- by AoiKuiyuyou 971 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to always show console panel at startup.
- by meloalright Missing 888 Installs
A simple sublime plugin to complete console.log automatically when type letter c
- by Joe Esposito 23K Installs
Run a Sublime Text command in a console window. Supports both Sublime Text 2 & 3.
- by David Bekoyan 80K Installs
This plugin helps you to work easily with log statements
- by chrissimpkins 67K Installs
Glue is a plugin that joins your shell to Sublime Text in quasi-perfect harmony.
- by scholer 1K Installs
Enable and adjust logging output from the standard logging library. (Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3+)
- by syko 2K Installs
Javascript console.log statements at the tip of your fingers
- by futureprogrammer360 ST4 404 Installs
⌨ Sublime Text plugin for easy insertion of print/debug statements
- by spywhere ST3 89K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 Plugin for Sublime Text's Internal Console
- by Wramberg ST3 MacLinux 89K Installs
Terminal inside Sublime Text 3 view
- by Josh Goebel ST4 MacLinux 2K Installs
Tint Terminal - a lightweight terminal in a tab