- by scotch-io Trending Top 100 588K Installs
For fun Color Scheme by Scotch.io for your Sublime Text 3 Editor
- by MarkMichos Trending Top 25 1.11M Installs
1337 - A Color Scheme for dark Sublime Text
- by idleberg Trending Top 100 440K Installs
3024 theme for TextMate & Sublime Text
- by multiversecoder 2K Installs
A new color scheme & theme inspired by Plan9 and Acme for Sublime Text
- by zaynali53 22K Installs
A Dark Color Scheme For Web Artisans
- by vlasikhin ST3 153 Installs
Aethra is a minimalist color scheme for Sublime Text, designed with simplicity and clarity in mind.
- by arvi ST3 Top 100 299K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 UI Theme
- by UnderlineWords 15K Installs
Color schemes for TextMate & Sublime Text
- by tonsky ST3 8K Installs
Minimalist color scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by yojeero 1K Installs
Sublime Text light scheme
- by vtu-dog Mac 419 Installs
Switch Sublime Text 3 color scheme based on ambient light readings
- by somelun 762 Installs
Dark color scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by Angular-io-Code 13K Installs
Main repository for Angular.io Code Color Theme
- by ant7 7K Installs
Ant - Sublime Text Theme
- by manikrathee 4K Installs
appealr, a SublimeText2 color scheme
- by idleberg 6K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the Apple Pips record label
- by armory-io 3K Installs
Tweaked and refined Sublime Text theme based on Cobalt2 by Wes Bos.
- by archydragon 4K Installs
Two ascetic Sublime Text color schemes
- by gerardbm 30K Installs
Atomic color scheme for Sublime Text
- by 9ebd7134 Missing 314 Installs
A very cool Color Scheme I made for All text editors which support .tmTheme
- by expalmer 10K Installs
Aurora Theme for Sublime Text
- by jrappen ST4 WinMac Missing 1K Installs
Automatic dark mode, switches Sublime Text's UI according to your OS's appearance.
- by smac89 ST4 Linux 162 Installs
Fix auto dark mode for sublime on Linux :sunglasses:
- by dempfi Top 100 520K Installs
🎨🖌 Modern Sublime Text theme
- by chriskempson 167K Installs
Base16 for TextMate & Sublime
- by pgaspar 29K Installs
A color scheme for Sublime Text based on tyre's Atom adaptation of Chris Kempson's Base 16 Eighties Theme.
- by Builder's Brewery (buildersbrewery) ST4 3K Installs
LSL for Sublime Text 4073+ with linting, tooltips & completions with your indent style of choice.
- by fnky 10K Installs
A theme that makes you happy like cats on the internet, and Morgan Freeman's sexy voice.
- by patoui ST4 239 Installs
The Berry colour scheme for Sublime Text is heavily inspired by PHPStorm Photon Theme which is inspired by Mozilla's theme
- by jonatasnardi Top 100 307K Installs
No description provided
- by edheltzel 23K Installs
A Sublime Text color scheme that is bright and dark - ES6 ready
- by isferhossain, HitBlast 883 Installs
Sublime port of the original Blast Dark theme for VS Code.
- by BlossomTheme 120 Installs
Blossom Theme for Sublime Text
- by diegocastro 14K Installs
No description provided
- by archydragon 4K Installs
Yet another dark colour scheme for Sublime Text 2 / TextMate
- by MJIO 13K Installs
Sublime Text color scheme based on the excellent Jellybeans color scheme for Vim.
- by ihodev ST3 Top 100 304K Installs
It Was the Most Hackable Theme for Sublime Text 3
- by jwortmann ST3 48K Installs
Color scheme for Sublime Text inspired by Adobe Brackets
- by vinkla 2K Installs
Color scheme for Atom, Terminal, iTerm 2, TextMate and Sublime Text
- by eibbors 10K Installs
PG rated expansion of a boney theme of mine
- by rahulsharmagg 171 Installs
Candy Dark is a Sublime Color Scheme for all who loves color while coding. This Color Scheme is specially designed for JavaScript.
- by nonisolated 319 Installs
Color scheme for Sublime Text
- by Catppuccin ST3 11K Installs
🍋 Soothing pastel color schemes for Sublime Text
- by patrickfatrick 2K Installs
The Orchid theme for SublimeText
- by Dnld Missing 3K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 color scheme based on Oceanic Next: ready for ES6, optimized for babel-sublime
- by jorgehatccrma 3K Installs
Color scheme for Sublime Text
- by droekm 2K Installs
an color scheme for Sublime Text
- by mapsiter 4K Installs
Syntax theme mimicking Chrome Developer Tools
- by jturcotte 8K Installs
A mellow dark color scheme easy for the eye.
- by vinhnx Missing 8K Installs
Ciapre - an easy-on-the-eyes Sublime Text/TextMate color scheme.
