- by axsuul 191K Installs
Post text from Sublime Text to 0x0
- by Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN 28K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Auto backups plugin
- by math2001 ST3 2K Installs
A Sublime Text package to automatically close empty groups (panes)
- by jrappen ST4 WinMac Missing 1K Installs
Automatic dark mode, switches Sublime Text's UI according to your OS's appearance.
- by Joseph Keen (Croebh) ST3 268 Installs
A SublimeText plugin containing utilities for the Avrae Discord bot
- by math2001 2K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to manage your snippets
- by rwols 1K Installs
More exhaustive Switch File functionality for the C-family
- by Fabian Schilf 11K Installs
Create C++ class with Headerfile
- by Victor Rachieru 3K Installs
Quick reference for those pesky little details that just won't stay in your head.
- by ddbln ST3 2K Installs
Instantly close all files (unsaved and saved) without repetitive confirmation dialogs! ⚡️
- by Atbox 652 Installs
Plays epic sound clips when you write epic code on sublime Text!
- by subeeshb ST3 173 Installs
Share, review and discuss code snippets directly from Sublime Text to CodeDrafts, a code review tool.
- by Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN Top 100 327K Installs
Code Formatter plugin for ST2/ST3
- by absop ST4 844 Installs
A Sublime Text 4 plugin for counting and highlighting showing code lines.
- by swdotcom 3K Installs
Track your programming activity in real-time in Sublime Text
- by mandeep ST3 50K Installs
Work with conda environments in Sublime Text 3
- by Joe Esposito 23K Installs
Run a Sublime Text command in a console window. Supports both Sublime Text 2 & 3.
- by abathur ST3 111 Installs
a simple take on project / workflow management in Sublime Text 3
- by shagabutdinov 2K Installs
Context checking for plugins
- by philco Missing 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin to copy code into HipChat with Syntax Highlighting
- by smallevilbeast ST3 3K Installs
sublime text 3 translate tool
- by Sirisak Lueangsaksri (spywhere) ST3 WinMac 151 Installs
A Sublime Text's plugin for settings synchronization on cloud services
- by tushortz ST3 3K Installs
Plugin to automatically import required modules/classes/packages. For sublime text
- by mjkaufer 466 Installs
Sublime plugin to quickly open HTML files
- by Tony Ennis 185 Installs
Send text to the editmode API & insert a snippet in its place.
- by shagabutdinov 6K Installs
Extra source code navigation hotkeys
- by Hibou57 ST3 707 Installs
A plug‑in for integration of external programs into Sublime Text 3, as window commands and text commands.
- by FelixBoers ST3 904 Installs
Run any external tool with an keyboard shortcut and/or via the command palette.
- by je-poy 1K Installs
Snippets for creating ExtJs Components, ViewController and Classes
- by danhper 7K Installs
Commands to work with files in Sublime Text
- by shagabutdinov 2K Installs
Replacement for default "save as...", "open" of sublime
- by vsc-cnst ST4 176 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for filtering file content using regular expressions
- by shagabutdinov 8K Installs
API for manipualting lists of files
- by thtliife Mac 3 Installs
Plugin that enables comparison of the last 2 activated buffers (even in different windows) using FileMerge (Mac OS X only).
- by loquens 231 Installs
Sublime Text open/save file prompt with tab completion and configurable suggestions variants.
- by tylerl 8K Installs
Send text to shell command or custom filters [ST2/ST3]
- by maxwelljohn ST3 329 Installs
Make complex code changes faster & more reliably with automatic working memory support
- by shagabutdinov 22K Installs
Navigation over directories api
- by David Bekoyan 1K Installs
Show github notifications count in statusbar
- by jbrooksuk 832 Installs
Open your current file with iA Writer editor in Sublime 2/3
- by erquhart 400 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for wrapping Javascript code in IIFE's
- by zanuka 217 Installs
JunoCommander is a Sublime Text package tailor-made for max productivity in the Juno framework.
- by gerardroche 38 Installs
Add, remove, and clears rulers.
- by tushortz ST3 992 Installs
A sublime text plugin that displays methods and documentation for some language classes
- by xavi- 9K Installs
Quitting shouldn't be so easy. Modal confirmation dialogs are annoying, so why not show a quick panel instead?
- by David Bekoyan ST3 5K Installs
This plugin provides you a comfortable interface for Sublime Text packages
- by underground-works ST3 2K Installs
Never write a PHP namespace declaration again.
- by mjkaufer 15K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to automagically create `.phps` files from `.php` files. Useful for generating php source automatically.
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) ST3 465 Installs
This is a unittest harness for sublime plugins. Deferred test fixtures are supported, such that you give back control to sublime text, and continue with your test few ms later.
- by bolknote Mac 181 Installs
Weather and Traffic Sublime Plugin
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) ST3 6K Installs
Browse and edit preferences using quick panel and input panels, instead of writing JSON files.
- by grubernaut 69K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to print colorized files as HTML via your browser.
- by rubikonx9 ST3 3K Installs
SublimeText 3 plugin for displaying regular expression explanations
- by antonioriva ST3 2K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin that open links and commands formatting it using a regular expression
- by shagabutdinov 458 Installs
Scope based context that can be reused by another plugins
- by shagabutdinov 4K Installs
Replacement for default sublime "search in file" functionality
- by Skullsneeze ST3 12K Installs
A sublime text 3 plugin that opens and closes the sidebar, based on where your mouse is
- by wisdman ST3 36K Installs
Custom Sublime Text 3 SideBar context menu
- by ekazyam ST3 65K Installs
AddSeparate for Sublime Text 3
- by braver ST3 76K Installs
Duplicate, copy, move or compare files and folders, copy paths and filenames, all from the Side Bar in Sublime Text
- by jgbishop ST3 8K Installs
Plug-in for Sublime Text that makes it easy to view default and user settings side-by-side. Works for key bindings and other plug-ins too!
- by deathaxe ST3 22K Installs
Easily switch theme and color scheme of Sublime Text with only one command.
- by CoatiSoftware 914 Installs
No description provided
- by shagabutdinov 3K Installs
Attemp of language-independent source code tokenization and manipulation
- by lowliet ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 package for displaying weather info in status bar
- by Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN 20K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for string manipulations
- by shagabutdinov 32K Installs
Minor utilities for building snippets and plugins
- by nsubiron ST3 540 Installs
Command framework for Sublime Text 3.
- by rafmjr 722 Installs
Sync UI Schemes between Sublime Text and Sublime Merge
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) 19K Installs
Easier Syntax Highlight and Theme Definition.
- by spywhere ST3 89K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 Plugin for Sublime Text's Internal Console
- by Zlitus 2K Installs
A plugin to manage timestamp in Sublime Text
- by Josh Goebel ST4 MacLinux 2K Installs
Tint Terminal - a lightweight terminal in a tab
- by Maximo Mussini (elmassimo) ST4 991 Installs
🌚🌞 Toggle between dark and light mode in Sublime Text 4
- by dfleury 766 Installs
A space to underline converter plugin for Sublime Text
- by wakatime Top 25 1.86M Installs
Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
- by rwols ST3 660 Installs
Displays the mode of each window in the status bar.
- by nneonneo 677 Installs
"Replace with Python" for Sublime Text
- by jrappen ST4 Missing 1K Installs
Convert HTML to PDF via wkhtmltopdf in Sublime Text.
- by dahanbn ST3 343 Installs
Yet Another Launcher - a Sublime Text 3 launcher plugin