- by seripap ST3 188 Installs
Travis CI build status information for active branch in Sublime Text 3
- by Niels Liisberg 622 Installs
RPG language syntax for Sublime Text
- by Magebinary 874 Installs
No description provided
- by lengstrom 3K Installs
Evaluate mathematical expressions in selection regions inline (deprecated)
- by Nessphoro 51K Installs
Provides actually decent code highlighting for x86-64 assembly in Sublime Text
- by atadams 24K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to convert CSS Hex colors to HSL.
- by XenHat 5K Installs
Colorful, low-saturation, supports several languages and plugins
- by byCedric ST3 Mac 109 Installs
A Sublime Text integration for swaglint
- by mreq 4K Installs
Sublime plugin to add/remove spaces around matching brackets.
- by ppxu ST3 Mac 433 Installs
✨ Runs semistandard --fix against the javascript in your ST3 window on save or manually.
- by gerardroche ST3 786 Installs
Monokai, Solarized, and three other popular color schemes for Sublime Text
- by enginespot Top 100 284K Installs
js-beautify for sublime
- by iccir ST3 36K Installs
OS X Yosemite inspired theme for Sublime Text 3
- by tadast 51K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for the latest Ruby and Rails versions
- by FlashSystems ST3 27K Installs
Logfile viewer and highlighter for Sublime Text 3
- by braindamageinc 28K Installs
HTTP client plugin for Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by berfarah 64K Installs
Less build sytem for Sublime Text 2
- by jacobrosenthal 22K Installs
Arduino Build System for Sublime Text 3
- by yrsegal 725 Installs
A sublime syntax for Minecraft 1.9 One Commands.
- by ahmedam55 14K Installs
sublime plugin to autocomplete all vars and mixins in files you set in the setting file
- by iynere ST3 1K Installs
Sublime Text plugin: converts spaces to tabs while you work, then back to spaces when you're done (or vice versa)
- by ProjectCleverWeb 4K Installs
Color Schemes Designed For Humans To Read. These color schemes are designed to work with Sublime Text 2/3 as well as any other IDE that uses .tmTheme files.
- by Radioreve ST3 385 Installs
Yummy sublime theme for when you're hungry
- by Robot-Will 96K Installs
A Sublime Text Plugin for Arduino
- by divinites ST3 2K Installs
A sublime text plug-in to manage GitHub repo issues :fire: