- by philippotto 25K Installs
A Sublime Text Plugin which adds various features for editing multiple selections.
- by fallrisk 3K Installs
Devicetree Highlighter for Sublime Text 3 (dts, dtsi).
- by jgroac ST3 15K Installs
Sunrise Theme, Solarized theme for Sublime Text 3
- by aparajita 3K Installs
Sublime Text 3 support for Active4D
- by ihodev ST3 2K Installs
Popular Color Schemes for Sublime Text 3, Those Are Compatible with DA UI Engine
- by ocolot ST3 363 Installs
Elixir linter using credo for Sublime Text 3 with SublimeLinter
- by p-e-w Linux 4K Installs
Make Sublime Text use the dark GTK+ theme variant (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
- by michaeldyrynda ST3 17K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 theme based on the Laravel documentation colour scheme
- by m-hall ST3 8K Installs
Plugin for SublimeText3 that enables SVN commands.
- by james2doyle 67K Installs
A collection of completions/snippets for node.js v8.x
- by maheshwaghmare 8K Installs
Sublime WordPress Code Reference - Search the codebase for documentation build with devhub https://developer.wordpress.org/.
- by Weilong Wang 37K Installs
A Monokai+ theme for Sublime Text 3. Already adapt to Build 3143.
- by ihodev ST3 18K Installs
Adaptive, Customizable, Elegant UI Theme and Color Schemes
- by EddyVinck 1K Installs
a theme I made based on Webstorm
- by DamnWidget ST3 10K Installs
Anaconda Rust offers auto completion, auto formatting and linting for Rust language that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3
- by bluepichu 291 Installs
ocp-indent for Sublime Text 3
- by DigitalInBlue 799 Installs
Sublime Text Highlighter for HIVE Log Files
- by gwenzek ST3 4K Installs
Markdeep support for Sublime Text
- by petervaro 14K Installs
ISO C11 standard based syntax highlighter language definition
- by petervaro 13K Installs
Python 3 and Cython language bundles for Sublime Text and TextMate
- by petervaro Top 100 546K Installs
Python 3 and Cython language bundles for Sublime Text and TextMate
- by jtowers ST3 348 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to provide integration with the Salesforce DX CLI
- by poucotm ST3 38K Installs
🍁 Modified Set of Seti_UI, Monokai Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by overcache Mac 52 Installs
reset input method to us when enter normal_mode, and restore previous input method when you enter insert_mode
- by SublimeText ST3 9K Installs
Sublime Text 2's default theme with retina graphics