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Agila Theme

by arvi ST3 Top 100

A Sublime Text 3 UI Theme



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Agila Theme

A Sublime Text 3 UI Theme

Couldn't find a theme I really dig, so I tried to make my own theme based on all the things/elements I like from wonderful themes I've used before. :)


Screenshots below are based on the default starting point of all Agila Themes wherein Font face: Inconsolata | Font size: 21*.

You can customize the UI to your liking (e.g camouflage workspace with the color scheme background, sidebar, tab, autocomplete, and scrollbar setup/color preferences) by referring to the Settings section of this documentation. Enjoy! :)

Agila Theme

Agila Origin Theme

Agila Dracula Theme

Agila Monokai Theme

Agila Cobalt Theme

Agila Classic Theme

Agila Light Theme

Agila Neon Theme

How to Install

Chill way

via Package Control, where Agila is listed as Agila Theme.

  1. Open Command Palette using menu item *Tools > Command Palette...* or CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P
  2. Choose Package Control: Install Package
  3. Find Agila Theme* and hit *Enter
Woooo way

via installing the theme manually.

  1. Download the latest release .zip
  2. Unzip and rename folder to Agila Theme.
  3. Move Agila Theme* folder inside the Packages directory (*Preferences > Browse packages...)


Agila themes include Markdown syntax highlighting provided you have Markdown Extended package installed.


Chill way via Skins

Skins provides an easy way to manage your themes for Sublime Text 3. Run its Select Skin command from the Command Palette Tools > Command Palette...* or CMD/CTRL + SHIFT + P and choose any of the various Agila theme variants from the list. **No extra steps for activating Markdown syntax highlighting based on selected theme.*

Woooo way

via User Preferences file (Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings - User). After setting up, don't forget to restart Sublime Text Editor for changes to take effect.

To also enable Markdown syntax highlighting based on selected theme:

  1. Open a Markdown file
  2. Go to Preferences > Settings - Syntax Specific and change color_scheme value based on the last color_scheme setting specific to theme below.
Default theme
"theme": "Agila.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Oceanic Next.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Oceanic Next Markdown.tmTheme"
Origin theme
"theme": "Agila Origin.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Origin Oceanic Next.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Oceanic Next Origin Markdown.tmTheme"
Dracula theme
"theme": "Agila Dracula.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Dracula.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Dracula Markdown.tmTheme"
Monokai theme
"theme": "Agila Monokai.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Monokai Extended.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Monokai Markdown.tmTheme"
Cobalt theme
"theme": "Agila Cobalt.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Cobalt.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Cobalt Markdown.tmTheme"
Classic theme
"theme": "Agila Classic.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Classic Oceanic Next.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Classic Oceanic Next Markdown.tmTheme"
Light theme
"theme": "Agila Light.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Light Solarized.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Light Solarized Markdown.tmTheme"
Neon theme
"theme": "Agila Neon.sublime-theme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Agila Neon Monocyanide.tmTheme",
"color_scheme": "Packages/Agila Theme/Markdown/Neon Monocyanide Markdown.tmTheme"

Note: You can use active guide with these schemes by adding: “json "indent_guide_options”: [ “draw_normal”, “draw_active” ],


### Settings
I've made some UI parts customizable e.g icon colors, sidebar items, etc.. :)

overrides default theme sidebar, scrollbars and tab background based on theme scheme background
"theme_agila_camouflage": true,

overrides default theme sidebar and tab background only based on theme scheme background “json "theme_agila_camouflage_semi”: true,

overrides all the theme_agila_* size settings; convenient for small laptops
"theme_agila_nano_mode": true,
"theme_agila_compact_sidebar": true,
SIDEBAR TREE SIZE (default: medium)
"theme_agila_sidebar_mini": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_xsmall": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_small": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_medium": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_large": true,
SIDEBAR HEADING (default: theme-based color)
"theme_agila_sidebar_heading_white": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_heading_gray": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_heading_lightblue": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_heading_yellow": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_heading_pink": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_font_xsmall": true, //font-size: 11
"theme_agila_sidebar_font_small": true, //font-size: 12
"theme_agila_sidebar_font_big": true, //font-size: 14
"theme_agila_sidebar_selected_entry_white": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_selected_entry_gray": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_selected_entry_lightblue": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_selected_entry_yellow": true,
"theme_agila_sidebar_selected_entry_pink": true,
SIDEBAR LIGHT ICONS (default: dark)
"theme_agila_sidebar_light_icons": true,

if a plus/minus icon is preferred beside folder icon “json "theme_agila_sidebar_plus_minus”: true,

"theme_agila_compact_tab": true,
ACTIVE TAB - TEXT COLOR (default: pink)
"theme_agila_active_tab_entry_white": true,
"theme_agila_active_tab_entry_gray": true,
"theme_agila_active_tab_entry_lightblue": true,
"theme_agila_active_tab_entry_yellow": true,
"theme_agila_active_tab_entry_pink": true,
MODIFIED TAB - ICON MARKER COLOR (default: light blue)
"theme_agila_modified_tab_marker_white": true,
"theme_agila_modified_tab_marker_gray": true,
"theme_agila_modified_tab_marker_lightblue": true,
"theme_agila_modified_tab_marker_yellow": true,
"theme_agila_modified_tab_marker_pink": true,
"theme_agila_auto_complete_white": true,
"theme_agila_auto_complete_gray": true,
"theme_agila_auto_complete_lightblue": true,
"theme_agila_auto_complete_yellow": true,
"theme_agila_auto_complete_pink": true,
SCROLLBAR COLORS (default: theme based color)
"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_white": true,
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_white": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_gray": true,
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_gray": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_lightblue": true,
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_lightblue": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_yellow": true,
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_yellow": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_pink": true,
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_pink": true,
"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thickest": true,   //width: 6
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thickest": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thicker": true,   //width: 5
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thicker": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thinner": true,    //width: 3
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thinner": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_thinnest": true,   //width: 2
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_thinnest": true,

"theme_agila_vertical_scrollbar_invisible": true,  //width:  0
"theme_agila_horizontal_scrollbar_invisible": true,

My Sublime Settings :p



- Visual Studio Code by whtsky

Thanks to

Fun Experiments :p

Have a color combination in mind or perhaps you also want to try and create your own? Check the Agila.sublime-theme source code… I made it super easy for anyone to customize a sublime UI theme through my extensive comments. :p Enjoy! :)