- by cameroncooper ST4 129 Installs
Chialisp plugin for Sublime Text
- by niosus ST3 52K Installs
:boom: Robust C/C++ code completion for Sublime Text 3/4
- by sublimelsp ST3 164K Installs
Client implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Sublime Text
- by sublimelsp ST3 3K Installs
Convenience plugin for Angular Language Service
- by sublimelsp ST4 1K Installs
Astro support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST4 902 Installs
Python support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through DetachHead/basedpyright.
- by sublimelsp ST3 9K Installs
Bash support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through bash-language-server.
- by sublimelsp ST4 233 Installs
Language tooling for the Bicep language
- by sublimelsp ST4 Trending 17K Installs
C/C++ support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through clangd.
- by TheSecEng, jfcherng ST4 21K Installs
GitHub Copilot support for Sublime Text LSP plugin provided through Copilot.vim.
- by sublimelsp ST3 13K Installs
CSS, SCSS, LESS support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST4 3K Installs
Convenience plugin for the Dart Analysis Server, bundled in the Dart SDK
- by sublimelsp ST4 2K Installs
Convenience package for starting the deno lsp server
- by sublimelsp ST3 9K Installs
Dockerfile support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 4K Installs
Elixir support for Sublime LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 808 Installs
Elm support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by jdkato ST4 115 Installs
A gnols client for Sublime Text.
- by sublimelsp ST4 Trending 12K Installs
Golang support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 2K Installs
GraphQL support for Sublime's LSP package
- by sublimelsp ST3 13K Installs
HTML support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 18K Installs
PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through intelephense.
- by sublimelsp ST4 4K Installs
Convenience package for the Eclipse JDT language server
- by sublimelsp ST3 Trending 26K Installs
Schema validation/completions for your JSON and Sublime files
- by sublimelsp ST4 2K Installs
Julia support for Sublime's LSP plugin using LanguageServer.jl
- by sublimelsp ST4 2K Installs
Kotlin support for Sublime's LSP package
- by sublimelsp ST3 2K Installs
XML support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by aleohq ST4 173 Installs
Leo syntax and language server
- by scalameta ST3 3K Installs
Sublime Text package for Metals, a language server for Scala
- by sublimelsp ST4 299 Installs
A convenience package for the official Nim language server.
- by sublimelsp ST4 4K Installs
Convenience plugin to install/update OmniSharp for LSP
- by Sublime-Instincts ST4 2K Installs
Prisma schema support for Sublime Text's LSP package using the Prisma Language Tools.
- by prometheus-community ST3 1K Installs
PromQL support for Sublime LSP plugin, using promql-langserver
- by sublimelsp ST3 Trending 25K Installs
Python support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through microsoft/pyright.
- by sublimelsp ST4 Trending 16K Installs
Convenience package for rust-analyzer
- by sublimelsp ST3 273 Installs
PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin using Serenata
- by sublimelsp ST4 96 Installs
Sass support for Sublime’s LSP plugin through Some Sass language server
- by sublimelsp ST3 4K Installs
Convenience plugin for Svelte Language Tools
- by HuygensING ST3 126 Installs
Sublime plugin for TAGML Language server
- by sublimelsp ST3 7K Installs
Tailwind css support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST4 3K Installs
Convenience package for the terraform language server
- by sublimelsp ST4 1K Installs
LaTeX support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through latex-lsp/texlab.
- by sublimelsp ST4 49 Installs
Twig support for Sublime’s LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 39K Installs
TypeScript, JavaScript support for Sublime LSP plugin
- by jdkato ST4 214 Installs
A vale-ls client for Sublime Text.
- by sublimelsp ST3 170 Installs
Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin through Vetur (DEPRECATED)
- by sublimelsp ST3 7K Installs
Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 10K Installs
Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin
- by sublimelsp ST3 9K Installs
YAML support for Sublime's LSP plugin using yaml-language-server
- by jotson 191K Installs
Auto-complete for PHP functions and objects
- by rsense 812 Installs
Intelligent code completion for Ruby in the Atom Editor. Requires Rsense.
- by Kronuz Top 25 1.85M Installs
Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine
- by Tabnine 126K Installs
Tabnine Autocomplete AI: JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, C/C++, HTML/CSS, Go, Java, Ruby, C#, Rust, SQL, Bash, Kotlin, Julia, Lua, OCaml, Perl, Haskell, React