Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets
A collection of Sublime Text selectors snippets for Material Design Lite. :eyes:
There are 3 methods for installing this plugin.
Search for “Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets” via the “Package Control: Install Packages” menu.
Note: If you don't have Sublime Package Control installed, you can find out how to install it here
Clone the repository into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory.
git clone
Download the .zip file and unzip it into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory.
Note: You can find your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory by going to Preferences > Browse Packages.
Start typing snippet in pug or html, css, sass, scss files.
Snippet |
MDL class |
ma:g |
mdl-badge |
ma:nb |
mdl-badge–no-background |
ma:o |
mdl-badge–overlap |
ma:d |
data-badge=“value” |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mb:u |
mdl-button |
mb:r |
mdl-button–raised |
mb:f |
mdl-button–fab |
mb:mf |
mdl-button–mini-fab |
mb:i |
mdl-button–icon |
mb:c |
mdl-button–colored |
mb:p |
mdl-button–primary |
mb:a |
mdl-button–accent |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mca:r |
mdl-card |
mca:c |
mdl-card–border |
msh:d |
mdl-shadow–Ndp |
mca:t |
mdl-card__title |
mca:tt |
mdl-card__title-text |
mca:s |
mdl-card__subtitle-text |
mca:m |
mdl-card__media |
mca:st |
mdl-card__supporting-text |
mca:a |
mdl-card__actions |
mca:m |
mdl-card__menu |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mh:i |
mdl-chip |
mh:c |
mdl-chip–contact |
mh:t |
mdl-chip__text |
mh:a |
mdl-chip__action |
mh:co |
mdl-chip__contact |
Snippet |
MDL class |
md:i |
mdl-dialog |
md:t |
mdl-dialog__title |
md:c |
mdl-dialog__content |
md:a |
mdl-dialog__actions |
md:af |
mdl-dialog__actions–full-width |
Snippet |
MDL class |
ml:a |
mdl-layout |
ml:h |
mdl-layout__header |
ml:i |
mdl-layout-icon |
ml:hr |
mdl-layout__header-row |
ml:t |
mdl-layout__title |
ml:s |
mdl-layout-spacer |
ml:n |
mdl-navigation |
ml:nl |
mdl-navigation__link |
ml:d |
mdl-layout__drawer |
ml:c |
mdl-layout__content |
ml:hs |
mdl-layout__header–scroll |
ml:fd |
mdl-layout–fixed-drawer |
ml:fh |
mdl-layout–fixed-header |
ml:nd |
mdl-layout–no-drawer-button |
ml:ndd |
mdl-layout–no-desktop-drawer-button |
ml:l |
mdl-layout–larget-screen-only |
ml:ss |
mdl-layout–small-screen-only |
ml:hw |
mdl-layout__header–waterfall |
ml:hwh |
mdl-layout__header–waterfall-hide-top |
ml:ht |
mdl-layout__header–transparent |
ml:hs |
mdl-layout__header–seamed |
ml:tb |
mdl-layout__tab-bar |
ml:ta |
mdl-layout__tab |
ml:tp |
mdl-layout__tab-panel |
ml:tm |
mdl-layout__tab-manual-switch |
ml:ft |
mdl-layout–fixed-tabs |
ml:ce |
mdl-layout-center |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mg:r |
mdl-grid |
mg:n |
mdl-grid–no-spacing |
mc:e |
mdl-cell |
mc:c |
mdl-cell–N-col |
mc:cd |
mdl-cell–N-col-desktop |
mc:ct |
mdl-cell–N-col-tablet |
mc:cp |
mdl-cell–N-col-phone |
mc:o |
mdl-cell–N-offset |
mc:od |
mdl-cell–N-offset-desktop |
mc:ot |
mdl-cell–N-offset-tablet |
mc:op |
mdl-cell–N-offset-phone |
mc:or |
mdl-cell–order-N |
mc:ord |
mdl-cell–order-N-desktop |
mc:ort |
mdl-cell–order-N-tablet |
mc:orp |
mdl-cell–order-N-phone |
mc:hd |
mdl-cell–hide-desktop |
mc:ht |
mdl-cell–hide-tablet |
mc:hp |
mdl-cell–hide-phone |
mc:s |
mdl-cell–stretch |
mc:t |
mdl-cell–top |
mc:m |
mdl-cell–middle |
mc:b |
mdl-cell–bottom |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mta:b |
mdl-tabs |
mta:tb |
mdl-tabs__tab-bar |
mta:t |
mdl-tabs__tab |
mta:p |
mdl-tabs__panel |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mm:f |
mdl-mega-footer |
mm:ft |
mdl-mega-footer__top-section |
mm:fl |
mdl-mega-footer__left-section |
mm:fs |
mdl-mega-footer__social-btn |
mm:fr |
mdl-mega-footer__right-section |
mm:fm |
mdl-mega-footer__middle-section |
mm:fd |
mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section |
mm:fh |
mdl-mega-footer__heading |
mm:fll |
mdl-mega-footer__link-list |
mm:fb |
mdl-mega-footer__bottom-section |
mmi:f |
mdl-mini-footer |
mmi:fl |
mdl-mini-footer__left-section |
mmi:fll |
mdl-mini-footer__link-list |
mmi:fr |
mdl-mini-footer__right-section |
mmi:fs |
