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With Python

by nneonneo ALL

"Replace with Python" for Sublime Text 2



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Sublime Text “Replace with Python”

Sublime Text has a great regex-powered find-and-replace feature. But, what if you want to do a little more complex replacement? “Replace with Python” empowers your replace command with Python, letting you do advanced text manipulation intuitively and easily.

Replacing binary with characters in Sublime Text


  • “With Python: Replace”, accessible as Find => Replace with Python (with_python_prompt_replace)
    1. Select some regions of text, e.g. by alt+dragging a rectangular area or by using Find => Find... followed by alt+enter to select all matches.
    2. Activate this command to bring up a command entry box
    3. Type a Python statement (or multiple statements separated by newlines, which you can enter with alt+enter), which uses the text and/or index variables and ultimately assigns the text variable.
    4. Your snippet will be executed once per selection region, with the output text variable replacing the selected text.
  • “With Python: Sort Lines”, accessible as Edit => Sort Lines with Python (with_python_prompt_sort_lines)
    1. Optionally, select some regions of text. Each region will be sorted independently. The entire file is sorted if nothing is selected.
    2. Activate this command to bring up a command entry box.
    3. Type a Python expression which uses the line and/or index variables. The result of this expression is used as a sort key.
    4. The expression is executed once per line in a selection region, and the lines are sorted according to the resulting values.
  • “With Python: Sort Selections”, accessible as Edit => Sort Selections with Python (with_python_prompt_sort_selections)
    1. Select some regions of text.
    2. Activate this command to bring up a command entry box
    3. Type a Python expression which uses the text and/or index variables.
    4. The expression is executed once per selection region, and the regions are moved according to the resulting values. Unselected text is not affected.


  • text - Selected text. Usable in Replace With Python and Permute Selections => Sort With Python.
  • line - Line within a selection. Usable in Permute Lines => Sort With Python.
  • index - 0-based index of the current selection region. Usable in all functions.
  • lineno - Line number within the current selection. Usable in Permute Lines => Sort With Python.