- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 40K Installs
A version of the Sublime Text plugin at <http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2260&start=0> that makes for TextMate-like clipboard history. Based on Clipboard History, by AJ Palkovic (ajpalkovic) and Martin Aspeli (optilude)
- by liulex ST3 Win 6K Installs
Copy code in Sublime Text with syntax highlighting
- by AlanLynn ST3 887 Installs
Copies and cuts partially selected lines as full lines.
- by math2001 ST3 34K Installs
⚡️ A Sublime Text 3 package to help with file (duplicate, move, create...) ⚡️
- by TheClams ST3 5K Installs
Plugin for SublimeText to allow paste as column (cf. rectangle mode paste in emacs)
- by GGets ST3 Win 54 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to allow copying paths from file(s) in Windows Explorer.
- by daguej 532 Installs
PasteWrap wraps your Sublime Text selection(s) with whatever is on the clipboard.
- by kkujawinski MacLinux 552 Installs
Patch Apply Sublime Text 3 plugin
- by titoBouzout ST3 Top 25 2.90M Installs
Side Bar Tools and Enhancements for Sublime Text. Files and folders.
- by wisdman ST3 36K Installs
Custom Sublime Text 3 SideBar context menu
- by santi-h 1K Installs
Sublime package to build and send commands to clipboard depending on file.
- by rosshadden Trending 28K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for easier cursor navigation of XML and HTML files using XPath 1.0.