- by yojeero 1K Installs
light color scheme for Sublime Text
- by yojeero 807 Installs
dark color scheme for Sublime Text
- by willstott101 ST3 11K Installs
Syntax definitions of Django templates for Sublime Text
- by amezin ST3 65 Installs
Devhelp integration for Sublime Text
- by Ben Busby 5K Installs
Sublime submodule for the earthbound-themes repo
- by jamalsenouci ST3 15K Installs
Sublime Text Plugin that provides a configurable command and popup for folding code based on syntax
- by erremauro 11K Installs
Atom's OneDark inspired theme for Sublime Text
- by atecon ST3 135 Installs
Sublime support for hansl scripting language: syntax-highlighting, auto-complete, snippets
- by seanfagan 72 Installs
Syntax highlighting for the niche "webAgent" programming language in Sublime Text.
- by tonymagro 6K Installs
Closes the completion menu and exits insert mode when escape is pressed in Sublime Text vintage vim mode.
- by kiteco ST3 27K Installs
Kite Autocomplete Plugin for Sublime Text: Featuring AI-powered autocompletions, advanced function signatures, and instant documentation
- by philipbelesky 14K Installs
A colour scheme for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code that takes design cues from popular minimalist Markdown text editors.
- by antleblanc 342 Installs
Collection of OVHcloud UI Kit snippets for Sublime Text
- by lojoja ST3 323 Installs
Syntax highlighting for EdgeMax EdgeOS.
- by thoughtsunificator 295 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for userinterface.js
- by fawkesy ST3 494 Installs
ChoiceScript Syntax for Sublime
- by aurule 16K Installs
Alternative language definition for the JSON syntax
- by rctay 29K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to show build output in a view.
- by David Bekoyan ST3 5K Installs
This plugin provides you a comfortable interface for Sublime Text packages
- by etienne-monier ST3 429 Installs
A SublimeText pluggin for Ledger CLI
- by clemos 26K Installs
Sublime Text bundle for Haxe programming language
- by barryceelen 306 Installs
WordPress Coding Standards whitelist flags autocomplete snippets for Sublime Text
- by seanliang Trending Top 25 1.34M Installs
A Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for editing and saving files encoded in GBK, BIG5, EUC-KR, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS, etc.
- by multiversecoder 2K Installs
A new color scheme & theme inspired by Plan9 and Acme for Sublime Text
- by luleyleo 115 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin which provides a command to scroll by half pages (or any custom percentage)