- by abstractmarkup 13K Installs
Abstract Markup Language syntax highlighting, code snippets, and build system for Sublime Text.
- by evandrocoan ST3 2K Installs
Auto-complete and Build System for Amx Mod X on Sublime Text
- by futek 981 Installs
AnB (Alice and Bob Notation) syntax highlighting and build system for Sublime Text
- by idleberg 6K Installs
AppleScript command completions, build system and useful snippets. Supports editing binary scripts
- by jonpas 637 Installs
Arma build system for Sublime Text 2/3
- by ysheng26 MacLinux 180 Installs
ATS2 build system for sublime text
- by NSUSpray ST3 427 Installs
More powerful AutoIt language and Plys dialect package for Sublime Text including context help and “goto” feature.
- by asparc Win 1K Installs
Sublime Text plugin with autocompletion, documentation generation and a command panel for Matlab.
- by macite 26K Installs
Sublime Text package that includes a simple build system to allow direct execution of bash scripts.
- by Builder's Brewery (buildersbrewery) ST4 3K Installs
LSL for Sublime Text 4073+ with linting, tooltips & completions with your indent style of choice.
- by Art Tito 5K Installs
Improved build system for Sublime Text
- by rusiv ST3 96 Installs
No description provided
- by ryanhefner 2K Installs
A flexible ANT Build System for Sublime Text 2 and 3 that doesn't require the build.xml be in the root of your project, and offers target selection.
- by albertosantini ST3 6K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to improve build system
- by dhelonious ST3 2K Installs
Extend default Sublime Text 3 build systems with input arguments.
- by Wirewraith 238 Installs
Sublime Text 3 code support and build system for BYOND tools.
- by ZacharyTaylor ST3 648 Installs
Use catkin build in sublime text 3
- by Minghang Yang ST3 14K Installs
Build and Run in Terminal for Single File C & C++
- by fnkr ST2 Missing 454 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to minimize JavaScript files using Google Closure.
- by Coolstuff14 2K Installs
Build System for Sublime Text to Validate AWS Cloudformation Templates in Json or Yaml
- by rwols ST3 11K Installs
Configure, build and test a CMake project right from within Sublime Text 3.
- by subhaze Mac 3K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to run CodeKit 2 commands
- by whatwedo 57K Installs
Compass Build System for Sublime Text
- by lucteo 352 Installs
Sublime Text plugin that allows creating more complex build environments, with multiple commands and variables
- by mandeep ST3 50K Installs
Work with conda environments in Sublime Text 3
- by wyderkat 4K Installs
Easy and fast CSS preprocessor based on Emmet (Zen-Coding) idea
- by gepd ST3 32K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for IoT development based in PlatformIO ecosystem (Arduino IDE)
- by domeide MacLinux 12K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to use Docker Language Stacks as build systems
- by SpaceManiac ST3 455 Installs
Sublime Text 3 package for SpacemanDMM's dm-langserver. Report issues on SpacemanDMM.
- by Adarma Win 469 Installs
Adds support for the DOORS DXL language to SublimeText
- by retgoat MacLinux 63 Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for ESpec BDD framework for Elixir.
- by mheinzler ST3 4K Installs
Sublime Text package to send input to stdin through the exec build target
- by tonsky ST4 MacLinux 127 Installs
Run any executable from your working dir in Sublime Text
- by Matthew Giannini ST3 236 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for the Fantom programming language
- by Go Authors 94K Installs
The official Sublime Text package for Go build system integration.
- by bblanchon ST3 17K Installs
👻 A plugin for Sublime Text 3 that highlights the lines that caused errors in the build
- by idleberg 506 Installs
Sublime Text build system for Homebrew formulas
- by idleberg 6K Installs
Inno Setup syntax definition, completions and build system for SublimeText
- by bilalba 5K Installs
Sublime text plugin to send input arguments when building.
