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Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets

đź‘€ A collection of Sublime Text selectors snippets for Material Design Lite.

Labels snippets



  • Total 1K
  • Win 969
  • Mac 132
  • Linux 154
Dec 21 Dec 20 Dec 19 Dec 18 Dec 17 Dec 16 Dec 15 Dec 14 Dec 13 Dec 12 Dec 11 Dec 10 Dec 9 Dec 8 Dec 7 Dec 6 Dec 5 Dec 4 Dec 3 Dec 2 Dec 1 Nov 30 Nov 29 Nov 28 Nov 27 Nov 26 Nov 25 Nov 24 Nov 23 Nov 22 Nov 21 Nov 20 Nov 19 Nov 18 Nov 17 Nov 16 Nov 15 Nov 14 Nov 13 Nov 12 Nov 11 Nov 10 Nov 9 Nov 8 Nov 7
Windows 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mac 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Linux 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets

A collection of Sublime Text selectors snippets for Material Design Lite. :eyes:



There are 3 methods for installing this plugin.

  1. Search for “Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets” via the “Package Control: Install Packages” menu. Note: If you don't have Sublime Package Control installed, you can find out how to install it here https://sublime.wbond.net/installation

  2. Clone the repository into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory. git clone https://github.com/rasy-js/material-design-lite-snippets.git

  3. Download the .zip file and unzip it into your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory. Note: You can find your Sublime Text 2/3 packages directory by going to Preferences > Browse Packages.


Start typing snippet in pug or html, css, sass, scss files.



Snippet MDL class
ma:g mdl-badge
ma:nb mdl-badge–no-background
ma:o mdl-badge–overlap
ma:d data-badge=“value”


Snippet MDL class
mb:u mdl-button
mb:r mdl-button–raised
mb:f mdl-button–fab
mb:mf mdl-button–mini-fab
mb:i mdl-button–icon
mb:c mdl-button–colored
mb:p mdl-button–primary
mb:a mdl-button–accent


Snippet MDL class
mca:r mdl-card
mca:c mdl-card–border
msh:d mdl-shadow–Ndp
mca:t mdl-card__title
mca:tt mdl-card__title-text
mca:s mdl-card__subtitle-text
mca:m mdl-card__media
mca:st mdl-card__supporting-text
mca:a mdl-card__actions
mca:m mdl-card__menu


Snippet MDL class
mh:i mdl-chip
mh:c mdl-chip–contact
mh:t mdl-chip__text
mh:a mdl-chip__action
mh:co mdl-chip__contact


Snippet MDL class
md:i mdl-dialog
md:t mdl-dialog__title
md:c mdl-dialog__content
md:a mdl-dialog__actions
md:af mdl-dialog__actions–full-width


Snippet MDL class
ml:a mdl-layout
ml:h mdl-layout__header
ml:i mdl-layout-icon
ml:hr mdl-layout__header-row
ml:t mdl-layout__title
ml:s mdl-layout-spacer
ml:n mdl-navigation
ml:nl mdl-navigation__link
ml:d mdl-layout__drawer
ml:c mdl-layout__content
ml:hs mdl-layout__header–scroll
ml:fd mdl-layout–fixed-drawer
ml:fh mdl-layout–fixed-header
ml:nd mdl-layout–no-drawer-button
ml:ndd mdl-layout–no-desktop-drawer-button
ml:l mdl-layout–larget-screen-only
ml:ss mdl-layout–small-screen-only
ml:hw mdl-layout__header–waterfall
ml:hwh mdl-layout__header–waterfall-hide-top
ml:ht mdl-layout__header–transparent
ml:hs mdl-layout__header–seamed
ml:tb mdl-layout__tab-bar
ml:ta mdl-layout__tab
ml:tp mdl-layout__tab-panel
ml:tm mdl-layout__tab-manual-switch
ml:ft mdl-layout–fixed-tabs
ml:ce mdl-layout-center


Snippet MDL class
mg:r mdl-grid
mg:n mdl-grid–no-spacing
mc:e mdl-cell
mc:c mdl-cell–N-col
mc:cd mdl-cell–N-col-desktop
mc:ct mdl-cell–N-col-tablet
mc:cp mdl-cell–N-col-phone
mc:o mdl-cell–N-offset
mc:od mdl-cell–N-offset-desktop
mc:ot mdl-cell–N-offset-tablet
mc:op mdl-cell–N-offset-phone
mc:or mdl-cell–order-N
mc:ord mdl-cell–order-N-desktop
mc:ort mdl-cell–order-N-tablet
mc:orp mdl-cell–order-N-phone
mc:hd mdl-cell–hide-desktop
mc:ht mdl-cell–hide-tablet
mc:hp mdl-cell–hide-phone
mc:s mdl-cell–stretch
mc:t mdl-cell–top
mc:m mdl-cell–middle
mc:b mdl-cell–bottom


Snippet MDL class
mta:b mdl-tabs
mta:tb mdl-tabs__tab-bar
mta:t mdl-tabs__tab
mta:p mdl-tabs__panel


