- by CromFr ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text completion, syntax highlighting and build system for NWScript (NSS) (NWN2 and possibly NWN1)
- by RohanVashisht1234 ST3 17 Installs
A syntax highlighter for the bend programming language for bend programming language
- by facelessuser ST3 Trending 129K Installs
Sublime plugin that provides helpful color previews and tooltips
- by gerardroche 8K Installs
Monokai Sublime Text color scheme.
- by SublimeText ST4 32 Installs
MCNP syntax for Sublime Text
- by jfcherng ST4 25K Installs
Sublime Text 4 plugin for Bootstrap class name autocompletion.
- by SublimeText ST4 526 Installs
AlpineJS syntax for Sublime Text
- by MGorkov ST3 155 Installs
Explain PostgreSQL plugin for Sublime Text
- by sindresorhus Top 100 488K Installs
Sublime plugin to prefix your CSS
- by zyphlar ST3 Trending Top 100 267K Installs
🎨 Elegant themes for Sublime Text 3
- by Abhishek Kumar ST4 122 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to generate python import statements and run django or pytest tests
- by kylebebak ST4 555 Installs
Sublime Text Tree-sitter configuration and abstraction layer
- by Vasfed ST3 5 Installs
SublimeText package for ytt syntax
- by Vasfed ST3 37 Installs
SublimeText starlark syntax package
- by sublimelsp ST4 14K Installs
C/C++ support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through clangd.
- by toshimaru ST3 115 Installs
Wakame Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3/4.
- by yeraydiazdiaz ST4 2K Installs
REST client for Sublime Text 4
- by titoBouzout ST3 Top 25 2.89M Installs
Side Bar Tools and Enhancements for Sublime Text. Files and folders.
- by JonBons 22K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 highlighter for Bohemia Interactive's SQF Language.
- by kapitanluffy ST4 94 Installs
📜 Displays the source plugin of your console logs
- by sublimelsp ST4 MacLinux 713 Installs
Convenience plugin for Apple's SourceKit language server
- by kapitanluffy ST4 65 Installs
Adds support to broadcasting file events to Sublime Text
- by misuzu ST3 MacLinux 646 Installs
direnv integration for Sublime Text 4
- by kaste 5K Installs
pytest runner and view annotator for sublime text
- by sublimelsp ST4 222 Installs
A convenience package for the official Nim language server.