- ST3 2K Installs
Auto-complete and Build System for Amx Mod X on Sublime Text
- ST3 6K Installs
Amx Mod X self-contained syntax definition for Sublime Text
- 254 Installs
To clear the Sublime Text mouse selections before close any opened panel when hitting the `escape` key
- 495 Installs
Keep Sublime Text entire lines selected when indenting with tab
- 173 Installs
When pasting text with the command `Ctrl+Shift+V` (paste_and_indent), it makes the pasted text to be selected
- 11K Installs
Notepad++ Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- 194 Installs
Disables the default text provided by edit_settings to allow the window to be closed without the save prompt
- ST3 15K Installs
A fork from https://github.com/jvantuyl/sublime_diagram_plugin package for Sublime Text, to render diagrams in your source code
- 752 Installs
Forked from the Bitbuket mercurial repository, this allows you to browse and edit sublime preferences/settings, without writing JSON files.
- ST3 1K Installs
Some fixes for the Sublime Text command palette
- ST3 124K Installs
Real-time Word, Char, Line and Page counter, in the status-bar for the document, line or selection. Sublime Text