- by spencerchristensen ST4 27 Installs
Ask perplexity.ai questions from within Sublime Text
- by Sublime-Instincts ST4 867 Installs
A Sublime Text package that allows a user to view all the available core/plugin commands for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge, along with their documentation/source.
- by sindresorhus Mac 2K Installs
Run JavaScript in the browser - Sublime plugin (macOS)
- by bteryek 38K Installs
On save opens up a user defined URL in your default web browser
- by jfcherng ST3 1K Installs
The ultimate Sublime Text plugin for opening URIs (URLs) in your file.
- by grubernaut 69K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to print colorized files as HTML via your browser.
- by Thomas Welter ST3 1K Installs
This plugin for Sublime Text 3 adds completions for es modules, import file paths and browser api's.