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Prismic.​io snippets

by prismicio ALL

Prismic snippets for VS Code, Vim, Sublime, and IntelliJ

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  • Total 31
  • Win 17
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Prismic snippets for VS Code, Vim, Sublime, and IntelliJ.

  • 📐  Template quickly Prismic data in React and Vue.js;
  • 🏗  Scaffold common Prismic structures in a blink: slices, resolvers, and more;
  • 🈂  JavaScript and TypeScript friendly.


VS Code

Install extension from VS Code Marketplace.


Install extension using coc.nvim.

:CocInstall prismic-snippets coc-snippets


Install package from Package Control.


Intall plugin from JetBrains Marketplace.


Every snippets are prefixed with prismic(...). There are two categories of snippets: templating snippets and scaffolding snippets.

Templating snippets

React & Vue

  • prismicText: Yields a ready-to-use <PrismicText /> component
  • prismicRichText: Yields a ready-to-use <PrismicRichText /> component
  • prismicLink: Yields a ready-to-use <PrismicLink /> component
  • prismicSliceZone: Yields a ready-to-use <SliceZone /> component
  • prismicGroup: Yields a ready-to-use Group field/Slice repeatable template

React only

  • prismicProvider: Yields a ready-to-use <PrismicProvider /> component
  • prismicToolbar: Yields a ready-to-use <PrismicToolbar /> component

Vue only

  • prismicImage: Yields a ready-to-use <PrismicImage /> component
  • prismicEmbed: Yields a ready-to-use <PrismicEmbed /> component

Scaffolding snippets

React & Vue

  • prismicSliceScaffold: Yields a ready-to-use Slice components scaffold
  • prismicSliceSimulatorScaffold: Yields a ready-to-use Slice Simulator scaffold

JavaScript & TypeScript

  • prismicRouteResolverScaffold: Yields a ready-to-use Route Resolver scaffold
  • prismicLinkResolverScaffold: Yields a ready-to-use Link Resolver scaffold
  • prismicHTMLSerializerScaffold: Yields a ready-to-use HTML Serializer scaffold

To discover what's new on this package check out the changelog. For full documentation, visit the official Prismic documentation.


Whether you're helping us fix bugs, improve the docs, or spread the word, we'd love to have you as part of the Prismic developer community!

Asking a question: Open a new topic on our community forum explaining what you want to achieve / your question. Our support team will get back to you shortly.

Reporting a bug: Open an issue explaining your application's setup and the bug you're encountering.

Suggesting an improvement: Open an issue explaining your improvement or feature so we can discuss and learn more.

Submitting code changes: For small fixes, feel free to open a pull request with a description of your changes. For large changes, please first open an issue so we can discuss if and how the changes should be implemented.

For more clarity on this project and its structure you can also check out the detailed CONTRIBUTING.md document.


Copyright 2013-2022 Prismic <contact@prismic.io> (https://prismic.io)

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.