- by hum-n 2K Installs
Sublime Text Color Scheme based on Xcode 8 Civic theme (WWDC 2016 colors)
- by lemorage 274 Installs
A dark-based elegant theme for Sublime Text
- by gkal19 Missing 270 Installs
A Basic theme for Devs
- by cschubiner 7K Installs
Beautiful color schemes created by Clay Schubiner
- by csch0 4K Installs
Clouds Color Schemes for Sublime Text
- by ojbaeza 2K Installs
Dark themes based on Coda's default theme
- by EncryptEx 594 Installs
Codefall is a dark Color-Scheme for Sublime Text.
- by hanakin 8K Installs
A CodeRunner like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2, with exanded HTML, CSS, & LESS variants as well
- by watergear 23K Installs
Coffee smell
- by jolleyjoe 5K Installs
No description provided
- by jobedom 17K Installs
Sublime Text theme
- by 53v3n3d4 2K Installs
Color scheme for Sublime Text editor
- by MagicStack 37K Installs
Sublime Text & Atom color scheme.
- by marwan37 989 Installs
CoderPad-like Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- by quimcalpe 28K Installs
Sublime Text theme, soft & creamy colors
- by geekpradd 15K Installs
A Color Scheme for Sublime Text with emphasis on the color brown
- by txdm 15K Installs
Eazy Light is a light Sublime Text color scheme for web developers that blends elements from Chrome Developer Tools, XCode, classic BBEdit, and Eifell coloring. Optimized for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- by mimshwright 8K Installs
An delicious, aubergine color theme for Sublime Text by Mims H. Wright.
- by bernatfortet 29K Installs
Sublime Text Theme specifically designed for Front End lengauges by Bernat Fortet
- by gerbus ST3 7K Installs
🌌A stimulating but fulfilling psychedelic-come-down theme for Sublime
- by philipbelesky 14K Installs
A colour scheme for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code that takes design cues from popular minimalist Markdown text editors.
- by jolleyjoe 9K Installs
A greyer spin of the Dawn theme by David Powers for ST 2/3
- by SublimeText ST3 26K Installs
Color schemes that were part of Sublime Text 2 and older builds of Sublime Text 3
- by Daniel Siepmann 25K Installs
A simple color scheme that supports many languages and plugins.
Using a very simple blue gray mix of colors.
- by E1ectroN 12K Installs
SublimeText 3 color scheme with pastels colors
- by Pradyun Gedam 27K Installs
A bright color scheme for Sublime Text 2 and 3.
- by Ralf S. Engelschall 11K Installs
Sublime Text Color Scheme RSE
- by saulhudson 21K Installs
Sublime Text 2 color Scheme
- by carlcalderon 26K Installs
A collection of color schemes.
- by godbout 42K Installs
Sleeplessmind (Dark) Color Theme for Sublime Text 2/3/4
- by blackdaw 20K Installs
Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2
- by chaserogers Missing 4K Installs
Sublime Text 3 color schemes. Available through Package Control.
- by Christopher Hamilton 19K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 color scheme for Web Developers
- by gerardroche ST3 5K Installs
Color scheme Sublime Text Unit Testing.
- by tonylegrone 30K Installs
No description provided
- by Colorsublime ST3 Top 100 406K Installs
Plugin for Color Sublime
- by cyevgeniy 97 Installs
Color scheme without syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by enteleform-releases ST3 2K Installs
Define separate color schemes for specific paths, extensions, & filenames.
- by Karl von Laudermann ST3 502 Installs
A tastefully minimal, high contrast, light mode syntax coloring scheme for Sublime Text
- by CrafterSama 865 Installs
A Fresh Colors Scheme for Sublime-Text
- by aranajhonny 510 Installs
Sublime syntax theme, based in vaporwave colors.
- by gaalha 883 Installs
Color-Scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by electricgraffitti 2K Installs
Cube2Media Sublime Text 2 Theme
- by ihodev ST3 2K Installs
Popular Color Schemes for Sublime Text 3, Those Are Compatible with DA UI Engine
- by gobijan 343 Installs
DA CS recovery
- by jpetrucciani, wuz 4K Installs
A danker, more neon theme for sublime text.
- by Scott Grivner 826 Installs
🏰 🌲 A vibrantly elegant dark color scheme available for Sublime. Inspired by the timeless beauty and mystery of medieval castles, this theme combines rich, deep colors with a clean and modern design.
- by Fernando2603 ST3 1K Installs
sublime color scheme
- by willsoto Missing 14K Installs
Port of Atom's Dark Fusion Syntax
- by AmjadHD ST3 13K Installs
🎨 An elegant dark color scheme for Sublime Text ⚡.
- by mmkjony 9K Installs
DarkLime is dark color scheme for Sublime Text. This color scheme will make your codes easy for your eyes to read.
