- by elomarns ST2 4K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to automatically include #encoding: utf-8 on Ruby files when needed.
- by czottmann 8K Installs
[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Underscore 1.4 snippets for Sublime Text 2. The snippets follow object-oriented style, i.e. `_(array).map(…)`.
- by silk-web-toolkit 1K Installs
A set of Silk snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by jcowgar ST2 577 Installs
A simple task timer for Sublime Text Editor
- by berendbaas ST2 86 Installs
Very simple plugin that takes the selected regions in a file and pastes them in individual new files.
- by jbrooksuk ST3 7K Installs
Strip HTML content from selected text in Sublime Text 3
- by Lee Dohm (lee-dohm), Lifted Studios (lifted-studios) ST2 3K Installs
Automates adding/updating the appropriate copyright text at the top of a file.
- by tfimmers ST2 9K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Twitter Bootstrap snippets with Jade output. Direct conversion from DEVtellect's Bootstrap package.
- by willurd ST2 447 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin for displaying the syntax scope at the current cursor position in the status bar.
- by atroxell ST2 1K Installs
No description provided
- by apex2060 ST2 87 Installs
Agilix now provides you with templates - which you can manipulate and override. You can use this plugin for sublimetext which will compile and de-compile any templates so you can easily modify and override existing templates.
- by pmburov 24K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Html-compressor plugin
- by dhoelzgen 9K Installs
A TextMate Bundle for IcedCoffeeScript
- by jtallant 3K Installs
WordPress Genesis Framework snippets
- by khiltd ST2 183 Installs
Per-window display preferences for Sublime Text 2
- by hikaruworld ST2 1K Installs
Sublime text2 plugin. Dump the browser output.
- by frou 924 Installs
Sublime Text Package
- by frou 493 Installs
Sublime Text Package
- by nathanleiby 1K Installs
Sublime Text support for the ChucK language
- by LeeMallabone ST2 4K Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin to show the matching CSS selector when you have a closing brace selected.
- by marclar ST2 32 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin for appending random strings to your log messages, in the interest of simplifying debugging.
- by adampresley ST2 101 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to make source code more blog friendly
- by noklesta ST2 10K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin for navigating Ruby on Rails applications
- by manikrathee 4K Installs
appealr, a SublimeText2 color scheme
- by wyne 247 Installs
StackMob JavaScript Snippets for Sublime Text Editor