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Threat​Connect Python Snippets

by fhightower ALL

Sublime Text snippets for writing scripts in less than 60 seconds that use ThreatConnect's Python SDK.

Labels snippets



  • Total 2K
  • Win 1K
  • Mac 201
  • Linux 413
Feb 15 Feb 14 Feb 13 Feb 12 Feb 11 Feb 10 Feb 9 Feb 8 Feb 7 Feb 6 Feb 5 Feb 4 Feb 3 Feb 2 Feb 1 Jan 31 Jan 30 Jan 29 Jan 28 Jan 27 Jan 26 Jan 25 Jan 24 Jan 23 Jan 22 Jan 21 Jan 20 Jan 19 Jan 18 Jan 17 Jan 16 Jan 15 Jan 14 Jan 13 Jan 12 Jan 11 Jan 10 Jan 9 Jan 8 Jan 7 Jan 6 Jan 5 Jan 4 Jan 3 Jan 2
Windows 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mac 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Linux 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



ThreatConnect Python SDK Sublime Text Snippets

The goal of this project is to make snippets such that you can write a useful python script that talks with ThreatConnect's API in less than less than 60 seconds.


As the name implies, you will need access to ThreatConnect's API before these snippets are useful. Additionally, these snippets are designed for use with Sublime Text. If you haven't tried it yet, I strongly encourage you to do so.

Snippet Design Paradigm

If a paradigms isn't worth your time, feel free to jump to the Examples section below (I don't want to shortchange anyone). For the rest, each snippet is constructed as follows:


The <action> is usually one letter that represents what we want to do (refer to the Actions section below). The <object> specifies the type of object (refer to the Objects section below for a list of possible objects) to which the aforementioned action will be done. For you language buffs, the <object> is really an indirect object.


Desired Action Action Prefix Description
Retrieve r Retrieve something from ThreatConnect
Create c Create something in ThreatConnect
Update u Update something that already exits in ThreatConnect
Delete d Delete something from ThreatConnect
Add/set Metadata a Add metadata to an object
Load Metadata l Load metadata about an object
Filter f Filter objects when retrieving


List of possible objects coming soon…


  • tcrindicators: In this snippet, r is the action (it stands for “retrieve”) and indicators are the object. Thus, this snippet provides code to retrieve indicators.
  • tcrgroups: In this snippet, r is the action (it stands for “retrieve”) and groups are the object. Thus, this snippet provides code to retrieve groups.
  • tccindicator: In this snippet, c is the action (it stands for “create”) and indicator is the object. Thus, this snippet provides code to create an indicator.
  • tclattributes: In this snippet, l is the action (it stands for “load”) and attributes are the object. Thus, this snippet provides code to load the attributes for an object.

Complete List of Snippets

Helpful Utility Snippets

  • tccommit: Generic commit
  • tcconfig: TC configuration heading
  • tccustomcall: Make a custom API call
  • tcdelete: Generic delete
  • tcfilter: Add a filter
  • tcfilterparam: Add a filter parameter
  • tcpostfilter: Add a post filter
  • tcretrieve: Generic retrieve
  • tctime: Time format for TC's Py SDK (REQUIRES: from datetime import datetime)


Retrieving Groups

  • tcradversaries: Retrieve adversaries
  • tcrcampaigns: Retrieve campaigns
  • tcrdocuments: Retrieve documents
  • tcremails: Retrieve emails
  • tcrgroups: Retrieve groups (all group types)
  • tcrincidents: Retrieve incidents
  • tcrsignatures: Retrieve signatures
  • tcrthreats: Retrieve threats

Creating Groups

  • tccadversary: Create adversary
  • tcccampaign: Create campaign
  • tccdocument: Create document
  • tccemail: Create email
  • tccincident: Create incident
  • tccsignature: Create signature
  • tccthreat: Create threat

Updating Groups

  • tcuadversary: Update adversary
  • tcucampaign: Update campaign
  • tcudocument: Update document
  • tcuemail: Update email
  • tcuincident: Update incident
  • tcusignature: Update signature
  • tcuthreat: Update threat

Deleting Groups

  • tcdadversaries: Delete adversaries
  • tcdcampaigns: Delete campaigns
  • tcddocuments: Delete documents
  • tcdemails: Delete emails
  • tcdincidents: Delete incidents
  • tcdsignatures: Delete signatures
  • tcdthreats: Delete threats


Retrieving Indicators

  • tcrindicators: Retrieve indicators (all indicator types)
  • tcrmaddresses: Retrieve multiple IP addresses
  • tcrmemailAddresses: Retrieve multiple email addresses
  • tcrmfiles: Retrieve multiple file indicators
  • tcrmhosts: Retrieve multiple hosts
  • tcrmurls: Retrieve multiple URLs
Single Retrieve
  • tcrsindicator: Retrieve a single indicator

Creating Indicators

  • tccindicator: Create indicator
  • tccfileindicator: Create a file indicator

Deleting Indicators

Coming soon…


Retrieving Tasks

  • tcrtasks: Retrieve tasks

Creating Tasks

  • tcctasks: Create a task

Updating Tasks

  • tcutasks: Update a task


Coming soon…


Loading/Retrieving Metadata

  • tclassocgroups: Retrieve associated groups
  • tclassocindicators: Retrieve associated indicators
  • tclassocvictims: Retrieve associated victims
  • tclassociations: Load associations
  • tclattributes: Load attributes
  • tclfileoccurrences: Load file occurrences
  • tclsecurity_labels: Load security labels
  • tcltags: Load tags

Adding Metadata

  • tcaassocgroup: Add an associated group
  • tcaassocindicator: Add an associated indicator
  • tcaassocvictim: Add an associated victim
  • tcaattribute: Add an attribute
  • tcaratings: Add threat and confidence ratings
  • tcasecuritylabel: Add a security label
  • tcatag: Add a tag

Updating Metadata

Coming soon…

Deleting Metadata

Coming soon…


If you're using Package Control for Sublime Text, simply install the ThreatConnect Python Snippets package.

Alternatively, you can clone this repository directly into your Sublime plugin folder and install the snippets manually as described below:


cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/fhightower/threatconnect-python-snippets.git

Linux (may vary based on distro.)

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/fhightower/threatconnect-python-snippets.git


cd "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages"
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/fhightower/threatconnect-python-snippets.git

Note: If you are having trouble finding the correct location to install the snippets, refer to the documentation on the subject.


The framework for this package was created from the Sublime Text Snippet Template available here: https://github.com/agenoria/sublime-snippet-package-template.

The documentation was automatically generated using the script here: https://github.com/fhightower/sublime_snippet_documenter.