- by Mosquito13 6K Installs
Colors based on Google Chrome Dev Tools (Dark Theme)
- by RainyDayMedia 33K Installs
Dark Neon theme for Sublime Text, Mou, & Others
- by jdiehl 19K Installs
Dark pastel-colored Sublime Text / TextMate Color Scheme
- by draganmilenkovic 2K Installs
Professional Dark Sublime Text Color Schemes Collection
- by mattchanner 70K Installs
IntelliJ Darkula Sublime Text / TextMate Color Scheme
- by ihodev ST3 18K Installs
Adaptive, Customizable, Elegant UI Theme and Color Schemes
- by daylerees 156K Installs
Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees.
- by samueljohn 3K Installs
A decent color scheme for Sublime Text 2/3. Tailored for Python, CSS and Ruby. And regexp. highlighting.
- by jisaacks 5K Installs
A Sublime Text Color Scheme
- by iamsilvio 3K Installs
Delete on error Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- by JeisonJHA 3K Installs
A package with a new theme language for Sublime text, with snippets.
- by appleton 1K Installs
An editor theme adapted from Tomorrow
- by watergear 2K Installs
Sand land
- by fgb 3K Installs
Dark Sublime Text color scheme inspired by Hans Fugal's desert.vim
- by vlakarados 32K Installs
Ultra dark theme and color scheme for Sublime Text
- by shagabutdinov 2K Installs
No description provided
- by Cocaine Johnsson ST3 680 Installs
DevastateMini derivative + Mode-Z colours = Awesome
- by uonick 10K Installs
:necktie: Dimmed Color Theme for Sublime Text 2/3
- by DinkDonk 934 Installs
DinkDonk - A Dark Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- by charlesroper 9K Installs
A dark and vibrant syntax theme for Sublime Text.
- by radiosilence 11K Installs
A dark, clear, and pretty highlighting scheme for Sublime Text 2/3
- by bgx4k3p ST3 3K Installs
DokuWiki syntax highlighting and basic TAB-autocompletions for Sublime Text 3
- by dracula Top 100 248K Installs
🧛🏻♂️ Dark theme for Sublime Text
- by lsjroberts 2K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Drive Colour Scheme
- by Adarma Win 467 Installs
Adds support for the DOORS DXL language to SublimeText
- by Ben Busby 5K Installs
Sublime submodule for the earthbound-themes repo
- by Bogdan Lazar ST3 10K Installs
Superb theme for Sublime Text 3
- by Thomas-Boutin 1K Installs
Eiffel syntax and color highlighter for Sublime Text
- by nwoltman ST3 42K Installs
EJS syntax definition for Sublime Text 3 & 4
- by kcmr 4K Installs
Dark color scheme for Sublime Text based on Electron Highlighter for Atom
- by tdheff 2K Installs
EmoKid theme for Sublime Text
- by sandralundgren 4K Installs
Energy is a flat, colorful theme/UI combo for Sublime Text
- by enkia ST3 23K Installs
Enki Theme - A dark theme for Sublime Text
- by vincentmac 8K Installs
A dark color scheme for Sublime Text 2
- by tomaash 2K Installs
Colorful Sublime Text 3 color scheme based on Monokai and Next. ES6 ready.
- by Jeanmichel Cote 750 Installs
Clean, professional and low key color scheme for Sublime Text 3. ES6 ready.
- by POL Team ST3 980 Installs
eScript package for Sublime
- by TitanKing 6K Installs
Express Color Scheme For Sublime Text 2
- by ArtiomL 1K Installs
Sublime Text package for F5 iRules syntax highlighting and auto-completion
- by trevorstacy ST3 Missing 47K Installs
Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino
- by idleberg 975 Installs
A color scheme inspired by New Order's “Power Corruption & Lies” album
- by failcoder 3K Installs
Failcoder - Theme
- by imnotril 223 Installs
Port of Fall syntax color scheme to Sublime text
- by Mark Michos 6K Installs
a color theme for Sublime Text 3
- by willsoto Missing 3K Installs
Port of Atom's Firewatch Syntax for Sublime Text
- by gerardroche ST3 786 Installs
Monokai, Solarized, and three other popular color schemes for Sublime Text
- by XandrTV 6K Installs
Custom UI theme for Sublime Text based on Soda
- by noahbuscher ST3 12K Installs
Minimalist Sublime Text theme
- by Willamin ST3 948 Installs
A port of https://github.com/biletskyy/flatwhite-syntax for Sublime Text 3.
- by kepano 544 Installs
An inky color scheme for Sublime Text.
- by sindresorhus 3K Installs
Code editor color theme that lets you focus on the content. Available for Sublime Text, Atom, TextMate, Vim, Chocolat, and more...
- by frithrah 275 Installs
A collection of four minimal colour schemes for Sublime Text.
- by FedC 13K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Theme for frontend developers easy on the eyes.
- by gabrielizaias 803 Installs
A dark color scheme for Sublime Text
- by brandonferens 4K Installs
An easy to read dark color scheme based on Codeception for Sublime Text.