- by inqlik ST3 6K Installs
Set of tools for QlikView development in Sublime Text 3
- by Swift-Next ST4 Mac 17 Installs
iOS build system for Sublime Text editor with simulator management support
- by mutian 35K Installs
Jade Build for Sublime Text
- by spywhere ST3 90K Installs
Java Development Plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by 23maverick23 19K Installs
A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.
- by nk9 ST4 741 Installs
A Sublime package for the just command runner
- by eppfel Mac 668 Installs
Run and Build JavaScript for Automation Scripts and Applets
- by Swoffa ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Package for C64 development with Kick Assembler.
- by ivlevdenis 13K Installs
Kivy language definition for Sublime Text
- by vipex 229 Installs
KIXstart language definition for TextMate and Sublime Text
- by SublimeText ST3 Win 286 Installs
Syntax highlighting and build system for LINQPad scripts
- by Oleg Shcherbyna ST3 129 Installs
Sublime Text 3 Syntax Plugin
- by SublimeText ST3 7K Installs
:tropical_fish: The Sublime Text package for Mermaid diagrams
- by Monochrome-Sauce ST4 2K Installs
Sublime Text package for the Meson build system
- by KristoforMaynard ST3 MacLinux 166 Installs
Better compile error feedback for Sublime Text.
- by stefanbates 410 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 build system plugin for flashing micropython programs to a BBC micro:bit
- by tillig 7K Installs
Sublime Text package for editing and executing MSBuild scripts.
- by Johan Baltié Win 556 Installs
Sublime Text build system for those building with MSBuild
- by r-stein 260 Installs
Language Support of MscGen for Sublime Text
- by JohanBaltie 668 Installs
Ninja build system for Sublime Text
- by tanepiper, varp ST3 Top 100 370K Installs
nodejs snippets and bindings for Sublime Text 3
- by SublimeText 7K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
- by idleberg 2K Installs
nsL Assembler syntax definitions and build system for Sublime Text
- by dparrini ST3 103 Installs
OpenDSS script files syntax definition for Sublime Text 3
- by bzarco ST3 3K Installs
Sublime Text plug-in for the OpenSees extension language of TCL (.tcl).
- by idleberg ST3 847 Installs
Language support, snippets and build-system for OpenVPN configuration files
- by fnkr ST2 Missing 7K Installs
Pascal/Delphi syntax highlighting and snippets.
- by fnkr ST3 Missing 10K Installs
Pascal/Delphi syntax highlighting and snippets.
- by wh0am1-dev 4K Installs
PICO-8 plugin for the Sublime Text 3 editor.
- by alnkpa 45K Installs
This a Prolog syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by corbanmailloux 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting and build system for Promela Spin.
- by komsit37 ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text Plugin for q/kdb
- by ckrooss ST3 Missing 1K Installs
Adding the most commonly used nodes in roslaunch to Sublimetext 3
- by MOM ST3 Win 62 Installs
This plugin adds RS-Balance 3 completions and some IDE-like functions to Sublime Text 3
- by SublimeText 43K Installs
Sublime Text 2 / 3 plugin for RSpec BDD Framework
- by absop, jfcherng ST4 19K Installs
Scheme syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 4.
- by lawrencebell ST3 Missing 497 Installs
security testing
- by ppalex7 ST3 4K Installs
SourcePawn auto-completion and build-system
- by futureprogrammer360 324 Installs
🚀 Sublime Text package for Python's data science package Streamlit with completion, build system, and documentation
- by Novus Nota ST3 27 Installs
All-in-one package for Tact programming language
- by asfaltboy 260 Installs
run python tests quickly from within a project
- by morganestes 3K Installs
Integrating Recess with Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by Zinggi 6K Installs
Auto-completion, Syntax Highlighting, Go to Declaration, Build and Run and more..
- by AdrianLC ST3 37K Installs
Manage your virtualenvs directly from Sublime Text 3
- by andrewp-as-is Missing 28 Installs
:pencil: :link: open .webloc (website shortcut) url in browser
- by existentialmutt, DeathAxe ST3 Win 663 Installs
A Sublime Text package to create build systems running in WSL2
- by rusiv ST3 18 Installs
No description provided