- by thomscode ST3 352 Installs
Sublime text plugin that uses terminal-notifier or subnotify for event notifications
- by d0ugal ST2 2K Installs
RstPreview - a SublimeText plugin to view RST files in your browser.
- by nsubiron 2K Installs
QMake project file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by nlloyd 19K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Plugin providing integration with the Apache Maven build and project management tool
- by glutanimate ST3 MacLinux 2K Installs
Sublime Text plugin that adds a quick shortcut to make the current file executable
- by glutanimate ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text plugin that creates time-stamped backup copies of files
- by glutanimate ST3 Linux 445 Installs
Sublime Text plugin that opens files in Nautilus (default file manager for GNOME and Unity)
- by welovewordpress ST2 37K Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to format PHP code to meet the WordPress Coding Standards using a modified version of phptidy
- by vitorleal ST2 2K Installs
:space_invader: Sublime Text 2 package for converting CSS hexadecimal colors into RGB
- by jorgeatgu 1K Installs
A set of custom SVG-SMIL snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by philippotto 4K Installs
Transpiles, evaluates and prints code. Provides immediate feedback for code execution within Sublime Text.
- by seanjames777 17K Installs
Resources for Standard ML in Sublime Text 2, including syntax highlighting, a build system, and snippets.
- by magicdawn 3K Installs
razor-tmpl syntax definition & snippets for Sublime Text 3 or 2(not tested)
- by ribot 8K Installs
Snippets to help out with Android
- by sheerun 12K Installs
Sublime Text 3 (and 2) theme and color scheme for Hackers
- by cellis 1K Installs
CreateSavePrompt - a better "save" dialog for sublime text.
- by varemenos 44K Installs
A fork of flatland monokai for the predawn UI
- by jielimanyili 920 Installs
Sublime plugin to lowercase & hyphenate the selected strings
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) 4K Installs
Open a panel to browse and edit zip file's content on opening a zip file. .sublime-package also supported.
- by Yago 9K Installs
ST3 accessibility markup helper
- by chemdemo 2K Installs
An ice-color-style color schema for Sublime Text 2.
- by jrnewell 36K Installs
A modified twilight Sublime Text 3 Theme/Color Scheme for Predawn
- by vontio 45K Installs
xml to json and json to xml convert
- by jeloi 2K Installs
A sublime plugin to extract and visualize colors in your code using huely.co
- by iltempo 8K Installs
Sublime Text package for converting Ruby 1.8 hashes to Ruby 1.9 syntax