- by jasperjorna 26K Installs
An easy to read dark color scheme for Sublime Text.
- by runxel 1K Installs
:pencil: A Sublime Text package for the programming language GDL (Geometric Description Language)
- by dunckr 2K Installs
Hide that JavaScript syntax
- by zaynali53 4K Installs
Dark theme for Sublime text
- by ryanolsonx Missing 191 Installs
Minimalist Sublime Text color scheme (comments/strings highlighted)
- by joshhartigan Missing 219 Installs
A Sublime Text / TextMate Colour Scheme, inspired by Google.
- by 0xhjohnson ST3 6K Installs
Dark Sublime Text 3 UI Theme
- by Briles ST3 67K Installs
🎨 Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors
- by peaceant 21K Installs
gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme for Sublime Text
- by karimlevallois ST3 11K Installs
Gruvbox Material Theme for Sublime Text
- by poucotm ST3 56K Installs
🍁 Most Innovative Theme for Sublime Text
- by Brittany Chiang 3K Installs
Halcyon Theme for Sublime Text
- by jared-christensen 3K Installs
Designed for HTML CSS and JavaScript
- by AlanLynn 651 Installs
A dark color scheme that lets your eyes relax
- by oferei 2K Installs
Harmonious color schemes for Sublime Text
- by idleberg 2K Installs
A color scheme inspired by the art of Charley Harper
- by alex-pobeditel-2004 ST3 359 Installs
Make Sublime Text 3 even more high
- by kinoute ST3 981 Installs
A dark blue theme and color scheme for Sublime Text 3 and 4.
- by idleberg 3K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the Hopscotch learning platform for kids
- by Briles ST3 2K Installs
Color scheme based on Horizon for Visual Studio Code
- by chemdemo 2K Installs
An ice-color-style color schema for Sublime Text 2.
- by zaizupro ST3 3K Installs
Hyper Super Duper sublime text 3 theme for industrial coding.
- by sethlopez ST3 21K Installs
A color scheme for Sublime Text 3.
- by EddyVinck 1K Installs
a theme I made based on Webstorm
- by gnat ST4 571 Installs
🛸 Dark Color Theme for Sublime Text 4
- by gingerBill 2K Installs
Iridis Colour Schemes
- by sri-ni 3K Installs
A color scheme for Sublime Text, inspired by IronMan.
- by anubhavkrishna1 ST3 66 Installs
JellyFish: A Dark color sheme For sublime text 4. Inspired from vscode-jellyfish.
- by Johny Georges 1K Installs
JetJet-Theme for Sublime Text 3
- by Monox18 3K Installs
Add symbol navigation and colorful syntax to JSON files. All Sublime Text built-in color schemes are supported.
- by maxhoffmann 1K Installs
:art: Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- by idleberg 2K Installs
Color scheme inspired by Mount Kimbie's second album
- by kcmr 822 Installs
Kustom Color Schemes for Sublime Text
- by daris 7K Installs
Kwrite color scheme for Sublime Text 2
- by yos-virtus 25K Installs
Light color scheme for Sublime Text 3 Editor.
- by villimagg 42K Installs
A Laravel Paste Bucket like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2
- by michaeldyrynda ST3 17K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 theme based on the Laravel documentation colour scheme
- by lewislepton 119 Installs
not too dark, not too bright. just right
- by ooXei1sh 1K Installs
- by sammagee 4K Installs
Sublime Variation of https://github.com/brendt/phpstorm-light-lite-theme
- by saleh49 469 Installs
🌱 A grassy and colorful over dark Sublime Text theme.
- by lioshi 4K Installs
A dark theme for sublime text
- by mattchanner 587 Installs
A Text Mate theme
- by yojeero 833 Installs
Sublime Text dark scheme
- by Makopo 3K Installs
Syntax definitions for LSL(Linden Scripting Language) in Second Life and OSSL(OpenSimulator Scripting Language) in OpenSimulator.
- by aleohq ST4 171 Installs
Leo syntax and language server
- by raphamorim Missing 4K Installs
The best flat theme for Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, Jetbrains Editors, Terminal.app, iTerm, Xcode, Windows Terminal and XTerm
- by smadeja 113 Installs
Minimalistic Sublime Text colour scheme with constant luminance
- by Phunky 1K Installs
SublimeText 2 Theme
- by vitalfadeev ST3 334 Installs
Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3. Concept is: Focus on important words. D language only.
- by willsoto Missing 3K Installs
Sublime Syntax Theme based off of Mandarin and Peacock
- by SublimeText-Markdown Trending Top 100 634K Installs
Powerful Markdown package for Sublime Text with better syntax understanding and good color schemes.
