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by kylebebak ST4

Sublime Text Tree-sitter configuration and abstraction layer



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Sublime TreeSitter

The TreeSitter plugin provides Sublime Text with a performant and flexible interface to Tree-sitter.

Why Tree-sitter

Tree-sitter builds a parse tree for text in any buffer, fast enough to update the tree after every keystroke. The TreeSitter plugin has built-in commands for syntax-based selection and navigation, and for managing and debugging Tree-sitter languages and parse trees.

It also has APIs with everything you need to build Sublime Text plugins for “structural” editing, selection, navigation, code folding, symbol maps… See e.g. https://zed.dev/blog/syntax-aware-editing for ideas.


  • Install TreeSitter from Package Control
  • See installed languages / install a new language with TreeSitter: Install Language
    • python, json, javascript, typescript and a few others are installed by default


Sublime TreeSitter provides commands to:

  • Select ancestor, descendant, sibling, or “cousin” nodes based on the current selection
  • Goto symbols returned by tree queries, with symbol breadcrumbs for context
  • Print the syntax tree or nodes under the current selection (e.g. for debugging)

And APIs to:

  • Get a node from a point or selection
  • Get a Tree-sitter Tree by its buffer id, or get trees for all tracked buffers
  • Subscribe to tree changes in any buffer in real time using sublime_plugin.EventListener
  • Get a tree from a string of code
  • Query a tree, walk a tree
  • Other low-level APIs that power built-in commands


Here's a partial list of commands that ship with TreeSitter. To see them all, search for TreeSitter in the command palette.

  • tree_sitter_install_language
  • tree_sitter_remove_language
  • tree_sitter_select_ancestor
  • tree_sitter_select_sibling
  • tree_sitter_select_cousins
  • tree_sitter_select_descendant
  • tree_sitter_select_symbols
  • tree_sitter_goto_symbol
  • tree_sitter_print_tree
  • tree_sitter_show_node_under_selection

Key bindings

Here are some example key bindings.sublime-keymap#L384-L577) for selection and navigation commands.

Public APIs

TreeSitter exports low-level APIs for building Sublime Text plugins. These APIs are importable by other plugins under the sublime_tree_sitter package.

API source code is mostly in src/api.py.

Plugin load order

To import sublime_tree_sitter in your plugin, you have 2 options:

  • Name your plugin so it comes after TreeSitter in alphabetical order (all User plugins do this)
  • Import sublime_tree_sitter at “run time” after plugins have loaded, e.g. do something like this:
import sublime_plugin

class MyTreeSitterCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
    def run(self, **kwargs):
        from sublime_tree_sitter import get_tree_dict
        # ...

Event listener

Plugins can subscribe to "tree_sitter_update_tree" events:

import sublime_plugin
from sublime_tree_sitter import get_tree_dict

class MyTreeSitterListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_window_command(self, window, command, args):
        if command == "tree_sitter_update_tree":

Manage your own language repos and binaries

TreeSitter ships with pre-built language binaries from the tree_sitter_languages package. If you want to use languages or language versions not in this package, TreeSitter can clone language repos and build binaries for you.

To enable this (and disable languages bundled in tree_sitter_languages), go to TreeSitter: Settings from the command palette, and set python_path to an external Python 3.8 executable with a working C compiler, so it can call Language.build_library.

If you use Linux or MacOS, an easy way to get Python 3.8 is with pyenv.


  • Doesn't support nested syntax trees, e.g. JS code in <script> tags in HTML docs
  • Only supports source code encoded with ASCII / UTF-8 (Tree-sitter also supports UTF-16)
