- Top 100 441K Installs
3024 theme for TextMate & Sublime Text
- 6K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the Apple Pips record label
- 6K Installs
AppleScript command completions, build system and useful snippets. Supports editing binary scripts
- 2K Installs
ASCII cow snippets for Sublime Text. Moo.
- ST3 4K Installs
Convert Sublime Text completions into Atom (or Visual Studio Code) snippets, and vice versa.
- 648 Installs
Snippets to quickly insert Shield.io badges into HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText or Textile documents
- 3K Installs
BridleNSIS syntax definitions and completions for Sublime Text
- ST3 779 Installs
Convert JSON to CSON, and vice versa.
- 43K Installs
CSS color completions for Sublime Text, supporting a variety of color systems
- 457 Installs
Sublime Text completions for NSIS, right kinda wrong
- 1K Installs
Sublime Text completions for PHP, right kinda wrong
- ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Text completions to insert escaped Emoji codes into HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby
- 976 Installs
A color scheme inspired by New Order's “Power Corruption & Lies” album
- 1K Installs
Sublime Text support for Gettext
- 2K Installs
A color scheme inspired by the art of Charley Harper
- 2K Installs
Sublime Text completions for Haskell NSIS, a DSL for producing Windows installers
- 506 Installs
Sublime Text build system for Homebrew formulas
- 3K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the Hopscotch learning platform for kids
- 84K Installs
Completions for popular icon fonts such as Font Awesome, Glyphicons and many more!
- 11K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for legacy icon fonts that were removed from the main package
- 6K Installs
Inno Setup syntax definition, completions and build system for SublimeText
- 2K Installs
Color scheme inspired by Mount Kimbie's second album
- 481 Installs
Advanced build system to compile NSIS scripts, supporting Windows, macOS and Linux (native and Wine)
- 68 Installs
Syntax completions and snippets for creating Npackd XML files
- 2K Installs
Sublime Text completions and snippets for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)
- 2K Installs
NLF syntax definitions and snippets for Sublime Text
- 7K Installs
Additional third-party plug-in completions for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)
- 2K Installs
nsL Assembler syntax definitions and build system for Sublime Text
- 1K Installs
Syntax completions and snippets for creating NuGet XML files
- ST3 847 Installs
Language support, snippets and build-system for OpenVPN configuration files
- 12K Installs
Dark variant of the Paraíso color scheme
- 3K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the art of Rubens LP
- ST3 608 Installs
Package that opens console whenever a new window or tab is opened
- ST3 301 Installs
Language support and build-system for pynsist, a tool to build Windows installers for your Python applications
- 6K Installs
Snippets to help you create Readme files
- 7K Installs
Color schemes for Textmate and Sublime Text, based on palettes of vintage computers
- 95 Installs
Syntax completions for ScummC functions and variable names
- 10K Installs
Snippets for the Semantic UI framework
- ST3 37 Installs
Syntax highlighting for SFV files
- ST3 229 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Homebrew formulas
- ST3 Win 666 Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to ISCC, the Inno Setup compiler
- ST3 639 Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to makensis
- 3K Installs
A collection of color schemes based on subway maps from around the world
- 3K Installs
Sublime Text completions for a variety of popular SVG icons
- 2K Installs
Color scheme for Sublime Text and TextMate
- 392 Installs
Syntax completions and snippets for Winamp skin developers
- ST3 1K Installs
Context-aware WordPress salt key insertion for PHP, YAML and DotEnv files without the need of an internet-connection
- 3K Installs
The Life Aquatic inspired themes for TextMate & Sublime Text