- by willsoto 82K Installs
Sublime Text syntax theme based off the Material Design color palette
- by zyphlar ST3 Top 100 269K Installs
🎨 Elegant themes for Sublime Text 3
- by saadq ST3 38K Installs
Materialize addon to enable tinted appbar for your Sublime Text
- by saadq ST3 11K Installs
Enable white panels and inputs for Materialize
- by hlrossato 54K Installs
Material Monokai Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by Avtandil Kikabidze aka LONGMAN 11K Installs
Minimalist Sublime Text 2/3 UI dark theme and color schemes. Includes HDPI support for retina displays.
- by equinusocio, material-theme, SublimeText ST3 Top 25 1.34M Installs
Material Theme, a theme for Sublime Text 3, made by Mattia Astorino
- by equinusocio ST3 Missing 66K Installs
Enable the Material Theme white panels and inputs
- by mauroreisvieira ST3 2K Installs
The most powerful theme for Sublime Text 3
- by vicky002 248 Installs
Color Full Theme for All Text Editors!
- by daytonn 512 Installs
A dark theme for Sublime Text 2/3
- by djjcast 4K Installs
A port of a Vim color scheme to Sublime Text 2.
- by KeeMeng ST3 465 Installs
Macro/Keybind Mod Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 3/4 (For Minecraft 1.6.2-1.12.2)
- by gerardroche ST3 4K Installs
Molokai color scheme.
- by lightify97 2K Installs
A color scheme for sublime text.
- by ericmagnuson 3K Installs
Monarch, a theme for Sublime Text
- by kristopherjohnson 3K Installs
Monochrome color schemes for Sublime Text
- by Centril 14K Installs
Sublime Text: Monocyanide is Cyanide-ified Monokai Extended: darker background & lighter foregrounds.
- by dcasella 86K Installs
A modern Monokai theme for Sublime Text 3 and Visual Studio Code
- by ctruett 11K Installs
Monokai Blueberry
- by avivace 3K Installs
A Monokai color scheme for Sublime Text, providing both colored and text-style preview for MarkdownEditing
- by gerardroche 8K Installs
Monokai Sublime Text color scheme.
- by IanWold 19K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 color scheme, the same as Monokai dark, but has "true" gray backgrounds.
- by ColibriApps Missing 44K Installs
Sublime's Monokai Theme with Beautiful Colored JSON
- by josh-kaplan 11K Installs
A slightly modified and extended version of Monokai based on Monokai Extened with support added for highlighted levels of JSON based on MonokaiJSON+.
- by mmghv 6K Installs
Extends monokai with rich syntax highlighting for: PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, Blade, Markdown ..
- by ThePythonGuy3 ST3 2K Installs
Light coloured dark Monokai color scheme
- by pyoio 118K Installs
Monokai themes for Sublime matching Spacegray (dark and eighties) backgrounds
- by mauroreisvieira ST4 840 Installs
Sublime Theme with bubblegum colors on a moonlit background
- by samiransarii 4K Installs
🎨 Modern Theme for Sublime Text 3
- by mreq 3K Installs
A custom dark Sublime Text 2/TextMate theme
- by ProjectCleverWeb 4K Installs
Color Schemes Designed For Humans To Read. These color schemes are designed to work with Sublime Text 2/3 as well as any other IDE that uses .tmTheme files.
- by ianharper ST3 2K Installs
SublimeText Syntax for MultiValue BASIC
- by lyubenblagoev 4K Installs
Sublime Text - Mustang Color Scheme
- by superjan 28 Installs
A small, dark color scheme
- by dempfi 4K Installs
Dark and bright them for Sublime
- by nemoDreamer 447 Installs
nemoDreaming theme and snippets for Sublime Text
- by MattDMo 50K Installs
A colorful bright-on-black color scheme for Sublime Text. Its aim is to make as many languages as possible look as good as possible. Includes extended support for Python, Ruby, Clojure, JavaScript/JSON, C/C++, diff, HTML/XML, Markdown, PHP, CSS/SCSS/SASS, GitGutter, Find In Files, PackageDev, Regex, SublimeLinter, and much more.
- by bartdorlandt ST3 72 Installs
Sublime text 3 highlighting syntax for NetYCE for both templates and scenarios
- by notpushkin 591 Installs
Syntax theme for Sublime Text
- by taniarascia 10K Installs
New Moon Syntax Theme for Sublime Text
- by alexeyneu ST3 1K Installs
No description provided
- by VonHeikemen ST3 11K Installs
A Sublime Text color scheme based on Sarah Drasner's Night Owl VSCode theme
- by notiv-nt 1K Installs
No description provided
- by geekpradd 4K Installs
A Color Scheme for Sublime Text meant for nocturnal coders
- by umazi 249 Installs
Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code Color Scheme
- by argyleink 4K Installs
🎮 dark theme with bubble gum code highlighting and subdued machine characters for optimal dev focus and nostalgia
- by noct 2K Installs
Night-time-friendly color scheme for Sublime Text.
- by mortalis13 734 Installs
A Theme for Sublime Text editor
- by Arctic Ice Studio ST3 24K Installs
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Sublime Text theme.
