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Kick Assembler (C64)

by Swoffa ST3

Sublime Package for C64 development with Kick Assembler.



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Sublime KickAssembler (C64)

Sublime Package for C64 development with Kick Assembler, contains language configuration/syntax coloring, build system and some snippets. Support for macOS, Windows and Linux. Requires Sublime Text, version 3 is supported. Both the Vice C64 emulator and the C64Debugger C64 emulator/debugger is supported for running/debugging.

Below is a quick start guide, full documentation here: http://goatpower.wordpress.com/projects-releases/sublime-package-kick-assembler-c64/

Installation, macOS

* If you want a custom path for Kick Assembler, add the full path to KickAss.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable
** If you want a custom path for Vice, add the path to the Vice folder containing x64 to the PATH environment variable

Installation, Windows

* If you want a custom path for Kick Assembler, add the full path to KickAss.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable
** If you want a custom path for Vice, add the path to the Vice folder containing x64.exe to the PATH environment variable

Installation, Linux

I am a complete lamer when it comes to linux, which might or might not make this guide lame. Anyways, it is successfully tested on Ubuntu 14.

  • Ensure Java Runtime Environment is installed on your system, if not, look here, or install via ppa using this guide
  • Download Kick Assembler from http://theweb.dk/KickAssembler/, extract anywhere and ensure the full path to KickAss.jar exist in your CLASSPATH environment variable
  • Download/build/install Vice C64 emulator, i followed this guide. Ensure the path to the Vice folder (containing x64) exist in your PATH environment variable
  • Install Package Control for Sublime and install package Kick Assembler (C64) ), or clone/download this GitHub repository into subfolder of ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/

Develop, build and run

  1. Open a Kick Assembler code file in Sublime text. Example code file here
  2. Hit the F7 key to start Build and Run (see below for more build options)
  3. Hopefully watch your lovely code execute! (*)

* If you get error saying java is not recognized as an internal or external command, ensure java is installed and add the path to your java binaries folder to the PATH environment variable

Details, Build System

Action                      Shortcut macOS Shortcut Windows Description
Other build variants (listed below) Super+Shift+P Ctrl+Shift+P Start writing Build, and a list of the following variants is shown
Build Command+B Control+B Compiles the current file.
Build and Run F7 F7 Compiles the current file and runs it using the Vice emulator.
Build and Debug Shift+F7 Shift+F7 Compiles the current file and runs it using the Vice emulator. This option allows the creation of a file containing breakpoints, which is sent to the Vice emulator for debugging.
Build Startup Command+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+B Compiles a file with name Startup.asm in the same folder as the current file. Handy if you have several code files included in a main runnable file. The filename can be configured via kickass_startup_file_path setting.
Build and Run Startup F5 F5 Compiles a file with name Startup.asm in the same folder as the current file, and runs it using the Vice emulator. Handy if you have several code files included in a main runnable file. The filename can be configured via kickass_startup_file_path setting.
Build and Debug Startup Shift+F5 Shift+F5 Compiles a file with name Startup.asm in the same folder as the current file, and runs it using the Vice emulator. Handy if you have several code files included in a main runnable file. This option allows the creation of a file containing breakpoints, which is sent to the Vice emulator for debugging. The filename can be configured via kickass_startup_file_path setting.
Make F8 F8 Invokes a script called make.bat for Windows, make.sh for macOS (configurable through the default_make_path setting).

The following (relevant?) environment variables will be available in the make script:

Variable Info
kickass_file Filename of active file when command was triggered
kickass_file_path Full path active file when command was triggered
kickass_prg_file Full path for suggested prg file name, for active file when command was triggered
kickass_bin_folder Path to current output folder (bin by default or specified by kickass_output_path setting)


There's a way to execute custom scripts before/after the build.

Variable Info
default_prebuild_path Full path to the .bat or .sh script file that will be executed before the build.
default_postbuild_path Full path to the .bat or .sh script file that will be executed after the build. Useful for file compression etc.


This plugin makes working with Kick Assembler easier by displaying various helpful tooltip information. Tooltips database can be extended to provide more c64 related info. So far rudimentary help files with Kick Assembler directives, illegal opcodes, VIC registers and SID registers are ready. This plugin was added by Roman Dobosz (Gryf/Elysium) and Krzysztof Dabrowski (Brush/Elysium)


Navigate to Preferences/Package Settings/KickassTooltips and select the configuration file to edit. Currently you can configure:

"css_file": "KickassTooltips/css/default.css"

This is a file that has the css file used to style the tooltips.

"help_directories": ["KickassTooltips/helpdb"],

This defines the directory where json formatted help files are. Feel free to drop in your own.

"scopes": ["source.assembly.kickassembler"],

This definies in which scopes the plugin should work. So far it will fire up only in Kick Assembler scope.

"log_level": "warning"

For the debuggin purposes you can increase the log level to info or debug, open Python console (ctrl-) and observe what is going on and what problems the plugin has. If you report a bug, please use “debug” level and make sure you copy paset the whole output.


Making changes

Fork repo, make changes and submit pull requests.

Local development

Just clone repo into Sublime package folder and you can test the package “live” during development.

Running all tests

  1. Install package UnitTesting thru Package Control
  2. In Sublime Text, run command UnitTesting: Test Current pakcage with the SublimeKickAssemblerC64-folder opened