- by onlineth 26K Installs
A SublimeText Package to upload PHP Scripts to 3v4l
- by madhs 3K Installs
Sublime text 3 snippets for ADOdb library in PHP
- by Alive Vietnam WinMac 481 Installs
Snippets for Alive Vietnam
- by DamnWidget ST3 18K Installs
Anaconda.PHP adds PHP linting, PHP code standards checking and complexity/messing detector that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3
- by bowphp ST3 125 Installs
This package adds syntax definitions for Bow Tintin
- by Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN Top 100 327K Installs
Code Formatter plugin for ST2/ST3
- by Desean1625 16K Installs
Sublime Text add on that provides autocomplete for PSR4 compliant PHP classes, and inline docs
- by Goto Hayato ST3 4K Installs
🎼 A Sublime Text 3 / 4 package which shows Composer packages information in a popup.
- by daveleroy ST4 21K Installs
Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text for debuggers that support the debug adapter protocol
- by garveen ST3 38K Installs
DocPHPManualer: Show PHP documentation in Sublime Text 3
- by idleberg 1K Installs
Sublime Text completions for PHP, right kinda wrong
- by nkoporec 570 Installs
Sublime Text extension to add hook snippet support for the Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 API.
- by cklosowski 391 Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Auto Completion library for EDD
- by WangYihang 6K Installs
:bug: A plug-in of sublime 2/3 which is able to find PHP vulnerabilities
- by bitst0rm ST3 147K Installs
🧜♀️ A Sublime Text plugin to beautify, minify, convert: CSS, SCSS, Sass, HTML, XML, SVG, JS,JavaScript, JSON, GraphQL, Markdown, TypeScript, Vue, Lua, YAML, Go, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Haskell, Dart, Swift, Crystal, Bash, Shell, SQL, CSV, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, D, Java, Pawn, Julia, Blade, LaTeX, D2, Graphviz, Mermaid, PlantUML, Disasm..
- by shortcutme ST3 9K Installs
Quick function parameter hint for Sublime 3.x.
- by jbrooksuk ST3 6K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to display function tooltips
- by gguilbon 889 Installs
A collection of sublime text snippets useful for the php test framework Kahlan.
- by mauricerenck 433 Installs
Kirby CMS v2 snippets for sublime text
- by SublimeText Top 100 459K Installs
Laravel Blade Template syntax for Sublime Text
- by sublimelsp ST3 164K Installs
Client implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Sublime Text
- by daftspunk ST3 5K Installs
This package adds syntax definitions for the October CMS Twig engine. @octobercms http://octobercms.com
- by padawan-php ST3 MacLinux 651 Installs
A ST3 plugin for padawan.php completion server
- by james2doyle 18K Installs
A set of completions for the Phalcon PHP Framework made for Sublime Text 3
- by Goto Hayato ST3 4K Installs
🐘 A Sublime Text 3 / 4 package which converts PHP array syntax.
- by andremacola ST3 1K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for PHP CodeSniffer ( phpcbf )
- by bteryek 17K Installs
PhpCodeGen is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 Plugin that generates Object Oriented Code from a simple shorthand syntax.
- by gerardroche 105K Installs
PHP completions for Sublime Text.
- by chigix 9K Installs
The connector plugin to support php development on sublime plugin
- by Jose Torres 25K Installs
Sublime plugin to auto generate PHP constructors based on the class attributes
- by adael 29K Installs
Run php-cs-fixer code formatter to format php code from your favorite text editor
- by james2doyle 5K Installs
Sublime Text completions for the fzaninotto/Faker package
- by driade ST3 174K Installs
PHP formatter for Sublime Text 4, with PHP 8 support.
- by migliori 11K Installs
PHP Form Builder is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for Php Form Builder, PHP class to build forms (http://codecanyon.net/item/php-form-builder/8790160)
- by Nuno Franco da Costa 57K Installs
generare getters and setters for php classes
- by gerardroche ST3 57K Installs
PHP macros for Sublime Text.
- by jotson 191K Installs
Auto-complete for PHP functions and objects
- by underground-works ST3 2K Installs
Never write a PHP namespace declaration again.
- by gerardroche 130K Installs
PHP snippets for Sublime Text.
- by mjkaufer 15K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to automagically create `.phps` files from `.php` files. Useful for generating php source automatically.
- by gerardroche ST3 7K Installs
PHPUnit Sublime Text integration.
- by smhg 220 Installs
Propel 1 generator commands for Sublime Text
- by gamcoh 947 Installs
a Sublime text plugin like brackets quick edit
- by sickmartian 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin for Simplenote
- by mutian 7K Installs
Quote HTML snippet as a string.
- by Delermando ST3 4K Installs
No description provided
- by HeyIAmBob ST3 Mac 76 Installs
Symfony 4 Command Line Plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by redatman 62 Installs
Sublime Text 3 & 4 plugin for Simplenote. Use Sublime Text as a Simplenote client.
- by ta-tikoma ST3 809 Installs
Sublime text phpins linter for php
- by SublimeLinter ST3 Top 100 374K Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for PHP, using php -l.
- by SublimeLinter ST3 99K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for PHP, using phpcs.
- by SublimeLinter ST3 9K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for php-cs-fixer
- by SublimeLinter ST3 125K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for PHP, using phplint.
- by SublimeLinter ST3 23K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for php, using phpmd.
- by Tabnine 126K Installs
Tabnine Autocomplete AI: JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, C/C++, HTML/CSS, Go, Java, Ruby, C#, Rust, SQL, Bash, Kotlin, Julia, Lua, OCaml, Perl, Haskell, React
- by Marcel Pociot ST3 Mac 217 Installs
Tinker with your PHP projects like never before.
- by Ali Erdem Akın ST3 Missing 369 Installs
Titan Edge Highlighter
- by Dawid Janik ST3 6K Installs
Execute shell commands related to web apps development: Laravel Artisan, Composer, NPM, Yarn, Python, PHP, PHPStan, Psalm, ESLint and more!
- by martomo 152K Installs
Xdebug debugger client for Sublime Text