- by pappkamerad 1K Installs
A retro sci-fi color theme for Sublime Text
- by evandrocoan 11K Installs
Notepad++ Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- by Will-ALVIDI 9K Installs
Theme for Sublime Text especially design for C++ Starting Kit
- by jbrooksuk 6K Installs
A customized Oblivion theme for Sublime Text, originally created by Paolo Borelli.
- by Marcus Ekwall <marcus.ekwall@gmail.com> 12K Installs
A dark color scheme for code editors and highlighters
- by memco 27K Installs
A color scheme for Textmate/Sublime
- by voronianski 73K Installs
:triangular_ruler: Sublime Text color scheme ready for next generation JavaScript syntax
- by bloemert-group 7K Installs
Color scheme for VS Code, Sublime Text and Atom
- by barlog-m 709 Installs
Oceanic Primal color scheme for Sublime Text
- by Odhin Themes 211 Installs
Odhin Theme for Sublime
- by Rayraegah ST3 6K Installs
Adaptive colour schemes for Sublime Text 3
- by pavelrevak 4K Installs
Sublime Text 3: High contrast color scheme with black background for OLED screens
- by IceTimux 112K Installs
A port of the One Dark color scheme from Github's Atom editor.
- by sonph 8K Installs
A clean and vibrant color scheme for Sublime Text. Light and Dark. Choose your side.
- by hawkw 2K Installs
Minimal SublimeText colorschemes intended for use with the Spacegray UI.
- by Daniel Magnusson(danielmagnussons) 26K Installs
orgmode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.
- by kdar 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Color Schemes (textmate) created by Kevin Darlington.
- by siamak 16K Installs
Panda syntax theme for Sublime Text.
- by idleberg 12K Installs
Dark variant of the Paraíso color scheme
- by idleberg 3K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the art of Rubens LP
- by XenHat 5K Installs
Colorful, low-saturation, supports several languages and plugins
- by projectivetech 10K Installs
DEPRECATED! Color schemes for Sublime Text 2&3, including extended coloring for Markdown, reStructuredText, Ruby, C/C++ CSS, SASS/SCSS, JSON, Git, GitGutter, DIFF and SublimeLinter
- by stuartherbert 17K Installs
A Sublime Text 2 colour scheme built around earthy colours
- by wh0am1-dev 4K Installs
PICO-8 plugin for the Sublime Text 3 editor.
- by pkkid 1K Installs
SublimeText2 Color Scheme
- by praveenpuglia 3K Installs
A light color scheme with popping colors.
- by LPGhatguy ST3 1K Installs
A dark style for Sublime Text 3; a fork of Preap and Darkside
- by equinusocio ST3 7K Installs
Dark UI for Sublime Text by Mattia Astorino
- by jamiewilson Top 100 404K Installs
Predawn is a dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text and Atom.
- by varemenos 44K Installs
A fork of flatland monokai for the predawn UI
- by jrnewell 36K Installs
A modified twilight Sublime Text 3 Theme/Color Scheme for Predawn
- by huijing 3K Installs
🌈 A dark yet excessively colourful Sublime Text theme
- by afonsopacifer 973 Installs
:jack_o_lantern: A halloween theme, inspired on Github Halloween Themed Contribution Graph.
- by my7h3le 906 Installs
A standout Sublime Text color scheme that's easy on the eyes
- by klomontes 4K Installs
Custom color scheme for Sublime Text
- by tompave 35K Installs
A color scheme for Sublime Text and TextMate, based on Base16 and optimized for Ruby.
- by tdm00 53K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Theme based on Railscasts
- by jzelenkov 15K Installs
Extends original Railscasts theme with additional syntax highlighting for Markdown, LESS, HTML, Handlebars and more.
- by AhanM 5K Installs
Bright on dark colourful themes for Sublime Text inspired by the popular RainbowDrops theme for Eclipse.
- by vbasky 166 Installs
RaSpring Color Scheme for Sublime
- by planetoftheweb ST3 2K Installs
Theme for Sublime Text with an emphasis on Markdown
- by raydric Missing 938 Installs
Raydric - Color scheme (Sublime Text 2)
- by mattmag ST3 386 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 color scheme inspired by flight instruments and jetliner cockpits.
- by eliquious 4K Installs
A Sublime Text 2 color scheme based off of the "Ciapre Dark" theme with slight mods
- by carloscuesta 811 Installs
Resesif is a dark color scheme for Sublime Text.
- by idleberg 7K Installs
Color schemes for Textmate and Sublime Text, based on palettes of vintage computers
- by rybtech 1K Installs
Rohingya is a dark sublime text 3 color scheme
- by BaseSecrete 236 Installs
Accessible Textmate and Sublime text color schemes based on RoRvsWild colors.
