- ST3 2K Installs
📔 Sublime Text plugin that shows detailed definitions of words
- ST4 416 Installs
⌨ Sublime Text plugin for easy insertion of print/debug statements
- 765 Installs
📸 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for computer vision and image processing in Python (Imports, OpenCV, Pillow)
- 3K Installs
📊 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for data science and machine learning in Python (Imports, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Keras, PyTorch, etc)
- 795 Installs
🌐 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for web scraping in Python
- 324 Installs
🚀 Sublime Text package for Python's data science package Streamlit with completion, build system, and documentation
- 349 Installs
🤖 Sublime Text plugin that "passes" text selected or under cursor into brackets