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Jasmine JS

Jasmine syntax, snippets and commands



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Sublime Text package that includes syntax highlighting, snippets and commands for Jasmine the Javascript BDD framework.

This package is a merge between Jasmine BDD from @caiogondim and Jasmine from @gja.


Below is a list of all snippets currently supported on this package and the triggers of each one. The means the TAB key.


  • describe: desc⇥
  • xdescribe: xdesc⇥
  • fdescribe: fdesc⇥
  • it: it⇥
  • xit: xit⇥
  • fit: fit⇥
  • afterEach: ae⇥
  • beforeEach: be⇥


  • expect: exp⇥
  • expect().toBe: tb⇥
  • expect().toBeCloseTo: tbct⇥
  • expect().toBeDefined: tbd⇥
  • expect().toBeFalsy: tbf⇥
  • expect().toBeGreaterThan: tbgt⇥
  • expect().toBeLessThan: tblt⇥
  • expect().toBeNull: tbn⇥
  • expect().toBeTruthy: tbt⇥
  • expect().toBeUndefined: tbu⇥
  • expect().toContain: tc⇥
  • expect().toEqual: te⇥
  • expect().toHaveBeenCalled: thbc⇥
  • expect().toHaveBeenCalledWith: thbcw⇥
  • expect().toMatch: tm⇥
  • expect().toThrow: tt⇥
  • expect().toThrowError: tte⇥
  • expect().not.toBe: nb⇥
  • expect().not.toBeCloseTo: nct⇥
  • expect().not.toBeDefined: nd⇥
  • expect().not.toBeFalsy: nf⇥
  • expect().not.toBeGreaterThan: ngt⇥
  • expect().not.toBeLessThan: nlt⇥
  • expect().not.toBeNull: nn⇥
  • expect().not.toBeTruthy: nt⇥
  • expect().not.toBeUndefined: nu⇥
  • expect().not.toContain: nc⇥
  • expect().not.toEqual: ne⇥
  • expect().not.toMatch: nm⇥
  • expect().not.toThrow: nt⇥
  • jasmine.any: any⇥
  • jasmine.objectContaining: oc⇥


  • spyOn: so⇥
  • spyOn.and.callThrough: sct⇥
  • spyOn.and.callFake: scf⇥
  • spyOn.and.returnValue: srv⇥
  • spyOn.and.stub: ss⇥
  • spyOn.and.throwError: ste⇥
  • spy.calls.all: ca⇥
  • spy.calls.allArgs: caa⇥
  • spy.calls.any: ca⇥
  • spy.calls.argsFor: caf⇥
  • spy.calls.count: cc⇥
  • spy.calls.first: cf⇥
  • spy.calls.mostRecent: cmr⇥
  • spy.calls.reset: cr⇥
  • createSpy: cs⇥
  • createSpyObj: cso⇥


Switch between code and spec

This command will open the spec or source file that has the same path of the active view file. If you're looking at a source file and the package can't find any specs, it'll display a list of possible directories to create a new one.

To run this command, you can use ctrl+./super+. or ctrl+shift+./super+shift+., this last one will open a split view. Also you can select Jasmine: Switch between code and spec from the command palette.

Create spec file

This command is exactly the same as running Jasmine: Switch between code and spec and not finding specs.

It doesn't have a key binding, but you can use jasmine_create_spec as a command name, like this:

{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "jasmine_create_spec", "args": { "split_view": false } }

(legacy) Switch between code and spec

Runs the command from @gja package, found in run_jasmine.py.

If you want to setup a keybinding for it, you can use:

{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "legacy_jasmine_switch" }

Toggle quotes

This command will change the snippets from the current active quotes to it's counterpart.

For example, it will transform this:

describe("Name of the group", function() {


to this

describe('Name of the group', function() {


If you want to setup a keybinding for it, you can use:

{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "jasmine_toggle_quotes" }


After each toggle you may need to restart Sublime to the changes to take effect.

Command Settings

There are two possible settings: “javascript { // Ignore directories when searching for files (source and specs) "ignored_directories”: [“.git”, “vendor”, “tmp”, “node_modules”],

// The parent folder name for the spec files
"jasmine_path": "spec",

// Extension used when creating a new spec file. 
"spec_file_extension": ".spec.js"


**Remember** that this settings only apply to the new command (they won't affect `(legacy) Switch between code and spec`).

## Syntax

With this package, the editor will recognize `.spec.js` files as having Jasmine syntax. It will highlight `(x)describe` and `(x)it`.

Take into account that any other packages that are using `javascript` as a syntax may not work with `jasmine`, you can always turn it back off by opening a `.spec.js` file and selecting "View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as... > Javascript".

## Installation

### PackageControl

If you have [PackageControl](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) installed, you can use it to install the package.

Just type `cmd-shift-p`/`ctrl-shift-p` to bring up the command pallete and pick `Package Control: Install Package` from the dropdown, search and select the package there and you're all set.

### Manual

You can clone the repo in your `/Packages` (*Preferences -> Browse Packages...*) folder and start using/hacking it.

    cd ~/path/to/Packages
    git clone https://github.com/NicoSantangelo/sublime-jasmine.git Jasmine