Snippet MDL class
mm:f mdl-mega-footer
mm:ft mdl-mega-footer__top-section
mm:fl mdl-mega-footer__left-section
mm:fs mdl-mega-footer__social-btn
mm:fr mdl-mega-footer__right-section
mm:fm mdl-mega-footer__middle-section
mm:fd mdl-mega-footer__drop-down-section
mm:fh mdl-mega-footer__heading
mm:fll mdl-mega-footer__link-list
mm:fb mdl-mega-footer__bottom-section
mmi:f mdl-mini-footer
mmi:fl mdl-mini-footer__left-section
mmi:fll mdl-mini-footer__link-list
mmi:fr mdl-mini-footer__right-section
mmi:fs mdl-mini-footer__social-btn


Snippet MDL class
mli:s mdl-list
mli:i mdl-list__item
mli:it mdl-list__item–two-line
mli:ith mdl-list__item–three-line
mli:ip mdl-list__item-primary-content
mli:ia mdl-list__item-avatar
mli:ii mdl-list__item-icon
mli:is mdl-list__item-secondary-content
mli:isi mdl-list__item-secondary-info
mli:isa mdl-list__item-secondary-action
mli:itb mdl-list__item-text-body


Snippet MDL class
mp:i mdl-progress–indeterminate


Snippet MDL class
ms:p mdl-spinner
ms:sc mdl-spinner–single-color


Snippet MDL class
me:n mdl-menu
me:i mdl-menu__item
me:f mdl-menu__item–full-bleed-divider
me:t mdl-menu–top-left
me:tr mdl-menu–top-right
me:b mdl-menu–bottom-right


Snippet MDL class
mr:s mdl-slider


Snippet MDL class
mn:a mdl-snackbar
mn:t mdl-snackbar__text
mn:ac mdl-snackbar__action
mn:at mdl-snackbar–active


Snippet MDL class
mk:b mdl-checkbox
mk:i mdl-checkbox__input
mk:l mdl-checkbox__label


Snippet MDL class
mo:r mdl-radio
mo:rb mdl-radio__button
mo:rl mdl-radio__label

Icon toggle

Snippet MDL class
mic:o mdl-icon-toggle
mic:i mdl-icon-toggle__input
mic:l mdl-icon-toggle__label


Snippet MDL class
mw:i mdl-switch
mw:in mdl-switch__input
mw:l mdl-switch__label


Snippet MDL class
mda:t mdl-data-table
mda:s mdl-data-table–selectable
mda:hs mdl-data-table__header–sorted-ascending
mda:hd mdl-data-table__header–sorted-descending
mda:c mdl-data-table__cell–non-numeric


Snippet MDL class
mx:t mdl-textfield
mx:i mdl-textfield__input
mx:l mdl-textfield__label
mx:f mdl-textfield–floating-label
mx:e mdl-textfield__error
mx:ex mdl-textfield__expandable
mx:h mdl-input__expandable-holder


Snippet MDL class
moo:l mdl-tooltip
moo:a mdl-tooltip–large
moo:e mdl-tooltip–left
moo:r mdl-tooltip–right
moo:t mdl-tooltip–top
moo:b mdl-tooltip–bottom


Snippet MDL class
mt:b1 mdl-typography–body-1
mt:b1f mdl-typography–body-1-force-preferred-font
mt:b2 mdl-typography–body-2
mt:b2c mdl-typography–body-2-color-contrast
mt:b2f mdl-typography–body-2-force-preferred-font
mt:b mdl-typography–button
mt:c mdl-typography–caption
mt:cc mdl-typography–caption-color-contrast
mt:d1 mdl-typography–display-1
mt:d1c mdl-typography–display-1-color-contrast
mt:d2 mdl-typography–display-2
mt:d3 mdl-typography–display-3
mt:d4 mdl-typography–display-4
mt:h mdl-typography–headline
mt:m mdl-typography–menu
mt:s mdl-typography–subhead
mt:sc mdl-typography–subhead-color-contrast
mt:ts mdl-typography–table-striped
mt:tc mdl-typography–text-center
mt:tj mdl-typography–text-justify
mt:tl mdl-typography–text-left
mt:tr mdl-typography–text-right
mt:tca mdl-typography–text-capitalize
mt:tlo mdl-typography–text-lowercase
mt:tu mdl-typography–text-uppercase
mt:tn mdl-typography–text-nowrap
mt:t mdl-typography–title
mt:tcc mdl-typgraphy–title-color-contrast

State hooks

Snippet MDL class Component
is:a is-active Layout
is:i is-invalid Textfield


Snippet MDL class Component
mj:b mdl-js-button Button
mj:r mdl-js-ripple-effect Button
mj:l mdl-js-layout Layout
mj:ta mdl-js-tabs Tabs
mj:p mdl-js-progress Progress
mj:s mdl-js-spinner Spinner
mj:m mdl-js-menu Menu
mj:sl mdl-js-slider Slider
mj:c mdl-js-checkbox Checkbox
mj:r mdl-js-radio Radio
mj:i mdl-js-icon-toggle Icon toggle
mj:s mdl-js-switch Switch
mj:dt mdl-js-data-table Data table
mj:t mdl-js-textfield Textfield


Snippet MDL class Component
mi:c material-icons Applicable everywhere
mlo:g mdl-logo Footer


Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets - Sublime Plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.