpCodeGen, you can generate hundreds of properly formatted stubs for classes, interfaces, properties, constants, and methods.

Install From Package Control:

  1. Search for PhpCodeGen

Install Manually:

  1. Create a folder in the packages directory called “PhpCodeGen”
  2. Download the latest tag, unzip and place the files in the “PhpCodeGen” directory.

Auto Complete:

Set the syntax mode to php and start typing '@' and suggestions will start to populate.

Video Tutorial:

I made a brief video on how to use the plugin and uploaded it to youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV_NhVxrYwY


All commands must have no spaces or tabs before them to be parsed. PhpCodeGen will automatically indent the commands output appropriately.

This is correct and will be parsed:

@class test

This is incorrect and will not be parsed:

@class test

If an option takes an argument, make sure there is a space before the option's argument:

This is correct:

@class -tag MyTagGroupName

This is incorrect:

@class -tagMyTagGroupName

Default Settings

PhpCodeGen comes with the following default settings:


    "docblockTagGroup": {


    "debugMode": true,
    "autoGenerateDockBlocks": true,

    "numberOfSpaces": 0,

    "newLinesAfterClassDeclaration": 0,
    "newLinesBeforeClassClosingBrace": 1,

    "newLinesAfterMethodDeclaration": 2,
    "newLinesBeforeMethodClosingBrace": 2,

    "newLinesAboveClassDocBlock": 1,
    "newLinesBelowClassDocBlock": 1,

    "newLinesAboveConstantDockBlock": 1,
    "newLinesBelowConstantDockBlock": 1,

    "newLinesAbovePropertyDockBlock": 1,
    "newLinesBelowPropertyDockBlock": 1,

    "newLinesAboveMethodDockBlock": 2,
    "newLinesBelowMethodDockBlock": 1,

    "defaultMethodVisibility": "public",
    "defaultPropertyVisibility": "protected",

    "openingCurlyBraceOnSameLine": true


Commands API

@ class | @ c

Generates a class. The last argument is the class name.

Basic Example:

@class MyClass


 * MyClass documentation goes here...

class MyClass {

Abstract Class


Tag group:

Applies user defined tags to the docblock


Class extends other class

-e ExtendedClassName

Implements interface(s). You may specify multiple interfaces by using a ',' as shown below. However there cannot be any space between multiple interfaces.

-i Interface1,Interface2


@class -a -e ExtendedClass -i Interface1,Interface2 MyClass


 * MyClass

abstract class MyClass extends ExtendedClass implements Interface1, Interface2 {

@ endClass | @ ec

Ends the class declaration and creates the closing curly brace

@ interface | @ i

Generates an interface. You may specify multiple inheritance of interfaces by using a ',' as shown below. However there cannot be any space between multiple interfaces.


Applies user defined tags to the docblock


Extended Interfaces



@interface -e InterfaceA,InterfaceB MyInterface


 * MyInterface documentation goes here...

interface MyInterface extends InterfaceA, InterfaceB {

@ endInterface | @ ei

Ends the interface declaration and creates the closing curly brace

@ const

Creates a constant

Basic Example:

@const AGE 15


 * AGE

const AGE = 15;

Wrap constant value in quotes



@const -q NAME JOE SHMO

Quote Output:


const NAME = 'JOE SHMO';

Applies user defined tags to the docblock


@ property | @ p

Creates a property or class variable. The visibility of the property will default to what is defined in your settings.

Basic Example:

@property strName


 * strName
 * @var datatype

protected $strName;

Visibility: public | protected | private


Applies user defined tags to the docblock


Return type


Static Property


Generate Setter method for property


Generate Getter method for property


Advanced Example:

@property -v private -t int -set -get myAge


 * myAge
 * @var int

private $myAge;

 * setMyAge
 * @param int $value
 * @return void

public function setMyAge(int $value) {
    $this->myAge = $value;

 * getMyAge
 * @return int

public function getMyAge() {
    return $this->myAge;

@ method | @ m

Creates a class method

Basic Example:

@method init


 * init
 * @return void

public function init() {


Visibility: public | protected | private


Applies user defined tags to the docblock


Static Method


Abstract Method


Final Method


Specify the return type for the Docblock


Method Parameters: See How to use use -p in @ method and @ function command


Advanced Example:

@method -s -v protected -f -p {DataObject:data = null} init


 * init
 * @param DataObject $data = null
 * @return void

final protected static function init(DataObject $data = null) {


@ function | @ f

Creates a standard function

Basic Example:

@function myFunc


 * test
 * @return void

function test() {


Advance Example:

@function -p {User:objUser = null} -r object initWithUser


 * initWithUser
 * @param User $objUser = null
 * @return object

function initWithUser(User $objUser = null) {


Specify the return type for the Docblock


Applies user defined tags to the docblock


Static Method


Function Parameters: See How to use use -p in @ method and @ function command


@ php

Creates an opening php tag


Creates a closing php tag

Settings API


The majority of the settings have to deal with the code generation template. Feel free to copy these settings into your user settings and modify them to your liking.

Many of the settings are self explanatory. Discussed below are the ones that can be a little confusing as to what they do.

debugMode - logs debugging information to the console

numberOfSpaces - used for constants and properties. It refers to the space between docblock and constant/property declaration.

docblockTagGroup - Defines user defined tags to apply to a docblock for a command. See How to Use -tag

How to use use -p in @ method and @ function commands

This option is used to generate parameters for your method or function. The parameters must be within curly braces and each parameter must be separated by a comma.

Type hinting and default values are supported. If you do not include the '$' for the parameter value, PhpCodeGen will automatically add it.


@method -p {TypeHint:localVar, $localVar2, localVar3='default value'} init


 * init
 * @param TypeHint $localVar
 * @param $localVar2
 * @param $localVar3 = 'default value'
 * @return void

public function init(TypeHint $localVar, $localVar2, $localVar3 = 'default value') {


How to use -tag

The tag option allows you to inject custom docblock tags into the docblock for a command. This is used in conjunction with “docblockTagGroup” in the user settings. The tag option can be applied to all of the commands except:

  • @ php
  • @ endPhp

The -tag takes a single argument and that is a key within the docblockTagGroup.

You can only apply one docblock tag group per command.

Define your custom tag groups in PhpCodeGen User Settings under the “docblockTagGroup” object.


"docblockTagGroup": {

            "tag": "@package",
            "value": "MyPackage"
            "tag": "@author",
            "value": "Your Name <yourname@yoursite.com>"
            "tag": "@since",
            "value": "beta"


Here we have two docblock tag groups: “author” and “method”

If you wanted to add an extra dockblock tag group to a command you would do so like this:

@class -tag author MyClass


 * MyClass
 * @package Mecdata
 * @author Your Name <yourname@yoursite.com>

class MyClass {

Create a shortcut key for PhpCodeGen

  1. Open Sublime Text
  2. Goto Preferences->Key Bindings->User
  3. Add the shortcut to your key bindings:


{"keys": ["ctrl+t"], "command": "php_code_gen"},

Check out my other plugin: