ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


by Naereen ST3 MacLinux

Tiny ST3 :memo: plug-in to easily switch :twisted_rightwards_arrows: between spell-check for French :fr: or English :gb:, and auto-detect the language



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SublimeText3 SwitchDictionary - EARLY STAGE


This plug-in is still in active development and is in early stage!

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It is a tiny Sublime Text 3 plug-in (not tested on ST 2), that add commands and shortcuts to switch between: no spell-check, spell-check for French, and spell-check for English.

This plugin also implements a small automatic language checker to detect if the document is in French or in English (and embeds a more sophisticated one), but the dictionary is loaded only with a keyboard shortcut, it is not turned on automatically.

Note: It is restricted to only French vs English for now. I hope it will soon be better, allowing you to define your own list of dictionaries.

Demo (gif screencast)

demo of Sublime Text 3 'SwitchDictionary' plugin (gif)



  • It enables spell-check, and sets the dictionary to English
  • It is associated to the key chain ctrl+k, ctrl+e


  • It enables spell-check, and sets the dictionary to French
  • It is associated to the key chain ctrl+k, ctrl+f


  • It cycles between English, French, and None
  • It is associated to the key chain ctrl+k, ctrl+s and also to ctrl+alt+s (s for switch)


  • It uses langdetect.detect to (try to) automatically detect the language of the current file. I also manually added a small check (with French accents), as langdetect is failing on some very small files
  • Right now, the detected language is only used to know if it is French / or not French (English or other language). TODO I need to generalize this
  • It sets to French if the file is in French (or as a high probability of being written in French), and sets to English otherwise
  • It is associated to ctrl+alt+a (a for auto)
  • Warning: it requires the current file (edited file) to be saved on the disk, as it uses the content of the file to guess the language


  • It simply disables the spell-check
  • It is NOT associated to any key (tip: use the default command, associated to F6 by default)

Accessing commands through…

:notebook: The Command Palette !

Press ctrl+shift+p (Windows, Linux) or cmd+shift+p (OS X) to open the Command Palette, and then search for:

  • Switch Dictionary: disable (None),
  • Switch Dictionary: to English,
  • Switch Dictionary: to French,
  • Switch Dictionary: None ↔ French ↔ English.
  • Auto Switch Dictionary (guess).

:mouse: The Encoding Menu !

In the status bar, you should have a menu showing the encoding of the current file (by default it is UTF-8). Click on the menu, and you can click on:

  • Switch Dictionary – Disable (None)
  • Switch Dictionary – to English
  • Switch Dictionary – to French
  • Switch Dictionary – None ↔ French ↔ English
  • Auto Switch Dictionary (guess)

:musical_keyboard: Shortcuts !

By default, the following shortcuts are available

  • ctrl+k, ctrl+e : Switch Dictionary – to English
  • ctrl+k, ctrl+f : Switch Dictionary – to French
  • ctrl+k, ctrl+s or ctrl+alt+s : Switch Dictionary – None ↔ French ↔ English
  • ctrl+alt+a : Auto Switch Dictionary (guess)

:question: How to install it ?

:ok_hand: With Package Control

If you have Package Control installed in Sublime Text 2/3, just press ctrl+shift+p (Windows, Linux) or cmd+shift+p (OS X) to open the Command Palette.

  1. Start typing install to select Package Control: Install Package,
  2. Then search for SwitchDictionary and select it. That's it!

The package is now available on packagecontrol.io !

Package Control total downloads Package Control month downloads Package Control week downloads Package Control day downloads

:floppy_disk: Manually, with git

You can also install this package manually by entering the Packages directory of Sublime Text 3 (through the menu: “Preferences” > “Browse packages”), and issuing this command on a terminal:

cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/  # adapt the path on Windows or Mac OS X
git clone https://github.com/Naereen/SublimeText3_SwitchDictionary

Check it

You can check it was well installed by hitting ctrl+k, ctrl+s (it should enable English spell checking).

:boom: TODO !

  • [x] Test it on another laptop : DONE on another Linux laptop
  • [x] Test it on Mac OS X : DONE on a Mac OS laptop, TODO on Windows
  • [x] Implement a smart detection, to know if a file is in French or in English
  • [ ] Be more general, allow a user to define his own favorite dictionaries
  • [ ] Finish it completely
  • [ ] Include a second screencast showing the “automatic language detection” feature (new in v0.0.3)
  • [x] Publish it on Package Control, OK. I was waiting for this pull request to be merged.

:hourglass: Future Features

  • Be more general: allow users to define manually a list of dictionary (path, and name), and add one command for each dictionary, and make the switch_spellcheck command cycle between them!

:scroll: License ? GitHub license

This plug-in is published under the terms of the MIT license (file LICENSE.txt), © Lilian Besson, 2016.

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