- by jrappen ST4 WinMac Missing 1K Installs
Automatic dark mode, switches Sublime Text's UI according to your OS's appearance.
- by Fabian Schilf 10K Installs
Create C++ class with Headerfile
- by Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN Top 100 327K Installs
Code Formatter plugin for ST2/ST3
- by enteleform-releases ST3 2K Installs
Define separate color schemes for specific paths, extensions, & filenames.
- by jrappen ST4 879 Installs
Automatic windowed distraction free mode while editing in Sublime Text.
- by drinks 2K Installs
A Sublime Text (2 & 3) Plugin for Bootstrapping HTML5Boilerplate Projects
- by jbrooksuk, FichteFoll 37K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for inserting sequences. Supporting alphanumerics and hex, with bitwise operations!
- by lgmerek ST3 Mac 0 Installs
No description provided
- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 581 Installs
This is how I make screencasts on <http://colinta.com>.
- by Hendrik Elsner (321hendrik@gmail.com) Mac 31 Installs
A collection of tools for creation of SikuliX tests with SublimeText
- by ronydebnath 2K Installs
A Sublime Text (2 & 3) Plugin to jumpstart Zurb Foundation Projects