mdl-mini-footer__social-btn |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mli:s |
mdl-list |
mli:i |
mdl-list__item |
mli:it |
mdl-list__item–two-line |
mli:ith |
mdl-list__item–three-line |
mli:ip |
mdl-list__item-primary-content |
mli:ia |
mdl-list__item-avatar |
mli:ii |
mdl-list__item-icon |
mli:is |
mdl-list__item-secondary-content |
mli:isi |
mdl-list__item-secondary-info |
mli:isa |
mdl-list__item-secondary-action |
mli:itb |
mdl-list__item-text-body |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mp:i |
mdl-progress–indeterminate |
Snippet |
MDL class |
ms:p |
mdl-spinner |
ms:sc |
mdl-spinner–single-color |
Snippet |
MDL class |
me:n |
mdl-menu |
me:i |
mdl-menu__item |
me:f |
mdl-menu__item–full-bleed-divider |
me:t |
mdl-menu–top-left |
me:tr |
mdl-menu–top-right |
me:b |
mdl-menu–bottom-right |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mr:s |
mdl-slider |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mn:a |
mdl-snackbar |
mn:t |
mdl-snackbar__text |
mn:ac |
mdl-snackbar__action |
mn:at |
mdl-snackbar–active |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mk:b |
mdl-checkbox |
mk:i |
mdl-checkbox__input |
mk:l |
mdl-checkbox__label |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mo:r |
mdl-radio |
mo:rb |
mdl-radio__button |
mo:rl |
mdl-radio__label |
Icon toggle
Snippet |
MDL class |
mic:o |
mdl-icon-toggle |
mic:i |
mdl-icon-toggle__input |
mic:l |
mdl-icon-toggle__label |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mw:i |
mdl-switch |
mw:in |
mdl-switch__input |
mw:l |
mdl-switch__label |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mda:t |
mdl-data-table |
mda:s |
mdl-data-table–selectable |
mda:hs |
mdl-data-table__header–sorted-ascending |
mda:hd |
mdl-data-table__header–sorted-descending |
mda:c |
mdl-data-table__cell–non-numeric |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mx:t |
mdl-textfield |
mx:i |
mdl-textfield__input |
mx:l |
mdl-textfield__label |
mx:f |
mdl-textfield–floating-label |
mx:e |
mdl-textfield__error |
mx:ex |
mdl-textfield__expandable |
mx:h |
mdl-input__expandable-holder |
Snippet |
MDL class |
moo:l |
mdl-tooltip |
moo:a |
mdl-tooltip–large |
moo:e |
mdl-tooltip–left |
moo:r |
mdl-tooltip–right |
moo:t |
mdl-tooltip–top |
moo:b |
mdl-tooltip–bottom |
Snippet |
MDL class |
mt:b1 |
mdl-typography–body-1 |
mt:b1f |
mdl-typography–body-1-force-preferred-font |
mt:b2 |
mdl-typography–body-2 |
mt:b2c |
mdl-typography–body-2-color-contrast |
mt:b2f |
mdl-typography–body-2-force-preferred-font |
mt:b |
mdl-typography–button |
mt:c |
mdl-typography–caption |
mt:cc |
mdl-typography–caption-color-contrast |
mt:d1 |
mdl-typography–display-1 |
mt:d1c |
mdl-typography–display-1-color-contrast |
mt:d2 |
mdl-typography–display-2 |
mt:d3 |
mdl-typography–display-3 |
mt:d4 |
mdl-typography–display-4 |
mt:h |
mdl-typography–headline |
mt:m |
mdl-typography–menu |
mt:s |
mdl-typography–subhead |
mt:sc |
mdl-typography–subhead-color-contrast |
mt:ts |
mdl-typography–table-striped |
mt:tc |
mdl-typography–text-center |
mt:tj |
mdl-typography–text-justify |
mt:tl |
mdl-typography–text-left |
mt:tr |
mdl-typography–text-right |
mt:tca |
mdl-typography–text-capitalize |
mt:tlo |
mdl-typography–text-lowercase |
mt:tu |
mdl-typography–text-uppercase |
mt:tn |
mdl-typography–text-nowrap |
mt:t |
mdl-typography–title |
mt:tcc |
mdl-typgraphy–title-color-contrast |
State hooks
Snippet |
MDL class |
Component |
is:a |
is-active |
Layout |
is:i |
is-invalid |
Textfield |
Snippet |
MDL class |
Component |
mj:b |
mdl-js-button |
Button |
mj:r |
mdl-js-ripple-effect |
Button |
mj:l |
mdl-js-layout |
Layout |
mj:ta |
mdl-js-tabs |
Tabs |
mj:p |
mdl-js-progress |
Progress |
mj:s |
mdl-js-spinner |
Spinner |
mj:m |
mdl-js-menu |
Menu |
mj:sl |
mdl-js-slider |
Slider |
mj:c |
mdl-js-checkbox |
Checkbox |
mj:r |
mdl-js-radio |
Radio |
mj:i |
mdl-js-icon-toggle |
Icon toggle |
mj:s |
mdl-js-switch |
Switch |
mj:dt |
mdl-js-data-table |
Data table |
mj:t |
mdl-js-textfield |
Textfield |
Snippet |
MDL class |
Component |
mi:c |
material-icons |
Applicable everywhere |
mlo:g |
mdl-logo |
Footer |
Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets - Sublime Plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.