- by stil 8K Installs
Dark color scheme for Sublime Text 2/3
- by dennistimmermann 5K Installs
Blue-ish color scheme for Sublime Text
- by czettnersandor 3K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Glowfish Theme with vintage hacker look
- by benweier 27K Installs
A color scheme selector for Sublime Text.
- by csknklc Missing 2K Installs
Color Schemes for Sublime-Text 2/3
- by braver ST3 New 27 Installs
Selenized color scheme for Sublime Text
- by kn9ts 1K Installs
An easy-on-the-eye SublimeText syntax theme inspired by Google Pocket's sepia reading theme. --
- by bertolinimarco 2K Installs
:fireworks: A scope-oriented theme, with focus on HTML-CSS-JS
- by ctf0 ST3 Top 100 410K Installs
Seti_UI Port for ST3.
- by ctf0 76K Installs
Seti Improved Scheme/Syntax-HL for ST.
- by gsheru 4K Installs
Sherumite Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by iuliantatarascu 815 Installs
Light and dark color scheme for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code.
- by Ayham Al-Ali 1K Installs
Skript Language Modern Syntax Highlighting. Skript is a Minecraft plugin that allows you to write codes with plain english and use it as plugins
- by Briles ST3 1K Installs
Color scheme based on Sindre Sorhus' Snazzy
- by braver ST3 139K Installs
Solarized color scheme and theme for Sublime Text
- by Rayraegah ST3 921 Installs
Solarized in OKLab color space
- by damccull 15K Installs
A very simple plugin that lets you toggle between color schemes.
- by Rodrigo Franco 1K Installs
Easy on eyes sublime theme. Mixing zenburn, seoul256 and my own opinions.
- by ZhongXiLu 756 Installs
🚀 🦆 SpaceDuck Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- by David Bekoyan 2K Installs
A Sublime Text Color Scheme
- by serogers 658 Installs
An easy-on-the-eyes color scheme for the everyday coder.
- by hhofner ST3 253 Installs
A Sublime Text 4 color theme based on antfu's Vitesse
- by idleberg 3K Installs
A collection of color schemes based on subway maps from around the world
- by thgie Missing 3K Installs
No description provided
- by frou 2K Installs
Sublime Text Package
- by mateusortiz 2K Installs
Sunnyvale Theme for Sublime Text, Textmate and Chrome DevTools
- by jgroac ST3 15K Installs
Sunrise Theme, Solarized theme for Sublime Text 3
- by justindmartin 2K Installs
A theme for Sublime Text 2
- by rafmjr 713 Installs
Sync UI Schemes between Sublime Text and Sublime Merge
- by unitmatrix 27K Installs
SyntaxHighlighter Theme for Sublime Text Editor
- by ryanolsonx Missing 208 Installs
Ultra-minimalist Sublime Text color scheme (no highlighting!)
- by lucasvscn 5K Installs
Synthwave inspired colour theme for Sublime Text
- by gregschoen 3K Installs
Syslog Config Highlighting for Sublime Text
- by watergear 4K Installs
Tea smell
- by dotHTM ST3 769 Installs
A Sublime Text color scheme inspired by the Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator series of musical instruments.
- by Tempo Theme 879 Installs
A dark Sublime theme made by [Tempo](https://tempo.io)
- by lodev09 ST3 11K Installs
Sublime Text theme. Adaptive but better, IMO
- by DiegoAz ST3 30K Installs
Sublime Text theme inspired by autumn colors
- by Yummygum 41K Installs
No description provided
- by wesbos 132K Installs
Tweaked and refined Sublime Text theme based on the original cobalt.
- by piotrkubisa ST3 32K Installs
ElementaryOS inspired UI theme for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3.
- by jobedom 5K Installs
Dark custom UI theme for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3
- by bluefirex ST3 4K Installs
foculor Theme for Sublime Text 3
- by karelvuong 21K Installs
A UI + syntax theme for @SublimeText based on Mozilla's Firefox Developer Edition.
- by shovelandsandbox 54K Installs
Glacier is a flat, colorful theme/scheme combo for Sublime Text.
- by amirrustam 3K Installs
Dark, flat, and minimal theme with pretty color schemes for Sublime Text.
- by nickbalestra ST3 35K Installs
Minimal theme for Sublime Text 3
- by flovan 11K Installs
A series of Sublime Text 3 themes inspired by a journey into outerspace.
- by Kronuz 16K Installs
Kronuz Theme for Sublime Text 3
- by lytedev 9K Installs
A minimal, aesthetically pleasing theme for Sublime Text 3.
- by manse 2K Installs
A UI themes for Sublime Text 3 based on Lanzhou
- by grandsilence ST3 3K Installs
No description provided
- by AmjadHD ST3 11K Installs
🎨 A port of Atom's One Dark and One Light UI and Syntax Themes ⚡.
- by karelvuong 28K Installs
⚠️ No longer supported ⚠️ - A UI + syntax theme for @SublimeText inspired by GitHub's UI.
