- by Satoh-D 16K Installs
- by amit-bansil ST3 264 Installs
Sublime Plugin for creating GitHub Issues from TODO tags
- by icio 11K Installs
A simple Sublime Text package to preview markdown files with Marked.app from your 'tools' menu
- by compleatang 813 Installs
Build System for Legal Documents utilizing Legal_Markdown gem & Pandoc
- by brandonferens 4K Installs
An easy to read dark color scheme based on Codeception for Sublime Text.
- by kutu ST2 3K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin for editing files from www.PythonAnywhere.com hosting
- by pirackr 2K Installs
Vietnamese input method for Sublime Text 2 and 3 using the BoGo engine.
- by SublimeText ST3 857 Installs
Open the TortoiseHg workbench from Sublime Text
- by Rapptz 16K Installs
A sublime text plugin for C++ document autocompletion
- by bcj 2K Installs
Syntax Highlighting for J
- by mradamh 723 Installs
Simple ST3 plugin to provide shortcut for removing quotes around a selection
- by asdf23 27K Installs
Sublime 3 plugin for JavaScript files. Overloads autocomplete to show function definition
- by irrationalistic 13K Installs
SublimeText plugin for handling xml-based documentation in C-Sharp files.
- by adamchainz 233 Installs
✏️🐮 A silly little Sublime Text plugin for 2 and 3 to allow you to quickly convert a text selection to a cow speech bubble via the brilliant cowsay utility.
- by waigani 691 Installs
GoToggleDeclare is a Golang plugin for Sublime Text which toggles the short variable declaration := and the assignment operator =.
- by angular-ui Top 100 437K Installs
AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.
- by hashdog 329 Installs
Sublime plugin for post your code to scrapfy.io
- by ColonelThirtyTwo 24K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for auto-completion in Lua
- by danielfrg 6K Installs
Open files quicker and easier: Dynamic browsing or a static list of files
- by VoidPhantom 452 Installs
TADS 3 syntax for Sublime Text
- by y0ssar1an ST2 46K Installs
Sublime Text package for CSS3 syntax highlighting.
- by pwaleczek 33K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Theme
- by project-douglas 23 Installs
DEPRECATED. This repository is no longer maintained.
- by bcostoff ST3 3K Installs
Wrap HTML tags around selected text in Sublime Text 3
- by dariusf 419 Installs
A toy plugin for Sublime Text 2/3 that allows you to use nice Unicode λ symbols in your code and text.