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Theme - Brogrammer

by kenwheeler ALL Top 100

Brogrammer is a flat sexy Sublime Text theme. Pushups not included.

Labels theme


  • 2016.
  • github.​com
  • github.​com
  • 8 years ago
  • 2 hours ago
  • 10 years ago


  • Total 471K
  • Win 359K
  • Mac 58K
  • Linux 54K
Jul 26 Jul 25 Jul 24 Jul 23 Jul 22 Jul 21 Jul 20 Jul 19 Jul 18 Jul 17 Jul 16 Jul 15 Jul 14 Jul 13 Jul 12 Jul 11 Jul 10 Jul 9 Jul 8 Jul 7 Jul 6 Jul 5 Jul 4 Jul 3 Jul 2 Jul 1 Jun 30 Jun 29 Jun 28 Jun 27 Jun 26 Jun 25 Jun 24 Jun 23 Jun 22 Jun 21 Jun 20 Jun 19 Jun 18 Jun 17 Jun 16 Jun 15 Jun 14 Jun 13 Jun 12 Jun 11
Windows 14 27 31 32 30 26 15 20 24 26 28 29 23 21 27 28 30 28 27 14 30 24 29 32 30 35 17 21 26 37 22 21 37 19 30 27 35 35 45 33 26 21 24 28 23 28
Mac 4 1 4 3 2 2 0 5 7 4 6 2 1 1 3 4 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 4 0 4 2 0 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 2 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 2
Linux 3 4 6 7 0 2 4 7 3 2 2 3 3 4 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 4 6 3 9 3 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 7 4 5 6 4 3 6 7 6 3 3 6




Brogrammer is a flat sexy theme. Pushups not included.


Via Package Control

Theme is listed as Theme - Brogrammer in Will Bond's Sublime Package Control.


  1. Download the .zip
  2. Unzip and rename the folder to Theme - Brogrammer
  3. Copy the folder into Packages directory, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Browse Packages... in Sublime Text


Activate the UI theme and color scheme by modifying your user preferences file, which you can find using the menu item Preferences -> Settings - User in Sublime Text or by clicking cmd + , on a Mac.

Example settings

  "theme": "Brogrammer.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Brogrammer/brogrammer.tmTheme"

If you're using ST3 you could also use the Skins package. Activation becomes as simple as running Select Skin from the command palette and choosing Brogrammer from the list.