- by xianghongai ST3 3K Installs
Purple, Simple, A Sublime Text 3 UI Theme.
- by rose-pine 1K Installs
Soho vibes for Sublime Text
- by circlecrystal 22K Installs
No description provided
- by TheBaronHimself 38K Installs
A dark, minimal theme for Sublime Text.
- by jasperjorna 40K Installs
A minimalistic theme for Sublime Text that comes in 2 flavours.
- by SublimeText Trending Top 100 513K Installs
A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
- by cursivecode 7K Installs
A dark theme/scheme for Sublime Text
- by p3lim 5K Installs
Sublime Text 3 - Color Scheme
- by jrvieira 4K Installs
No description provided
- by tinacious 2K Installs
:traffic_light: Tinacious Design syntax theme for Sublime Text.
- by juliotrigo 4K Installs
Today color scheme for SublimeText
- by Maximo Mussini (elmassimo) ST4 961 Installs
🌚🌞 Toggle between dark and light mode in Sublime Text 4
- by theymaybecoders 178K Installs
Tomorrow Color Schemes for SublimeText 2
- by not-kennethreitz 15K Installs
Tomorrow Night Color Schemes for SublimeText 3, with Italics on comments!
- by mariusz-kowalski 623 Installs
No description provided
- by bcomnes 8K Installs
:bike: A standalone fork of the tron color scheme for sublime text, including Tron Legacy
- by eduardolundgren 2K Installs
Slightly modified version of Tubster Color Theme for my taste.
- by swartzrock 3K Installs
Dark and light writer-friendly themes for Sublime Text and TextMate
- by xy2z 7K Installs
Twilight color scheme for Sublime Text with Markdown highlighting
- by Sepehr Aryani 227 Installs
twilight bright colour scheme for sublime text
- by Centril 8K Installs
Sublime Text: Twilightcyanide is Cyanide-ified Twilight: darker background & lighter foregrounds.
- by imagentleman 6K Installs
Colorful and Black & White color schemes for Sublime Text, and themes for Visual Studio Code, Textmate and Atom
- by rubjo 2K Installs
The ultimate dark colour scheme for code
- by rubjo 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 theme + scheme, inspired by Spacegray + Mariana
- by ishanray 580 Installs
Sublime Text Color Scheme
- by Trismegistos84 Missing 22K Installs
Visual Studio with bold keywords color scheme for Sublime Text
- by vbasky 15K Installs
Visual Studio Code Colour Scheme for Sublime
- by nikeee 48K Installs
Dark Visual Studio color scheme for Sublime Text
- by frankjonen 302 Installs
Dedicated JSON environment for Sublime Text 2
- by toshimaru ST3 147 Installs
Wakame Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3/4.
- by JeremySaks 456 Installs
A harmonious dark-themed color scheme for Sublime Text 2 and 3.
- by idleberg 2K Installs
Color scheme for Sublime Text and TextMate
- by matiaspub 11K Installs
No description provided
- by TEParsons ST3 385 Installs
A colour scheme for Sublime Text which is styled after Whitelines notepads
- by strongliang 5K Installs
White Night - an easy-on-the-eyes Sublime Text (2/3) color scheme
- by mashaal 3K Installs
:princess::tulip::japanese_ogre: A fairy-tale inspired theme, with tasteful use of emojis
- by tushortz 2K Installs
A vibrant colour scheme with git-gutter and SublimeLinter support. It supports over 75 languages
- by Ryan McQuen ST3 952 Installs
An approximation of Jonathan Blow's Emacs color scheme for Sublime Text.
- by wolf-theme 14K Installs
Minimal dark theme for Sublime
- by randy3k 4K Installs
Wombat Color Scheme for Sublime
- by vlad-saling 1K Installs
Sublime/TextMate hightlight theme based on Wombat
- by tonsky 3K Installs
A color scheme for focused long-form writing
- by kmisiunas 4K Installs
Theme for writing articles in Sublime Text using Latex or Markdown
- by x3ns <ns@nsyed.com> 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 - Colors Scheme: x3-alpha
- by braver ST3 8K Installs
Color schemes for Sublime Text inspired by Xcode
- by anton-rudeshko ST3 270 Installs
Sublime Text syntax support for Yandex Wiki.
- by ctf0 ST3 990 Installs
Yeti_UI Port for ST3
- by ctf0 468 Installs
Yeti Improved Scheme/Syntax-HL for ST
- by zhuoqyin 609 Installs
No description provided
- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 34K Installs
Zenburn color scheme.
- by ryanolsonx Missing 617 Installs
Hand-crafted port of Zenburn from Vim. Low-contrast theme designed to be easy on your eyes. Embrace the Zen.
- by jrvieira 4K Installs
Sublime Text 3 Web Dev Color Scheme
- by zaynali53 6K Installs
Best for Night Coders
- by idleberg 3K Installs
The Life Aquatic inspired themes for TextMate & Sublime Text