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Theme - Cyanide

by lefoy ALL Trending

Minimal dark theme for Sublime Text 3

Labels theme



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Cyanide Theme for Sublime Text

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/lefoy/cyanide-theme

A minimal dark theme for Sublime Text 3.


Package Manager

Install the theme with the Command Palette and update your Settings - User file:

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide.sublime-theme"


Clone Cyanide Theme into your packages folder. Make sure the folder name is Theme - Cyanide:

cd ~/"Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/"
git clone git@github.com:lefoy/cyanide-theme.git 'Theme - Cyanide'

If you are on Windows, instead run:

cd %AppData%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
git clone git@github.com:lefoy/cyanide-theme.git 'Theme - Cyanide'

Update your Settings - User file to activate the theme:

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide.sublime-theme"


Monocyanide Colorscheme

If you like Monokai Extended, there's a colorscheme called Monocyanide that was developed specifically for Cyanide. It works with any of the themes.

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Monocyanide.tmTheme",

Twilightcyanide Colorscheme

If you like Twilight, there's a colorscheme called Twilightcyanide that was developed specifically for Cyanide. It works with any of the themes.

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Twilightcyanide.tmTheme",

Acid theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Acid.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Acid.sublime-theme"

Alert theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Alert.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Alert.sublime-theme"

Golden theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Golden.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Golden.sublime-theme"

Love theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Love.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Love.sublime-theme"

Mint theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Mint.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Mint.sublime-theme"

Purple theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Purple.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Purple.sublime-theme"

Salmon theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Salmon.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Salmon.sublime-theme"

Sky theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Sky.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Sky.sublime-theme"

Wood theme

"color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Cyanide/Cyanide - Wood.tmTheme",
"theme": "Cyanide - Wood.sublime-theme"

ColorScheme Background Variations

All colorschemes provided come in 5 flavors where the background of each is different. The variations that are available are: + Default (the one with no suffix): #0a0a0a + Black: #000000 + Contrasted: #121212 + Contrasted Semi: #191919 + Contrasted Light: #282828

When words are not enough:


These settings go into Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User.

Sidebar file type icons

Sublime Text 3 added sidebar icons. Thanks to a great contribution by @Centril, now also supported in Cyanide!

"icon_file_type_enable": true

Centurion sidebar folder icons

Sidebar folder icons from the Centurion theme.

"centurion_folder_icons": true

Afterglow sidebar folder icons

Sidebar folder icons from the Afterglow theme.

"afterglow_folder_icons": true

Spacefunk sidebar folder icons

Sidebar folder icons from the Spacefunk theme.

"spacefunk_folder_icons": true

Tabs height

Vary tab height with either tabs_medium or tabs_large.

"tabs_medium": true


"tabs_large": true

Contrasted UI

Increased contrast for better legibility.

"contrasted_sidebar": true,
"contrasted_tabs": true,
"contrasted_quick_panel": true

Or use a lighter alternative:

"contrasted_light_sidebar": true,
"contrasted_light_tabs": true,
"contrasted_light_quick_panel": true

Custom UI font

Change the UI font:

"ubuntu_mono_ui": true // Ubuntu Mono UI font
"monaco_ui": true      // Monaco UI font
"inconsolata_ui": true // Inconsolata UI font

Large scrollbars

Increased scrollbars size for better control.

"large_scroll_bars": true

Cyanide Theme Builder

You must install the Cyanide Theme manually if you want to use the Cyanide Theme Builder.

Create your own custom Cyanide Theme with the Theme Builder. If you don't have grunt installed, do that first.

Go to your Cyanide Theme folder and run:

npm install

Edit the colors.json file to add your own custom color. Edit the languages.json file to add your own custom sidebar icon. Match every new entry with images named file_type_{icon}.png (dimensions: 16x16) and file_type_{icon}@2x.png (dimensions: 32x32) in the icons/ directory. Edit the external.json file to roll your own custom colorscheme to build. Take a look at the template of the Monocyanide colorscheme for how to accomplish this.

Save the file, and run:

grunt build

Your new theme is generated. Update the Sublime Text settings to use it.

The tasks that are available are:

    build       # Does all of the below.
    themes      # Builds the theme files, do this when colors.json is updated.
    languages   # Builds sidebar icon bindings and dummy syntax highlighting.
    external-colorschemes # Pulls the latest version of Monocyanide and Twilightcyanide from their repos and builds them.

Known issues

Ubuntu Mono UI cuts off the tabs font

Unfortunately, this is a Sublime Text bug. As a work-around, use the "small_ui_font": true setting. If this doesn't fix it, please file a new issue on GitHub.

Plugins support

The following Sublime Text plugins are currently supported by Cyanide Theme:


This theme is based on Centurion, Afterglow, Spacefunk and Seti_UI.

Thanks to @Centril, @pds2k12, @hraban, @renkun-ken and @wfalkwallace for helping me with bug reports and suggestions.

Like this theme? I'd love to hear! Contact me on Twitter (@louisetiennefoy).